

She had made everything comfortable for the artist; there was no further pretext for staying.So she said she would go, now, and asked him to summon the servants in case he should need anything.She went away unhappy; and she left unhappiness behind her; for she carried away all the sunshine.The time dragged heavily for both, now.He couldn't paint for thinking of her; she couldn't design or millinerize with any heart, for thinking of him.Never before had painting seemed so empty to him, never before had millinerizing seemed so void of interest to her.She had gone without repeating that dinner-invitation--an almost unendurable disappointment to him.On her part-well, she was suffering, too; for she had found she couldn't invite him.It was not hard yesterday, but it was impossible to-day.A thousand innocent privileges seemed to have been filched from her unawares in the past twenty-four hours.To-day she felt strangely hampered, restrained of her liberty.To-day she couldn't propose to herself to do anything or say anything concerning this young man without being instantly paralyzed into non-action by the fear that he might "suspect." Invite him to dinner to-day? It made her shiver to think of it.

And so her afternoon was one long fret.Broken at intervals.Three times she had to go down stairs on errands--that is, she thought she had to go down stairs on errands.Thus, going and coming, she had six glimpses of him, in the aggregate, without seeming to look in his direction; and she tried to endure these electric ecstasies without showing any sign, but they fluttered her up a good deal, and she felt that the naturalness she was putting on was overdone and quite too frantically sober and hysterically calm to deceive.

The painter had his share of the rapture; he had his six glimpses, and they smote him with waves of pleasure that assaulted him, beat upon him, washed over him deliciously, and drowned out all consciousness of what he was doing with his brush.So there were six places in his canvas which had to be done over again.

At last Gwendolen got some peace of mind by sending word to the Thompsons, in the neighborhood, that she was coming there to dinner.

She wouldn't be reminded, at that table, that there was an absentee who ought to be a presentee--a word which she meant to look out in the dictionary at a calmer time.

About this time the old earl dropped in for a chat with the artist, and invited him to stay to dinner.Tracy cramped down his joy and gratitude by a sudden and powerful exercise of all his forces; and he felt that now that he was going to be close to Gwendolen, and hear her voice and watch her face during several precious hours, earth had nothing valuable to add to his life for the present.

The earl said to himself, "This spectre can eat apples, apparently.

We shall find out, now, if that is a specialty.I think, myself, it's a specialty.Apples, without doubt, constitute the spectral limit.It was the case with our first parents.No, I am wrong--at least only partly right.The line was drawn at apples, just as in the present case, but it was from the other direction." The new clothes gave him a thrill of pleasure and pride.He said to himself, "I've got part of him down to date, anyway."Sellers said he was pleased with Tracy's work; and he went on and engaged him to restore his old masters, and said he should also want him to paint his portrait and his wife's and possibly his daughter's.The tide of the artist's happiness was at flood, now.The chat flowed pleasantly along while Tracy painted and Sellers carefully unpacked a picture which he had brought with him.It was a chromo; a new one, just out.It was the smirking, self-satisfied portrait of a man who was inundating the Union with advertisements inviting everybody to buy his specialty, which was a three-dollar shoe or a dress-suit or something of that kind.The old gentleman rested the chromo flat upon his lap and gazed down tenderly upon it, and became silent and meditative.Presently Tracy noticed that he was dripping tears on it.This touched the young fellow's sympathetic nature, and at the same time gave him the painful sense of being an intruder upon a sacred privacy, an observer of emotions which a stranger ought not to witness.But his pity rose superior to other considerations, and compelled him to try to comfort the old mourner with kindly words and a show of friendly interest.He said:

"I am very sorry--is it a friend whom--"

"Ah, more than that, far more than that--a relative, the dearest I had on earth, although I was never permitted to see him.Yes, it is young Lord Berkeley, who perished so heroically in the awful conflagration, what is the matter?""Oh, nothing, nothing.

It was a little startling to be so suddenly brought face to face, so to speak, with a person one has heard so much talk about.Is it a good likeness?""Without doubt, yes.I never saw him, but you can easily see the resemblance to his father," said Sellers, holding up the chromo and glancing from it to the chromo misrepresenting the Usurping Earl and back again with an approving eye.

"Well, no--I am not sure that I make out the likeness.It is plain that the Usurping Earl there has a great deal of character and a long face like a horse's, whereas his heir here is smirky, moon-faced and characterless.""We are all that way in the beginning--all the line," said Sellers, undisturbed."We all start as moonfaced fools, then later we tadpole along into horse-faced marvels of intellect and character.It is by that sign and by that fact that I detect the resemblance here and know this portrait to be genuine and perfect.Yes, all our family are fools at first.""This young man seems to meet the hereditary requirement, certainly.""Yes, yes, he was a fool, without any doubt.Examine the face, the shape of the head, the expression.It's all fool, fool, fool, straight through.""Thanks,--" said Tracy, involuntarily.

"Thanks? "

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