

Nashville was re-enforced by the arrival of the advance of the army concentrating there on the 17th of November, and a few days after Rosecrans arrived and established his headquarters in that city.

The first thing that demanded the attention of the new commander was that which had given the most serious trouble to General Buell, viz.: the safety of his communications in the rear to his base of supplies.The repair to the tunnel just south of Mitchelville occupied a large force several weeks to complete.During this time all supplies for troops at Nashville were with the greatest labor hauled fifty-five miles by wagon train.The railroad from Louisville to Nashville was re-opened on the 26th of November, and for one month every effort was made to forward supplies, so the troops could have new clothing issued to them, and that they could be provided with ammunition.The depots at Nashville were filled with needful supplies to provide against the interruption of communication arising from raids on the railroad by rebel cavalry.Since the middle of November Bragg had been concentrating his forces at Murfreesboro, and anticipating that the Federal forces would go into winter quarters at Nashville, had placed his troops in quarters for the winter in the vicinity of the former place.He had sent nearly all of his cavalry to raid on the lines of the Federal communication--Morgan into Kentucky and Wheeler into West Tennessee.With this knowledge, Rosecrans, on the 26th of December, ordered his army to move out of Nashville to attack the enemy on his front.

While the army was being refitted at Nashville, Morgan's cavalry was raiding the surrounding country.On the 7th Morgan's command captured the Ninety-ninth Brigade under Colonel A.B.Moore, at Hartsville, where he had been posted by Thomas to guard the ford of the Cumberland River, and to watch the enemy on the Lebanon road.

The brigade consisted of three infantry regiments, a battalion of cavalry, and a section of artillery, making a force of about two thousand effective men.The command was badly posted, and the commanding officers of the infantry regiments failed to cooperate, or to obey orders.It was, in the main, a repetition of the disgraceful affair at Murfreesboro, when Forrest captured that place during the previous summer.Moore was surprised in his camp early in the morning.No warning was given by the pickets, and before any disposition could be made of the troops, Morgan's men were upon them.Morgan's command consisted of his cavalry, and two regiments of infantry.Moore threw out a skirmish line to resist the advance of Morgan's infantry and dismounted cavalry in line.

The rebels pressed steadily forward to a ravine at the foot of the hill on which Moore had formed his line, and under shelter of this poured such a destructive fire upon the Federal troops, that he ordered a new line to be formed in the rear.In this movement the whole line was thrown into confusion, and being attacked on their right and rear by the rebel cavalry, who had, up to this time not been engaged, Moore's command was crowded one on the other into a narrow space where the fire of the enemy proved terribly effective.

Moore's troops being unable to return the fire, and he not being able to make another disposition of them, the white flag was raised, and the entire command surrendered.Colonel Tafel, in command of the One Hundred and Sixth Ohio, becoming separated from the other troops, made some further resistance, but, being overpowered, he also surrendered.The contest only lasted a little over an hour.

Moore's loss was 150 killed and wounded, his entire command captured, with all army and camp equipment, trains, and two pieces of artillery.Morgan's loss was 125 killed and wounded.

General D.S.Stanley, on reporting to Rosecrans from the Army of the Tennessee, had been assigned to the position of Chief of Cavalry to the Commanding General.On the 12th he attacked and drove the enemy out of the town of Franklin, killing five and capturing twelve men, with a large number of horses and stores.He destroyed the mills at that place, with a great quantity of valuable property.

  • 辽金元宫词


  • 周穆王


  • 蜀都杂抄


  • 眼科阐微


  • 八识规矩论义


  • 铠甲勇士灼奥


  • 重生之最萌皇后


  • 撞到南墙才明白的职场潜规则


  • 贵族天使暗夜恶魔


  • 员工礼仪


  • 静雨如梦


  • 神姬妙断


  • 驱鬼道长之校园奇谈


  • 血魂大陆


  • 仙剑九重天

