

The moment Tracy was alone his spirits vanished away, and all the misery of his situation was manifest to him.To be moneyless and an object of the chairmaker's charity--this was bad enough, but his folly in proclaiming himself an earl's son to that scoffing and unbelieving crew, and, on top of that, the humiliating result--the recollection of these things was a sharper torture still.He made up his mind that he would never play earl's son again before a doubtful audience.

His father's answer was a blow he could not understand.At times he thought his father imagined he could get work to do in America without any trouble, and was minded to let him try it and cure himself of his radicalism by hard, cold, disenchanting experience.That seemed the most plausible theory, yet he could not content himself with it.A theory that pleased him better was, that this cablegram would be followed by another, of a gentler sort, requiring him to come home.Should he write and strike his flag, and ask for a ticket home? Oh, no, that he couldn't ever do.At least, not yet.That cablegram would come, it certainly would.So he went from one telegraph office to another every day for nearly a week, and asked if there was a cablegram for Howard Tracy.

No, there wasn't any.So they answered him at first.Later, they said it before he had a chance to ask.Later still they merely shook their heads impatiently as soon as he came in sight.After that he was ashamed to go any more.

He was down in the lowest depths of despair, now; for the harder Barrow tried to find work for him the more hopeless the possibilities seemed to grow.At last he said to Barrow:

"Look here.I want to make a confession.I have got down, now, to where I am not only willing to acknowledge to myself that I am a shabby creature and full of false pride, but am willing to acknowledge it to you.Well, I've been allowing you to wear yourself out hunting for work for me when there's been a chance open to me all the time.Forgive my pride--what was left of it.It is all gone, now, and I've come to confess that if those ghastly artists want another confederate, I'm their man--for at last I am dead to shame.""No? Really, can you paint?"

"Not as badly as they.No, I don't claim that, for I am not a genius;in fact, I am a very indifferent amateur, a slouchy dabster, a mere artistic sarcasm; but drunk or asleep I can beat those buccaneers.""Shake! I want to shout! Oh, I tell you, I am immensely delighted and relieved.Oh, just to work--that is life! No matter what the work is--that's of no consequence.Just work itself is bliss when a man's been starving for it.I've been there! Come right along; we'll hunt the old boys up.Don't you feel good? I tell you I do."The freebooters were not at home.But their "works" were, displayed in profusion all about the little ratty studio.Cannon to the right of them, cannon to the left of them, cannon in front--it was Balaclava come again.

"Here's the uncontented hackman, Tracy.Buckle to--deepen the sea-green to turf, turn the ship into a hearse.Let the boys have a taste of your quality."The artists arrived just as the last touch was put on.They stood transfixed with admiration.

"My souls but she's a stunner, that hearse! The hackman will just go all to pieces when he sees that won't he Andy?""Oh, it is sphlennid, sphlennid! Herr Tracy, why haf you not said you vas a so sublime aartist? Lob' Gott, of you had lif'd in Paris you would be a Pree de Rome, dot's votes de matter!"The arrangements were soon made.Tracy was taken into full and equal partnership, and he went straight to work, with dash and energy, to reconstructing gems of art whose accessories had failed to satisfy.

Under his hand, on that and succeeding days, artillery disappeared and the emblems of peace and commerce took its place--cats, hacks, sausages, tugs, fire engines, pianos, guitars, rocks, gardens, flower-pots, landscapes--whatever was wanted, he flung it in; and the more out of place and absurd the required object was, the more joy he got out of fabricating it.The pirates were delighted, the customers applauded, the sex began to flock in, great was the prosperity of the firm.Tracy was obliged to confess to himself that there was something about work,--even such grotesque and humble work as this--which most pleasantly satisfied a something in his nature which had never been satisfied before, and also gave him a strange new dignity in his own private view of himself.


The Unqualified Member from Cherokee Strip was in a state of deep dejection.For a good while, now, he had been leading a sort of life which was calculated to kill; for it had consisted in regularly alternating days of brilliant hope and black disappointment.The brilliant hopes were created by the magician Sellers, and they always promised that now he had got the trick, sure, and would effectively influence that materialized cowboy to call at the Towers before night.

The black disappointments consisted in the persistent and monotonous failure of these prophecies.

At the date which this history has now reached, Sellers was appalled to find that the usual remedy was inoperative, and that Hawkins's low spirits refused absolutely to lift.Something must be done, he reflected; it was heart-breaking, this woe, this smileless misery, this dull despair that looked out from his poor friend's face.Yes, he must be cheered up.He mused a while, then he saw his way.He said in his most conspicuously casual vein:

"Er--uh--by the way, Hawkins, we are feeling disappointed about this thing--the way the materializee is acting, I mean--we are disappointed;you concede that?"

"Concede it? Why, yes, if you like the term.""Very well; so far, so good.Now for the basis of the feeling.It is not that your heart, your affections are concerned; that is to say, it is not that you want the materializee Itself.You concede that?""Yes, I concede that, too--cordially."

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