


Troubles are usually the brooms and shovels that smooth the road to a man's good fortune, of which he little dreams.Many a man curses the rain that falls upon his head, and knows not that it brings abundance to drive away hunger; as is seen in the person of a young man of whom I will tell you.

It is said that there was once a very rich merchant named Antoniello, who had a son called Cienzo.It happened that Cienzo was one day throwing stones on the sea-shore with the son of the King of Naples, and by chance broke his companion's head.When he told his father, Antoniello flew into a rage with fear of the consequences and abused his son; but Cienzo answered, "Sir, I

have always heard say that better is the law court than the doctor in one's house.Would it not have been worse if he had broken my head? It was he who began and provoked me.We are but boys, and there are two sides to the quarrel.After all tis a first fault, and the King is a man of reason; but let the worst come to the worst, what great harm can he do me? The wide world is one's home; and let him who is afraid turn constable."

But Antoniello would not listen to reason.He made sure the King would kill Cienzo for his fault and said, "Don't stand here at risk of your life; but march off this very instant, so that nobody may hear a word, new or old, of what you have done.A bird in the bush is better than a bird in the cage.Here is money.Take one of the two enchanted horses I have in the stable, and the dog which is also enchanted, and tarry no longer here.It is better to scamper off and use your own heels than to be touched by another's; better to throw your legs over your back than to carry your head between two legs.If you don't take your knapsack and be off, none of the Saints can help you!"

Then begging his father's blessing, Cienzo mounted his horse, and tucking the enchanted dog under his arm, he went his way out of the city.Making a winter of tears with a summer of sighs he went his way until the evening, when he came to a wood that kept the Mule of the Sun outside its limits, while it was amusing itself with Silence and the Shades.An old house stood there, at the foot of a tower.Cienzo knocked at the door of the tower; but the master, being in fear of robbers, would not open to him, so the poor youth was obliged to remain in the ruined old house.He turned his horse out to graze in a meadow, and threw himself on some straw he found, with the dog by his side.But scarcely had he closed his eyes when he was awakened by the barking of the dog, and heard footsteps stirring in the house.Cienzo, who was bold and venturesome, seized his sword and began to lay about him in the dark; but perceiving that he was only striking the wind and hit no one, he turned round again to sleep.After a few minutes he felt himself pulled gently by the foot.He turned to lay hold again of his cutlass, and jumping up, exclaimed, "Hollo there! you are getting too troublesome; but leave off this sport and let's have a bout of it if you have any pluck, for you have found the last to your shoe!"

At these words he heard a shout of laughter and then a hollow voice saying, "Come down here and I will tell you who I am."

Then Cienzo, without losing courage, answered, "Wait awhile, I'll come." So he groped about until at last he found a ladder which led to a cellar; and, going down, he saw a lighted lamp, and three ghost-looking figures who were making a piteous clamour, crying, "Alas, my beauteous treasure, I must lose thee!"

When Cienzo saw this he began himself to cry and lament, for company's sake; and after he had wept for some time, the Moon having now, with the axe of her rays broken the bar of the Sky, the three figures who were making the outcry said to Cienzo, "Take this treasure, which is destined for thee alone, but mind and take care of it." Then they vanished.And Cienzo, espying the sunlight through a hole in the wall, wished to climb up again, but could not find the ladder, whereat he set up such a cry that the master of the tower heard him and fetched a ladder, when they discovered a great treasure.He wished to give part of it to Cienzo, but the latter refused; and taking his dog and mounting once more on his horse set out again on his travels.

After a while he arrived at a wild and dreary forest, so dark that it made you shudder.There, upon the bank of a river, he found a fairy surrounded by a band of robbers.Cienzo, seeing the wicked intention of the robbers, seized his sword and soon made a slaughter of them.The fairy showered thanks upon him for this brave deed done for her sake, and invited him to her palace that she might reward him.But Cienzo replied, "It is nothing at all;

thank you kindly.Another time I will accept the favour; but now I

am in haste, on business of importance!"

  • 坟墓后的兔子


  • 一梦有情琅


  • 大荒生死劫


  • 魔与仙


  • 幸福的末班车


  • 太极魔圣


  • 爱的离殇


  • 刀行江湖


  • 宠物小精灵:为扑倒N大而奋斗!


  • 寻戒

