My story opens in the classic presinks of Bostin.In the parler of a bloated aristocratic mansion on Bacon street sits a luvly young lady, whose hair is cuvered ore with the frosts of between 17 Summers.She has just sot down to the piany, and is warblin the popler ballad called "Smells of the Notion," in which she tells how, with pensiv thought, she wandered by a C beat shore.
The son is settin in its horizon, and its gorjus light pores in a golden meller flud through the winders, and makes the young lady twict as beautiful nor what she was before, which is onnecessary.
She is magnificently dressed up in a Berage basque, with poplin trimmins, More Antique, Ball Morals and 3 ply carpeting.Also, considerable gauze.Her dress contains 16 flounders and her shoes is red morocker, with gold spangles onto them.Presently she jumps up with a wild snort, and pressin her hands to her brow, she exclaims: "Methinks I see a voice!"A noble youth of 27 summers enters.He is attired in a red shirt and black trowsis, which last air turned up over his boots; his hat, which it is a plug, being cockt onto one side of his classical hed.In sooth, he was a heroic lookin person, with a fine shape.Grease, in its barmiest days, near projuced a more hefty cavileer.Gazin upon him admiringly for a spell, Elizy (for that was her name) organized herself into a tabloo, and stated as follers.
"Ha! do me eyes deceive me earsight? Is it some dreams? No, Ireckon not! That frame! them store close! those nose! Yes, it is me own, me only Moses!"He (Moses) folded her to his hart, with the remark that he was "a hunkey boy."CHAPTER II.--WAS MOSES Of NOBLE BIRTH?
Moses was foreman of Engine Co.No.40.Forty's fellers had just bin havin an annual reunion with Fifty's fellers, on the day Iintrojuce Moses to my readers, and Moses had his arms full of trofees, to wit: 4 scalps, 5 eyes, 3 fingers, 7 ears, (which he chawed off) and several half and quarter sections of noses.When the fair Elizy recovered from her delight at meetin Moses, she said:--"How hast the battle gonest? Tell me!""We chawed 'em up--that's what we did!" said the bold Moses.
"I thank the gods!" said the fair Elizy."Thou did'st excellent well.And, Moses," she continnered, layin her hed confidinly agin his weskit, "dost know I sumtimes think thou istest of noble birth?""No!" said he, wildly ketchin hold of hisself."You don't say so!""Indeed do I! Your dead grandfather's sperrit comest to me the tother night.""Oh no, I guess it's a mistake," said Moses.
"I'll bet two dollars and a quarter he did!" replied Elizy."He said, 'Moses is a Disguised Juke!'""You mean Duke," said Moses.
"Dost not the actors all call it Juke?" said she.
That settled the matter.
"I hav thought of this thing afore," said Moses, abstractedly.
"If it is so, then thus it must be! 2 B or not 2 B! Which?
Sow, sow! But enuff.O life! life!--YOU'RE TOO MANY FOR ME!"He tore out some of his pretty yeller hair, stampt on the floor sevril times, and was gone.
Sixteen long and weary years has elapst since the seens narrated in the last chapter took place.A noble ship, the Sary Jane, is a sailin from France to Ameriky via the Wabash Canal.A pirut ship is in hot pursoot of the Sary.The pirut capting isn't a man of much principle and intends to kill all the people on bored the Sary and confiscate the wallerbles.The capting of the S.J.
is on the pint of givin in, when a fine lookin feller in russet boots and a buffalo overcoat rushes forored and obsarves:
"Old man! go down stairs! Retire to the starbud bulkhed! I'll take charge of this Bote!""Owdashus cuss!" yelled the capting, "away with thee or I shall do mur-rer-der-r-r!""Skurcely," obsarved the stranger, and he drew a diamond-hilted fish-knife and cut orf the capting's hed.He expired shortly, his last words bein, "we are governed too much.""People!" sed the stranger, "I'm the Juke d'Moses!""Old hoss!" sed a passenger, "methinks thou art blowin!"whareupon the Juke cut orf his hed also.
"Oh that I should live to see myself a dead body!" screamed the unfortnit man."But don't print any verses about my deth in the newspapers, for if you do I'll haunt ye!""People!" sed the Juke, "I alone can save you from yon bloody pirut! Ho! a peck of oats!" The oats was brought, and the Juke, boldly mountin the jibpoop, throwed them onto the towpath.The pirut rapidly approached, chucklin with fiendish delight at the idee of increasin his ill-gotten gains.But the leadin hoss of the pirut ship stopt suddent on comin to the oats, and commenst for to devour them.In vain the piruts swore and throwd stones and bottles at the hoss--he wouldn't budge a inch.Meanwhile the Sary Jane, her hosses on the full jump, was fast leavin the pirut ship!
"Onct agin do I escape deth!" sed the Juke between his clencht teeth, still on the jibpoop.
The Juke was Moses the Sassy! Yes, it was!
He had bin to France and now he was home agin in Bostin, which gave birth to a Bunker Hill!! He had some trouble in gitting hisself acknowledged as Juke in France, as the Orleans Dienasty and Borebones were fernest him, but he finally conkered.Elizy knowd him right off, as one of his ears and a part of his nose had bin chawed off in his fights with opposition firemen during boyhood's sunny hours.They lived to a green old age, beloved by all, both grate and small.Their children, of which they have numerous, often go up onto the Common and see the Fountain squirt.
This is my 1st attempt at writin a Tail & it is far from bein perfeck, but if I have indoosed folks to see that in 9 cases out of 10 they can either make life as barren as the Desert of Sarah, or as joyyus as a flower garding, my object will have been accomplished, and more too.
--, Friday, --, 1860.
On the sad sea shore! Always to hear the moaning of these dismal waves!