

Russia will, of course, not openly allow this at present.They treat their advance as a matter which only concerns the Emir and with which we have nothing to do.But one must be very simple not to discern their real intentions.""And may I ask, Colonel, what you are thinking of doing?"Colonel Baird must really have held the young German for a very trustworthy or, at least, for a very harmless personage, for he replied to his question at once--"The Russian advance guard has crossed the Amu Darya and is marching up the Murghab Valley upon Herat.We shall take our measures accordingly.The Muscovites will have been deceived in us.We are not, after all, so patient and long-suffering as to let our dear neighbours slip in by the open door.I think the Russian generals will pull long faces when they suddenly find themselves confronted in Afghanistan by our battalions, by our Sikhs and Gourkas."The adjutant made his appearance with what was evidently an important message, and as Heideck perceived that the Colonel wished to speak privately to his orderly officer, he considered that politeness required him to retire.

The words of the Colonel, "The Russian advance into Afghanistan means war," rung unceasingly in his ears.He thanked his good fortune for having brought him at the right moment to the theatre of the great events in the world's history, and all his thoughts were now solely directed as to the "where and how" of his being able, on the outbreak of hostilities, to be present both as spectator and observer.

That his Russian friend was animated by the same desire he could all the easier surmise, owing to the fact that Prince Tchajawadse belonged, of course, to one of the nations immediately concerned.

He hastened, therefore, to acquaint him with the results of his interview with Colonel Baird.The effect of his communications upon the Prince was quite as he had anticipated.

"So, really! The advance guard is already across the Amu Darya.

War will, then, break out just in the proper quarter," exclaimed the Russian in a loud outburst of joy."In our army the fear prevailed that the Tsar would never brace himself up to the decision to make war.Powerful and irresistible influences must have been at work to have finally conquered his love of peace.""You will, of course, get to the army as soon as possible?"inquired Heideck; and as the Prince answered in the affirmative, he continued: "I should be grateful to you if you would allow me to join you.But how shall we get across the frontier? It is to be hoped that we shall be allowed to pass quietly as unsuspected merchants.""That is not quite so certain; we shall probably not be able to leave India quite as readily as we entered it; but, at any rate, we must try our best.We can reach Peshawar by rail in twelve hours and Quetta in fifteen.Both these lines of railway are not likely at present to be blocked by military trains, but we shall do well to hasten our departure.In all probability we shall, either by way of Peshawar or Quetta, soon meet with Russian troops, for Ihave no doubt that a Russian army corps is also on the march upon Cabul, although the Colonel, as you say, only spoke of an advance guard moving on Herat.""I would suggest that we go by way of Peshawar and the Khyber Pass, because we should thus reach Cabul most speedily and with the greater security.""We will talk more of this anon, comrade! At all events, it is settled that we travel together.I hope most fervently that in the great theatre of the world your nation is at this present moment standing shoulder to shoulder with mine against England."



  • 八洞天


  • Miss Civilization

    Miss Civilization

    "Miss Civilization" is founded on a story by the late James Harvey Smith. All professional rights in this play belong to Richard Harding Davis.
  • 剡录


  • 下第有感


  • 这位卡师,我们有缘


  • 重生之带条小龙


  • TFBOYS之我们走过的青春


  • 凌然自若:富家公子的淡漠同桌


  • 魅世扶桑白如雪


  • 恶魔宝宝嚣张妈咪


  • 失落的十大封印令


  • 白色眷恋


  • 天落之神


  • 诀品兵王

