

1.But Samuel the prophet, when he had ordered the affairs of the people after a convenient manner, and had appointed a city for every district of them, he commanded them to come to such cities, to have the controversies that they had one with another determined in them, he himself going over those cities twice in a year, and doing them justice; and by that means he kept them in very good order for a long time.

2.But afterwards he found himself oppressed with old age, and not able to do what he used to do, so he committed the government and the care of the multitude to his sons, - the elder of whom was called Joel, and the name of the younger was Abiah.He also enjoined them to reside and judge the people, the one at the city of Bethel, and the other at Beersheba, and divided the people into districts that should be under the jurisdiction of each of them.Now these men afford us an evident example and demonstration how some children are not of the like dispositions with their parents; but sometimes perhaps good and moderate, though born of wicked parents; and sometimes showing themselves to be wicked, though born of good parents: for these men turning aside from their father's good courses, and taking a course that was contrary to them, perverted justice for the 'filthy lucre of gifts and bribes, and made their determinations not according to truth, but according to bribery, and turned aside to luxury, and a costly way of living; so that as, in the first place, they practiced what was contrary to the will of God, so did they, in the second place, what was contrary to the will of the prophet their father, who had taken a great deal of care, and made a very careful provision that the multitude should be righteous.

3.But the people, upon these injuries offered to their former constitution and government by the prophet's sons, were very uneasy at their actions, and came running to the prophet, who then lived at the city Ramah, and informed him of the transgressions of his sons; and said, That as he was himself old already, and too infirm by that age of his to oversee their affairs in the manner he used to do, so they begged of him, and entreated him, to appoint some person to be king over them, who might rule over the nation, and avenge them of the Philistines, who ought to be punished for their former oppressions.These words greatly afflicted Samuel, on account of his innate love of justice, and his hatred to kingly government, for he was very fond of an aristocracy, as what made the men that used it of a divine and happy disposition; nor could he either think of eating or sleeping, out of his concern and torment of mind at what they had said, but all the night long did he continue awake and revolved these notions in his mind.

  • 穿越田园香


  • 福妻驾到


  • 封天刀尊


  • 万事屋之汐江奇才篇


  • 仙剑问情6


    灵漪逃婚,南海孟章盛怒难平,率众神冰冻罗浮。数百年景色清明的道家仙山,一下子成了人间炼狱。更有六七十位青春年少前途无量的上清北子殉难。如此浩劫,上清道家即使再清静无为也要拼死报仇。为死难的同门,更为上清一门的千年清誉。 其实南海这次行动主要还是为调皮山震虎,他们的最终?标是要取代统辖整个内陆水系的四渎龙族。在此次规模空前的战役中,醒言利用“炼神化虚”竟消灭了上古巨猿神将无支祁,让南海一方人心浮动,阵脚大乱。琼彤也不可小觑,跳入熔岩勇斗火焰蛛母,数秒击退凤凰神女绚。她缘何不惧烈??她的身份究竟如何?司幽冥戒中的鬼王来到烛幽鬼方后发现什么惊天秘密?请看《仙剑问情》第六部。
  • 酒伴青春


  • 乱世与勇者


  • 重生之异能战神


  • 玄天双圣


  • 纯真的爱

