

'Robert,' he said solemnly, 'one thing is certain: if there be a God at all, he is not like that.If there be a God at all, we shall know him by his perfection--his grand perfect truth, fairness, love--a love to make life an absolute good--not a mere accommodation of difficulties, not a mere preponderance of the balance on the side of well-being.Love only could have been able to create.But they don't seem jealous for the glory of God, those men.They don't mind a speck, or even a blot, here and there upon him.The world doesn't make them miserable.They can get over the misery of their fellow-men without being troubled about them, or about the God that could let such things be.7 They represent a God who does wonderfully well, on the whole, after a middling fashion.I want a God who loves perfectly.He may kill; he may torture even; but if it be for love's sake, Lord, here am I.Do with me as thou wilt.'

Had Ericson forgotten that he had no proof of such a God? The next moment the intellectual demon was awake.

'But what's the good of it all?' he said.'I don't even know that there is anything outside of me.'

'Ye ken that I'm here, Mr.Ericson,' suggested Robert.

'I know nothing of the sort.You may be another phantom--only clearer.'

'Ye speik to me as gin ye thocht me somebody.'

'So does the man to his phantoms, and you call him mad.It is but a yielding to the pressure of constant suggestion.I do not know--Icannot know if there is anything outside of me.'

'But gin there warna, there wad be naebody for ye to love, Mr.


'Of course not.'

'Nor naebody to love you, Mr.Ericson.'

'Of course not.'

'Syne ye wad be yer ain God, Mr.Ericson.'

'Yes.That would follow.'

'I canna imagine a waur hell--closed in amo' naething--wi' naething a' aboot ye, luikin' something a' the time--kennin' 'at it 's a' a lee, and nae able to win clear o' 't.'

'It is hell, my boy, or anything worse you can call it.'

'What for suld ye believe that, than, Mr.Ericson? I wadna believe sic an ill thing as that.I dinna think I cud believe 't, gin ye war to pruv 't to me.'

'I don't believe it.Nobody could prove that either, even if it were so.I am only miserable that I can't prove the contrary.'

'Suppose there war a God, Mr.Ericson, do ye think ye bude (behoved)to be able to pruv that? Do ye think God cud stan' to be pruved as gin he war something sma' eneuch to be turned roon' and roon', and luikit at upo' ilka side? Gin there war a God, wadna it jist be sae--that we cudna prove him to be, I mean?'

'Perhaps.That is something.I have often thought of that.But then you can't prove anything about it.'

'I canna help thinkin' o' what Mr.Innes said to me ance.I was but a laddie, but I never forgot it.I plaguit him sair wi' wantin' to unnerstan' ilka thing afore I wad gang on wi' my questons (sums).

Says he, ae day, "Robert, my man, gin ye will aye unnerstan' afore ye du as ye're tellt, ye'll never unnerstan' onything.But gin ye du the thing I tell ye, ye'll be i' the mids o' 't afore ye ken 'at ye're gaein' intil 't." I jist thocht I wad try him.It was at lang division that I boglet maist.Weel, I gaed on, and I cud du the thing weel eneuch, ohn made ae mistak.And aye I thocht the maister was wrang, for I never kent the rizzon o' a' that beginnin'

at the wrang en', an' takin' doon an' substrackin', an' a' that.Ye wad hardly believe me, Mr.Ericson: it was only this verra day, as Iwas sittin' i' the kirk--it was a lang psalm they war singin'--that ane wi' the foxes i' the tail o' 't--lang division came into my heid again; and first aye bit glimmerin' o' licht cam in, and syne anither, an' afore the psalm was dune I saw throu' the haill process o' 't.But ye see, gin I hadna dune as I was tauld, and learnt a'

aboot hoo it was dune aforehan', I wad hae had naething to gang rizzonin' aboot, an' wad hae fun' oot naething.'

'That's good, Robert.But when a man is dying for food, he can't wait.'

'He micht try to get up and luik, though.He needna bide in 's bed till somebody comes an' sweirs till him 'at he saw a haddie (haddock) i' the press.'

'I have been looking, Robert--for years.'

'Maybe, like me, only for the rizzon o' 't, Mr.Ericson--gin ye'll forgie my impidence.'

'But what's to be done in this case, Robert? Where's the work that you can do in order to understand? Where's your long division, man?'

'Ye're ayont me noo.I canna tell that, Mr.Ericson.It canna be gaein' to the kirk, surely.Maybe it micht be sayin' yer prayers and readin' yer Bible.'

  • 福尔摩斯探案集4


    《福尔摩斯探案全集》是英国作家阿瑟·柯南道尔创作的一部长篇侦探小说,主角名为夏洛克·福尔摩斯(Sherlock Holmes,又译作歇洛克·福尔摩斯),共有4部长篇及56个短篇。第一部长篇《血字的研究》完成于1889年,隔年与其它作品合集出版于《比顿圣诞年刊》。被多次改编为电影与电视剧。
  • 囚地锁天


  • 陛下:王后在那里


  • 推理腹黑搭档组


  • 红楼之林家大小姐


  • 万法真仙


  • 学弟翻身:溺宠傲娇小萌妻


  • 媚骨天仙


  • 忘川彼岸琉璃葬


  • 守护我,香薰精灵


    凉桃“邪恶恋人”系列之一《守护我,香薰精灵》。《守护我,香薰精灵》讲述:不相信世人的香氤精灵族第十九代王子香晞羽,冷漠,像个刺猬一样时时处处保护着自己。为了重新获取自由,逼迫拯救自己的女孩许下三个愿望! 生于平凡世界的善良女孩纪若思,期待用人性的真善美感化他那颗封冻的精灵之心。不是不给予他自由,而是等待着用最特殊的愿望拯救他的情感。而痴情邪恶的香氲族的第十九代王子香云漫,携带“定情水”神秘登场,设计了一个个阴谋迭起的爱情陷阱,最后的移影法,他是努力抢夺自己最爱,还是放手成全幸福?