While the present narrative is based for the most part on more recondite and widely scattered sources, the most accessible volumes relating to the period are the following works of Francis Parkman (Boston: many editions): "La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West, Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV, A Half Century of Conflict" (2 vols.), and "Montcalm and Wolfe" (2vols.).To these should be added, as completing the story, George M.Wrong, "The Fall of Canada" (Oxford, 1914) which dwells in detail on the last year of the struggle.All these volumes contain adequate references to authorities.The last of Parkman's works was published more than twenty-five years ago and later research has revised some of his conclusions, but he still commands great authority.In "The Chronicles of Canada" (Toronto, 191316) half a dozen volumes relate to the period; each of these volumes, which embody later research and are written in an attractive style, contains a bibliography relating to its special subject: C.W.Colby, "The Fighting Governor" [Frontenac]; Agnes C.Laut, "The Adventurers of England on Hudson Bay"; Lawrence J.
Burpee, "The Pathfinders of the Great Plains"; Arthur G.Doughty, "The Acadian Exiles"; William Wood, "The Great Fortress"[Louisbourg], "The Passing of New France", and "The Winning of Canada." Lawrence J.Burpee's "Search for the Western Sea"(Toronto, 1908) deals with the work of La Verendrye and other explorers.Anthony Hendry's "Journal" is published in the "Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada," series iii, volume i.The latest phase of the discussions on La Verendrye are reviewed in an article by Doane Robinson in "The Mississippi Valley Historical Review" for December, 1916.The material relating to the discoverer was long scattered, but it has now been collected in a volume, edited by Lawrence J.Burpee for the Champlain Society, Toronto, but owing to the war it is at the present date (1918) still in manuscript.Much of what is contained in Mr.Burpee's volume will be found in "South Dakota Historical Collections," volume vii, 1914 (Pierre, S.D.).
Additional references are given in the bibliographies appended to the articles on "Chatham, Seven Years' War," and "Nova Scotia" in "The Encyclopaedia Britannica," 11th Edition.