

I shall mail you this letter to-night.It is my third to you, and it carries with it three times the dreams that went with the first;for they are dreams that live not only at night, when the moon is on the courtyard, but also in the bright light of day.

Yes - I am remarkably cheered.I realize that I have not eaten at all - save a cup of coffee from the trembling hand of Walters - since last night, at Simpson's.I am going now to dine.I shall begin with grapefruit.I realize that I am suddenly very fond of grapefruit.

How bromidic to note it - we have many tastes in common!


The third letter from her correspondent of the Agony Column increased in the mind of the lovely young woman at the Carlton the excitement and tension the second had created.For a long time, on the Saturday morning of its receipt, she sat in her room puzzling over the mystery of the house in Adelphi Terrace.When first she had heard that Captain Fraser-Freer, of the Indian Army, was dead of a knife wound over the heart, the news had shocked her like that of the loss of some old and dear friend.She had desired passionately the apprehension of his murderer, and had turned over and over in her mind the possibilities of white asters, a scarab pin and a Homburg hat.

Perhaps the girl longed for the arrest of the guilty man thus keenly because this jaunty young friend of hers - a friend whose name she did not know - to whom, indeed, she had never spoken - was so dangerously entangled in the affair.For from what she knew of Geoffrey West, from her casual glance in the restaurant and, far more, from his letters, she liked him extremely.

And now came his third letter, in which he related the connection of that hat, that pin and those asters with the column in the Mail which had first brought them together.As it happened, she, too, had copies of the paper for the first four days of the week.She went to her sitting-room, unearthed these copies, and - gasped!

For from the column in Monday's paper stared up at her the cryptic words to Rangoon concerning asters in a garden at Canterbury.In the other three issues as well, she found the identical messages her strawberry man had quoted.She sat for a moment in deep thought;sat, in fact, until at her door came the enraged knocking of a hungry parent who had been waiting a full hour in the lobby below for her to join him at breakfast.

"Come, come!" boomed her father, entering at her invitation."Don't sit here all day mooning.I'm hungry if you're not."With quick apologies she made ready to accompany him down-stairs.

Firmly, as she planned their campaign for the day, she resolved to put from her mind all thought of Adelphi Terrace.How well she succeeded may be judged from a speech made by her father that night just before dinner:

"Have you lost your tongue, Marian? You're as uncommunicative as a newly-elected office-holder.If you can't get a little more life into these expeditions of ours we'll pack up and head for home."She smiled, patted his shoulder and promised to improve.But he appeared to be in a gloomy mood.

"I believe we ought to go, anyhow," he went on."In my opinion this war is going to spread like a prairie fire.The Kaiser got back to Berlin yesterday.He'll sign the mobilization orders to-day as sure as fate.For the past week, on the Berlin Bourse, Canadian Pacific stock has been dropping.That means they expect England to come in."He gazed darkly into the future.It may seem that, for an American statesman, he had an unusual grasp of European politics.This is easily explained by the fact that he had been talking with the bootblack at the Carlton Hotel.

"Yes," he said with sudden decision, "I'll go down to the steamship offices early Monday morning"

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  • 长腿叔叔


    简·韦伯斯特(Jean Webster,1876-1916),美国人。1976年出生于纽约州的佛雷多尼亚一个充满文艺气息的家庭中,父亲从事出版工作,母亲是马克·吐温的侄女。在校期间,她就常常在巴萨女子大学校友杂志和地方新闻刊物投稿,并利用课余时间到孤儿院和感化院做社会服条。这段时间的所见所闻,成为她日后写作《长腿叔叔》的最佳素材。1912年,韦伯斯特出版小说《长腿叔叔》。在她众多作品中,《长腿叔叔》最受读者喜爱,此书后业被拍成电影,由当时最受欢迎的女明星担任女主角,使小说的影响更加深入。幸运女神忽然降临在孤女茱蒂身上,因为她写的一篇文章,孤儿院的一位匿名理事愿意资助她上大学,并培育她成为作家。
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