

It was about nine when he had first met the Tocsin, then the Sanctuary, then the long walk as he had followed her--say a quarter of ten for that.And he had certainly been here with her not less than an hour and a half.It must be after eleven, then.One o'clock! And before that must come Makoff and Spider Jack! The night that half an hour ago had seemed so sterile, was crowding a program of events upon him now--too fast!

"Nothin' doin'!" he said thoughtfully."Youse are in wrong dere, Slimmy.One o'clock don't go! Say, take it from me, I've watched dat guy too many nights fer Mag.'Tain't often he leaves de club before one o'clock--an' he ain't never in bed before two.""All right," agreed the Magpie, after a moment's reflection."Youse ought to know.Make it three o'clock." He pulled a cigar from his pocket, lighted it, and, leaning back in his chair, stuck his feet up on the table."If youse don't mind, Mag, I'll stick around a while," he decided calmly."Mabbe de less I'm seen to-night de better--an' I guess dere won't be nobody lookin' fer me here."Larry the Bat coughed suddenly, and rose up a little heavily from his chair.He had not counted on that! If the Magpie was settling down for a prolonged stay, it devolved upon him, Jimmie Dale, to get away, and at once--and without exciting the Magpie's suspicions.He coughed again, looked nervously from the Tocsin to the Magpie--stammered--swallowed hard--and coughed once more.

"Well, wot's bitin' youse?" inquired the Magpie ironically.

"Nothin'," said Larry the Bat--and hesitated."Nothin', only--" He hesitated again; and then, the words in a rush:

"Say, Slimmy, couldn't youse come across wid a piece of dat century now?""Wot fer?" demanded the Magpie, a little aggressively.

Larry the Bat cleared his throat with a desperate effort.

"Youse knows," he admitted sheepishly."Just gimme de price of one, Slimmy--just one.""Coke!" exploded the Magpie."An' get soaked to de eyes--not by a damn sight!""No! Honest to Gawd, no, Slimmy--just one!" pleaded Larry the Bat.

"Nix!" said the Magpie shortly.

Larry the Bat thrust out a hand before the Magpie's eyes that shook tremulously.

"I got to have it!" he declared, with sudden fierceness."I GOT to--see! Look at me! I ain't goin' to be no good to-night if I don't.

I tell youse, I got to! I ain't goin' to t'row youse down, Slimmy--honest, I ain't! Just one--an' it'll set me up.If I don't get none I'll be on de rocks before mornin'! Dat's straight, Slimmy--ask Mag, she knows."

"Aw, let him go get it!" broke in the Tocsin wearily."Dat's de best t'ing youse can do, Slimmy--dey're all alike when dey gets in his class.""Youse cocaine sniffers gives me de pip!" snorted the Magpie, in disgust.He dug down into his pocket, produced a bill, and flung it across the table to Larry the Bat."Well, dere youse are; but youse can take it from me, Larry, dat if youse gets whiffed"--he swore threateningly--"I'll crack every bone in yer face! Get me?""Slimmy," said Larry the Bat fervently, grabbing at the bill with a hungry hand, "youse can count on me.I'll be up dere on de job before youse are.Three o'clock, eh? Well, so long, Slimmy"--he slouched eagerly to the door."So long, Mag"--he paused on the threshold for a single, quick-flung, significant glance."See youse on de avenoo, Mag--I'll be up dere before youse are.So long!""Oh, so long!" said the Tocsin contemptuously.

And, an instant later, Jimmie Dale closed the outer door behind him.

  • 魔法国度秘密花园


  • 倾梦江湖:韶华殇


  • 火影之英雄无双


  • 三世缘:倾半世


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  • 御灵主宰


  • 逆天成神


  • 护妻狂魔


  • 边塞豪侠传

