

He stepped from the portieres to the safe, and the flashlight played again--this time reflecting back from the glistening nickelled knobs.Jimmie Dale's lips tightened.It was a small safe, almost ludicrously small; but to such height as the art of safe design had been carried, that design was embodied in the one before him.

"Type K-four-two-eight-Colby," muttered Jimmie Dale."A nasty little beggar--and it's eleven o'clock now! I'd use 'soup' for once, if it weren't that it would put Stangeist wise, and give him a chance to make his get-away before the district attorney got the nippers on the four of them."The light went out.Jimmie Dale dropped to his knees; and, while his left hand passed swiftly, tentatively over dials and handle, he rubbed the fingers of his right hand rapidly to and fro over the carpet.Wonderful finger tips were those of Jimmie Dale, sensitive to an abnormal degree; and now, tingling with the friction, the nerves throbbing at the skin surface, they closed in a light, delicate touch upon the knob of the dial--and Jimmie Dale's ear pressed close against the face of the safe.

Time passed.The silence grew heavy--seemed to palpitate through the room.Then a deep breath, half like a sigh, half like a fluttering sob as of a strong man taxed to the uttermost of his endurance, came from Jimmie Dale, and his left hand swept away the sweat beads that had spurted to his forehead.

"Eight--thirteen--twenty-two," whispered Jimmie Dale.

There was a click, a low metallic thud as the bolts slid back, and the door swung open.

And now the flashlight again, searching the mechanism of the inner door--then darkness once more.

Five minutes, ten minutes went by.The clock struck again--and the single stroke seemed to boom out through the house in a weird, raucous, threatening note, and seemed to linger, throbbing in the air.

The inner door was open--the flashlight's ray was flooding a nest of pigeonholes and little drawers.The pigeonholes were crammed with papers, as, presumably, too, were the drawers.Jimmie Dale sucked in his breath.He had already been there well over half an hour--every minute now, every second was counting against him, and to search that mass of papers before Stangeist returned was--"Ah!"--it came in a fierce little ejaculation from Jimmie Dale.

From the centre pigeonhole, almost the first paper he had touched, he drew a long, sealed envelope and at a single swift glance had read the inscription upon it, written in longhand:



The words in the corners were underscored three times.

Swiftly, deftly, Jimmie Dale's hands rolled the rounded end of one of his collection of the legal instruments under the flap of the envelope, turned the sheets over and drew out the folded document inside.There were eight sheets of legal foolscap, neatly fastened together at the top left-hand corner with green tape.He opened them out, read a few words here and there, and turned the pages hurriedly over to scrutinise the last one--and nodded grimly.Three witnesses had testified to the signature of Stangeist, and a notary's seal, accompanied by the usual legal formula, was duly affixed.

Jimmie Dale slipped the document into his pocket, and, with the envelope in his hand, moved to the desk.He opened first one drawer and then another, and finally discovering a pile of blank foolscap, took out four sheets, folded them, and placed them in the envelope, sealing the flap of the latter again.That it did not seal very well now brought a quizzical twitch to Jimmie Dale's lips.Sealed or unsealed, perhaps, it made little difference; but, for all that, he was not through with it yet.Apart from bringing the four to justice, there was, after all, a chance to vindicate the Gray Seal in this matter at least, and repudiate the newspaper theory which the public, to whom the Gray Seal was already a monster of iniquity, would seize upon with avidity.

There was no further need of light now.Jimmie Dale replaced the flashlight in his pocket, took out the thin, metal case, opened it, and with the tiny pair of tweezers that likewise nestled there, lifted out one of the gray, diamond-shaped paper seals.There was no question but that, once under arrest, Stangeist's effects would be immediately and thoroughly searched by the authorities! Jimmie Dale's smile from quizzical became ironic.It would afford the police another little, bewildering reminder of the Gray Seal, and give Carruthers, good old Carruthers of the MORNING NEWS-ARGUS, so innocently ignorant that the Gray Seal was his old college pal, yet the one editor of them all who was not forever barking and yelping at the Gray Seal's heels, a chance to vindicate himself a little, too! Jimmie Dale moistened the adhesive side of the gray seal, and, still mindful of tell-tale finger prints, laid it with the tweezers on the flap of the envelope, and pressed it firmly into place with his elbow.

And then, suddenly, every faculty instantly on the alert, he snatched up the envelope from the desk, and listened.Was it imagination, a trick of nerves, or--no, there it was again!--a footfall on the gravel walk at the front of the house.The sound became louder, clearer--two footfalls instead of one.It was Stangeist, and somebody was with him.

In an instant Jimmie Dale was across the room and kneeling again before the safe.His fingers were flying now.The envelope shot back into the pigeonhole from which he had taken it--the inner door of the safe closed silently and swiftly.

  • 末世之穿越归来


  • 狂暴主宰系统


  • 帝国的分裂:1618-1648三十年战争史


  • 逆生途


  • 极品下下仙:奔跑吧妖怪


  • 吸血鬼的契约恋人


  • 中学生必须掌握的100个沟通技巧


  • 青铭传说


  • 暗夜,彼岸花通彼岸


  • 紫黎曦

