

I have certainly for some time past been quite conscious of the fact that, quite unwittingly, I have attracted the notice of the Maharajah.Immediately after our first meeting he began to annoy me with his attentions.I never took any notice, and never, for one moment, dreamt of the possibility that his--his--what shall Icall it--his admiration could rise to criminal desires; but, after what I have experienced to-day, I cannot help believing that it is the case.""But this monstrosity, Mrs.Irwin, will be past and gone as soon as you indignantly repudiate the suggestion of your abandoned husband?""Between him and me--yes, that is true.But I am not at all certain if the Maharajah's infatuation will then have really ceased to exist.My Indian handmaid has been told by one of her countrymen to warn me of a danger that threatens me.The man did not tell her wherein this danger consists, but I am at a loss to know from what quarter it should threaten, if not from the Maharajah."Heideck shook his head incredulously.

"You have certainly nothing to fear in that quarter; he knows full well that he would have the whole of the British power against him dared he only--be it with one word--attempt to wrong the wife of an English officer.He would be a sheer madman to allow things to come to that pass.""Well, after all, he may have some despotic insanity in him.We must not forget that the time is not so far distant when all these tyrants disposed absolutely of the life and death and body and soul of their subjects.Who knows, too, what my husband-- But perhaps you are right.It may only be a foolish suspicion that has upset me; and it is just for this reason that I did not wish to speak about it to any of my husband's messmates.I have opened my heart to you alone.I know that you are an honourable man, and that nobody will learn from your mouth what we have spoken about during this past hour.""I am very much indebted to you, Mrs.Irwin, for your confidence, and should be only too willing to do what I could to relieve your anxiety and trouble.You are apprehensive of some unknown danger, and you are this night, in your husband's absence, without any other protection but that of your Indian servants.Would you permit me to remain close by, until tomorrow daybreak?"With a blush that made her heart beat faster, Edith Irwin shook her head.

"No! no! that is impossible; and I do not think that here, in the protection of my house and among my own servants, any mishap could befall me.Only in case that something should happen to me at another time and at another place, I would beg of you to acquaint Colonel Baird with the subject of our conversation this evening;people will then perhaps better understand the connexion of things."And now Heideck perfectly understood why she had chosen to make him, a stranger, her confidant; and he thought that he understood also that it was not so much of an attempt on the part of the Maharajah as of her own husband's villainy that the unhappy young wife was afraid.But his delicate feelings restrained him from saying in outspoken language that he had comprehended what she wished to convey.It was after all enough that she knew she could rely upon him; and of this she must have been already sufficiently convinced, although it was only the fire of his eyes that told her so, and the long, warm kiss that his lips impressed upon the small, icy-cold hand which the poor young lady presented to him at parting.

"You will permit me to pay you another call tomorrow, will you not?""I will send you word when I expect you.I should not care for you to meet my husband; perhaps he has some idea that you are friendly inclined towards me; and that would be sufficient to fill him with suspicion and aversion towards you."She clapped her hands, and as the Indian handmaid entered the room to escort the visitor to the door, Heideck had to leave her last remark unanswered.But, as on the threshold he again turned to bow his farewell, his eyes met hers, and though their lips were dumb, they had perhaps told one another more in this single second than during the whole time of their long tete-a-tete.

  • 盗墓天少


  • 爱所以离开


  • 永世之缘


  • 我的贴身搞怪程序


  • 非婚勿扰


  • 穿越重生之装逼系统


  • 佛说大阿弥陀经


  • 鹿晗之我爱你,一生一世


  • 仙世录


  • 神奇宝贝最终的梦想

