

Breckinridge's division formed the first line, facing north, and was posted in the edge of the forest, with Cleburne's division in the second line, 800 yards to the rear.To the left of Adams the line was broken by an intervening field, about three hundred yards in width, which was apparently left unoccupied, but was covered by the Twentieth Tennessee and Wright's battery, of Preston's brigade, which swept it and the fields in front.The remainder of Preston's brigade rested with its right in the woods, and extended along the edge with its left toward the river.On the left of Preston, Palmer's brigade was formed, and on his left Hanson's completed that portion of the line.Jackson's brigade reported to Breckinridge and was placed on the east side of the Lebanon road, on commanding ground, a little in the advance of the right of Adams.On the other side of the river the right of Withers's division rested at the bank, near the intersection of the turnpike with the railroad, and was slightly in advance of Hanson's right.It extended southwardly across the Wilkinson pike to the Triune or Franklin road, in an irregular line adapted to the topography of the country.

In the rear of Withers's division that of Cheatham was posted as a supporting force.McCown's division was placed in the rear of these divisions as the reserve.This was Bragg's first disposition of his troops for battle.On Monday, the 29th, no change of importance was made, the troops remaining in line of battle.In the evening, when Harker's brigade crossed the river, Bragg thought this was a movement to occupy a hill situated about six hundred yards in front of Hanson's centre.This commanded the ground sloping to the river south and west, and from it the right of Withers's division across the river could be enfiladed.Hanson's brigade was sent out, and, on Harker's return, the hill was occupied by the batteries of the enemy.On Monday Bragg, finding that Rosecrans was extending his line on his right,--as Bragg supposed to operate on that flank--threw his reserve division under McCown on Withers's left.Hardee was ordered to take command of McCown's division, and to move Cleburne from the second line in the rear of Breckinridge, and place him on the left as support to McCown.Cleburne was brought forward and placed five hundred yards in rear of the latter.Bragg's main line of battle was in the edge of the woods, with open ground to the front.His troops were formed in two lines, the first line protected by intrenchments, and his second line formed some six hundred yards to the rear.He awaited the attack of Rosecrans on the 30th, and not receiving it, on Tuesday made his arrangements for an advance and attack in force on the morning of the 31st.His troops remained in line of battle, ready to move with the early dawn of the coming day.The two armies were now arrayed only some five hundred yards apart, facing each other, and eager for the conflict of the morrow.

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