

"We'll take no chances with this," he said grimly."It's been too close a call.After we've had a look at it, we'll put it out of harm's way on the spot, here, while we've got it--before we leave!"He ripped the package open, and disclosed perhaps a dozen official-looking documents, besides a miscellaneous number of others.He took up the first of the papers, glanced through it hurriedly, then tossed it to the pseudo chauffeur.

"Tear it up, and tear it up--SMALL!" he ordered tersely.The next, after examining it as he had the first, he tossed to the other man.

"Go ahead!"--curtly."Work fast! From the looks of these, Travers had us cold! There's proof enough here of LaSalle's murder to send us all to the chair!"He went on glancing through the documents; and then suddenly, joining the others in their work, began to rip and tear at the papers himself.

A sort of cold horror had settled upon Jimmie Dale, and his forehead was clammy wet.The inhuman irony of it! That he should stand there and watch, impotent to prevent it, the destruction of what he would have given his life to secure! And then slowly, a grim, hard, merciless smile came to his lips.He had recognised the leader's voice--now he would recognise the leader's FACE.At least, that was left to him--perhaps the master trump of all.It would not be very hard to find the Crime Club now--with that man to lead the way!

The scraps of paper, tiny shreds, mounted into a heap on the table--and with the last of the contents of the package destroyed, the leader stood up.

"Put these pieces in your pockets; we don't want to leave them here," he directed quietly."And then let's get out."In scarcely a moment, the last scrap of paper had vanished.The three men walked to the door, passed through it, and joined Spider Jack in the store--and Jimmie Dale, slipping out from behind the curtain, gained the door of the rear room, crept through it, reached the stoop, and then, darting like the wind across the yard, was over the fence in a second, and in another was out of the alleyway and on the street.

He was in time--in plenty of time.They had just left Spider Jack's, and were, perhaps, fifty yards or so ahead of him.He slouched on behind them--the cold, grim smile on his lips once more.

It was the Crime Club now, that hell's cradle where their devil's schemes were hatched, that was the one thing left to him; they would lead him to that, and then--and then it would be his turn to STRIKE!

They turned the first corner.And suddenly, as the racing engine of an automobile caught his ear, he broke into a run, and dashed around the corner after them--in time to see them jump into a car, and the car speed off along the street! He halted, as though he were suddenly dazed--started involuntarily to run forward again--stopped with a hollow laugh at the futility of it--and stood still and motionless on the sidewalk.

And then he swayed a little, and his face grew gray.Failure, defeat, ruin--in that moment he knew them all to their bitterest dregs.How could he go to her! How could he face her, and tell her that they were beaten, that the last hope was gone, that he had failed!

"God!" he cried aloud, and clenched his hands.

Then deep in his consciousness a thought stirred, and he swept a shaking hand across his eyes.Why had it come again, that thought!

Did it mean that HE must play--the last card! There was a way--there had always been a way.The way the Crime Club took--MURDER.

It was their own weapon! If the man who posed as Henry LaSalle were killed! If that man--were killed!

"The Magpie was to be there at three!" he muttered--and started mechanically back along the street.

  • 夺天五万年


  • 最强神主


  • 恐怖房客


  • 纵然情深,奈何缘浅


  • 假如你是我的最后一滴泪


  • 福妻驾到


  • 末世之神赐游戏


  • 欢喜忧伤


  • 校花身边的僵尸保镖


  • 机械大法师

