

"I consider this half-million a very desirable acquisition towards the war expenses of my detachment.But these Orientals never can understand our way of thinking, and our ideas of honour will always remain an insoluble riddle to them.With a present, that he, of course, has meant for me personally, this despot believes he has smoothed over everything that could possibly spell trouble for him--the plot against Mrs.Irwin as well as the diamond powder business.For, of course, he has already been informed by the butler who has disappeared of the failure of his plot, and he is well aware of what is in store for him if I report the scandalous story to Calcutta."It was the first time the Colonel had openly declared his conviction that the Maharajah was the author of both plots.No doubt he had especial reasons for this, and Heideck fancied he had fathomed them, when, in reply to the question of the regimental surgeon as to his intention of sending in such a report, the Colonel replied--"I do not know--I really do not know yet.According to the principle, fiat justitia, pereat mundus, I ought to do so, no doubt.But the pereat mundus is, after all, a debatable point.

Probably war is imminent, and I am afraid the Viceroy would not be grateful to me were I to add fresh cares to all his other anxieties.At present these Indian princes are indispensable to us.They have to place their troops at our disposal, and we must not have any enemies in the rear when our army is engaged in Afghanistan.A harsh procedure against one of them, and all these princes might revolt.And a single defeat, or even only the false report of one, might entail incalculable consequences."Doctor Hopkins assented without further discussion, and also the other officers present shared the opinion of their chief.As usual, during these last days a lively discussion had arisen as to the probabilities of war, and as to the probable course events would take.Heideck, certain of learning nothing new from the mouths of these gentlemen, all so confident of victory, utilised the opportunity afforded by the noisy conversation to ask Edith, in a low voice--"Not only political considerations, but also your wishes, have prevented the Colonel from reporting the outrage of the other night to Calcutta--is it not so?""Yes, I begged him not to do so," she answered in the same low whisper."But to-day, after the abominable plot upon his life, Itold him that I do not ask any longer for any consideration to be shown me, or my--husband.""You seriously think it possible that Captain Irwin--""Pray do not let us talk about it now, and not here, Mr.Heideck,"she begged, raising her eyes to him imploringly."You cannot have any idea how terribly I suffer from these dreadful thoughts.Ifeel as if before me lay only dark, impenetrable night.And when Ireflect that some day I may be again forced--"She did not finish her sentence, but Heideck knew well enough what she had omitted to say.An irresistible impulse made him answer--"You must not allow yourself to be driven to take any course repugnant to your heart, Mrs.Irwin.And who is there who would dare to attempt to force you?""Oh, Mr.Heideck, you have no idea what regard for so-called 'GOODFORM' means for us English people.No scandal--for Heaven's sake, no scandal! That is the first and prime law of our Society.Kind as the Colonel and his wife have been to me until now, I am very much afraid they would drop me, without question of my guilt or innocence, if I should allow anything to take place which they consider a scandal.""And yet you must obey solely your own feeling--only the commands of your heart and conscience, Mrs.Irwin; not the narrow views of the Colonel or any other person.You must not become a martyr to a prejudice--I simply cannot hear the idea.And you must promise me--"He stopped short.A sudden lull in the general conversation caused him to be silent also.And he fancied he saw the intelligent and penetrating eyes of Mrs.Baird directed upon himself with an expression of mistrust.He was displeased with himself.

Displeased, because the intoxicating proximity of the adored being, and his aversion for her husband, that had almost increased to passionate hatred, had led him into the danger of compromising her.

But when, soon afterwards, he took his leave, together with the other guests, a soft pressure of Edith's hand gave him the delightful assurance that she was far from being angry with him.

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