

She shook her head, as if to say, "Well, there or anywhere else, what does it matter to me?" And by the light of the street-lamps, I observed with pain that her face was very thin and her features all pinched.I did not find in her any of that vivacity, any of those bright impulses, any of that quickness of expression, which used to please me so much.Her gaze had become timid, her gestures constrained, her whole attitude melancholy.I took her hand--a little cold hand, which had become all hardened and bruised.The poor child must have suffered very much.I questioned her.She told me very quietly that Mademoiselle Prefere had summoned her one day, and called her a little monster and a little viper, for some reason which she had never been able to learn.

She had added, "You shall not see Monsieur Bonnard any more; for he has been giving you bad advice, and he has conducted himself in a most shameful manner towards me." "I then said to her, 'That, Mademoiselle, you will never be able to make me believe.' Then Mademoiselle slapped my face and sent me back to the school-room.

The announcement that I should never be allowed to see you again made me feel as if night had come down upon me.Don't you know those evenings when one feels so sad to see the darkness come?--well, just imagine such a moment stretched out into weeks--into whole months! Don't you remember my little Saint-George? Up to that time I had worked at it as well as I could--just simply to work at it--just to amuse myself.But when I lost all hope of ever seeing you again I took my little wax figure, and I began to work at it in quite another way.I did not try to model it with wooden matches any more, as I had been doing, but with hair pins.I even made use of epingles a la neige.But perhaps you do not know what epingles a la neige are? Well, I became more particular about than you can possibly imagine.I put a dragon on Saint-George's helmet; and Ipassed hours and hours in making a head and eyes and tail for the dragon.Oh the eyes! the eyes, above all! I never stopped working at them till I got them so that they had red pupils and white eye-lids and eye-brows and everything! I know I am very silly; I had an idea that I was going to die as soon as my little Saint-George would be finished.I worked at it during recreation-hours, and Mademoiselle Prefere used to let me alone.One day I learned that you were in the parlour with the schoolmistress; I watched for you;we said 'Au revoir!' that day to each other.I was a little consoled by seeing you.But, some time after that, my guardian came and wanted to make me go to his house,--but please don't ask me why, Monsieur.He answered me, quite gently, that I was a very whimsical little girl.And then he left me alone.But the next day Mademoiselle Prefere came to me with such a wicked look on her face that I was really afraid.She had a letter in her hand.

'Mademoiselle,' she said to me, 'I am informed by your guardian that he has spent all the money which belonged to you.Don't be afraid! I do not intend to abandon you; but, you must acknowledge yourself, it is only right that you should earn your own livelihood.'

Then she put me to work house-cleaning; and whenever I made a mistake she would lock me up in the garet for days together.And that is what has happened to me since I saw you last.Even if I had been able to write to you I do not know whether I should have done it, because I did not think you could possibly take me away from the school; and, as Maitre Mouche did not come back to see me, there was no hurry.I thought I could wait for awhile in the garret and the kitchen.

"Jeanne," I cried, "even if we should have to flee to Oceania, the abominable Prefere shall never get hold of you again.I will take a great oath on that! And why should we not go to Oceania? The climate is very healthy; and I read in a newspaper the other day that they have pianos there.But, in the meantime, let us go to the house of Madame de Gabry, who returned to Paris, as luck would have it, some three or four days ago; for you and I are two innocent fools, and we have great need of some one to help us."Even as I was speaking Jeanne's features suddenly became pale, and seemed to shrink into lifelessness; her eyes became all dim; her lips, half open, contracted with an expression of pain.Then her head sank sideways on her shoulder;--she had fainted.

I lifter her in my arms, and carried her up Madame de Gabry's staircase like a little baby asleep.But I was myself on the point of fainting from emotional excitement and fatigue together, when she came to herself again.

"Ah! it is you." she said: "so much the better!"Such was our condition when we rang our friend's door-bell.

Same day.

It was eight o'clock.Madame de Gabry, as might be supposed, was very much surprised by our unexpected appearance.But she welcomed the old man and the child with that glad kindness which always expresses itself in her beautiful gestures.It seems to me,--if Imight use the language of devotion so familiar to her,--it seems to me as though some heavenly grace streams from her hands when ever she opens them; and even the perfume which impregnates her robes seems to inspire the sweet calm zeal of charity and good works.

Surprised she certainly was; but she asked us no question,--and that silence seemed to me admirable.

"Madame," I said to her, "we have both come to place ourselves under your protection.And, first of all, we are going to ask you to give us some super--or to give Jeanne some, at least; for a moment ago, in the carriage, she fainted from weakness.As for myself, I could not eat a bite at this late hour without passing a night of agony in consequence.I hope that Monsieur de Gabry is well.""Oh, he is here!" she said.

And she called him immediately.

  • 哑恋之听我说少年


  • 荣耀武神


  • 乱世君主


  • 序王妃


  • 百年:如何建立一个伟大并长盛不衰的公司


  • EXO之惜洛伊晗


  • 沙砾掩埋过的记忆


  • 闪婚蜜爱:总裁宠妻如命


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