On the afternoon of their arrival in London Ford convoyed Mrs.
Ashton to an old-established private hotel in Craven Street.
"Here," he explained, "you will be within a few hundred yards of the place in which your husband is said to spend his time.I will be living in the same hotel.If I find him you will know it in ten minutes."The widow gave a little gasp, whether of excitement or of happiness Ford could not determine.
"Whatever happens," she begged."will you let me hear from you sometimes? You are the only person I know in London--and--it's so big it frightens me.I don't want to be a burden," she went on eagerly, "but if I can feel you are within call--""What you need," said Ford heartily, "is less of the doctor's nerve tonic and sleeping draughts, and a little innocent diversion.To-night I am going to take you to the Savoy to supper."Mrs.Ashton exclaimed delightedly, and then was filled with misgivings.
"I have nothing to wear," she protested, "and over here, in the evening, the women dress so well.I have a dinner gown," she exclaimed, "but it's black.Would that do?"Ford assured her nothing could be better.He had a man's vanity in liking a woman with whom he was seen in public to be pretty and smartly dressed, and he felt sure that in black the blond beauty of Mrs.Ashton would appear to advantage.They arranged to meet at eleven on the promenade leading to the Savoy supper-room, and parted with mutual satisfaction at the prospect.
The finding of Harry Ashton was so simple that in its very simplicity it appeared spectacular.
On leaving Mrs.Ashton, Ford engaged rooms at the Hotel Cecil.
Before visiting his rooms he made his way to the American bar.He did not go there seeking Harry Ashton.His object was entirely self-centred.His purpose was to drink to himself and to the lights of London.But as though by appointment, the man he had promised to find was waiting for him.As Ford entered the room, at a table facing the door sat Ashton.There was no mistaking him.
He wore a mustache, but it was no disguise.He was the same good-natured, good-looking youth who, in the photograph from under a Panama hat, had smiled upon the world.With a glad cry Ford rushed toward him.
"Fancy meeting YOU!" he exclaimed.
Mr.Ashton's good-natured smile did not relax.He merely shook his head.
"Afraid you have made a mistake," he said.The reporter regarded him blankly.His face showed his disappointment.
"Aren't you Charles W.Garrett, of New York?" he demanded.
"Not me," said Mr.Ashton.
"But," Ford insisted in hurt tones, as though he were being trifled with, "you have been told you look like him, haven't you?"Mr.Ashton's good nature was unassailable.
"Sorry," he declared, "never heard of him."Ford became garrulous, he could not believe two men could look so much alike.It was a remarkable coincidence.The stranger must certainly have a drink, the drink intended for his twin.Ashton was bored, but accepted.He was well acquainted with the easy good-fellowship of his countrymen.The room in which he sat was a meeting-place for them.He considered that they were always giving each other drinks, and not only were they always introducing themselves, but saying, "Shake hands with my friend, Mr.So-and-So." After five minutes they showed each other photographs of the children.This one, though as loquacious as the others, seemed better dressed, more "wise"; he brought to the exile the atmosphere of his beloved Broadway, so Ashton drank to him pleasantly.
"My name is Sydney Carter," he volunteered.
As a poker-player skims over the cards in his hand, Ford, in his mind's eye, ran over the value of giving or not giving his right name.He decided that Ashton would not have heard it and that, if he gave a false one, there was a chance that later Ashton might find out that he had done so.Accordingly he said, "Mine is Austin Ford," and seated himself at Ashton's table.Within ten minutes the man he had promised to pluck from among the eight million inhabitants of London was smiling sympathetically at his jests and buying a drink.
On the steamer Ford had rehearsed the story with which, should he meet Ashton, he would introduce himself.It was one arranged to fit with his theory that Ashton was a crook.If Ashton were a crook Ford argued that to at once ingratiate himself in his good graces he also must be a crook.His plan was to invite Ashton to co-operate with him in some scheme that was openly dishonest.By so doing he hoped apparently to place himself at Ashton's mercy.
He believed if he could persuade Ashton he was more of a rascal than Ashton himself, and an exceedingly stupid rascal, any distrust the bookmaker might feel toward him would disappear.He made his advances so openly, and apparently showed his hand so carelessly, that, from being bored, Ashton became puzzled, then interested; and when Ford insisted he should dine with him, he considered it so necessary to find out who the youth might be who was forcing himself upon him that he accepted the invitation.