

What I allude to was what you said to me, on the way back, as we sat under the awning of the boat enjoying the cool.Have you forgotten?"He had forgotten, and was even more surprised than ashamed.But the great thing was that he saw in this no vulgar reminder of any "sweet" speech.The vanity of women had long memories, but she was making no claim on him of a compliment or a mistake.With another woman, a totally different one, he might have feared the recall possibly even some imbecile "offer." So, in having to say that he had indeed forgotten, he was conscious rather of a loss than of a gain; he already saw an interest in the matter of her mention."Itry to think--but I give it up.Yet I remember the Sorrento day.""I'm not very sure you do," May Bartram after a moment said; "and I'm not very sure I ought to want you to.It's dreadful to bring a person back at any time to what he was ten years before.If you've lived away from it," she smiled, "so much the better.""Ah if YOU haven't why should I?" he asked.

"Lived away, you mean, from what I myself was?""From what I was.I was of course an ass," Marcher went on; "but Iwould rather know from you just the sort of ass I was than--from the moment you have something in your mind--not know anything."Still, however, she hesitated."But if you've completely ceased to be that sort--?""Why I can then all the more bear to know.Besides, perhaps Ihaven't."

"Perhaps.Yet if you haven't," she added, "I should suppose you'd remember.Not indeed that I in the least connect with my impression the invidious name you use.If I had only thought you foolish," she explained, "the thing I speak of wouldn't so have remained with me.It was about yourself." She waited as if it might come to him; but as, only meeting her eyes in wonder, he gave no sign, she burnt her ships."Has it ever happened?"Then it was that, while he continued to stare, a light broke for him and the blood slowly came to his face, which began to burn with recognition.

"Do you mean I told you--?" But he faltered, lest what came to him shouldn't be right, lest he should only give himself away.

"It was something about yourself that it was natural one shouldn't forget--that is if one remembered you at all.That's why I ask you," she smiled, "if the thing you then spoke of has ever come to pass?"Oh then he saw, but he was lost in wonder and found himself embarrassed.This, he also saw, made her sorry for him, as if her allusion had been a mistake.It took him but a moment, however, to feel it hadn't been, much as it had been a surprise.After the first little shock of it her knowledge on the contrary began, even if rather strangely, to taste sweet to him.She was the only other person in the world then who would have it, and she had had it all these years, while the fact of his having so breathed his secret had unaccountably faded from him.No wonder they couldn't have met as if nothing had happened."I judge," he finally said, "that Iknow what you mean.Only I had strangely enough lost any sense of having taken you so far into my confidence.""Is it because you've taken so many others as well?""I've taken nobody.Not a creature since then.""So that I'm the only person who knows?"

"The only person in the world."

"Well," she quickly replied, "I myself have never spoken.I've never, never repeated of you what you told me." She looked at him so that he perfectly believed her.Their eyes met over it in such a way that he was without a doubt."And I never will."She spoke with an earnestness that, as if almost excessive, put him at ease about her possible derision.Somehow the whole question was a new luxury to him--that is from the moment she was in possession.If she didn't take the sarcastic view she clearly took the sympathetic, and that was what he had had, in all the long time, from no one whomsoever.What he felt was that he couldn't at present have begun to tell her, and yet could profit perhaps exquisitely by the accident of having done so of old."Please don't then.We're just right as it is.""Oh I am," she laughed, "if you are!" To which she added: "Then you do still feel in the same way?"It was impossible he shouldn't take to himself that she was really interested, though it all kept coining as a perfect surprise.He had thought of himself so long as abominably alone, and lo he wasn't alone a bit.He hadn't been, it appeared, for an hour--since those moments on the Sorrento boat.It was she who had been, he seemed to see as he looked at her--she who had been made so by the graceless fact of his lapse of fidelity.To tell her what he had told her--what had it been but to ask something of her?

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    不做爱情中找不到自我的痴男怨女,不做职场中升职加薪两无望的“二类分子”,读懂自己定好位,用50分的努力换取100分的人生! 也许你不够聪明,不够漂亮,不够能干,不够可爱,不够……女人对自己永远是挑剔的,总有这样或那样的不满意,但是,作为女人,你一定具有作为女人与生俱来的天赋:良好的直觉,讲人情味,包容心强,抗压性好,有耐心,善于倾听,是理想的谈伴……在爱情、友情、职场、家庭生活中,善于运用自己作为女人的天赋优势,才能够牢牢掌控自己的幸福。
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