


Not a sound as the key turned in the lock; not a sound as the door swung back on its carefully oiled hinges; not a sound as Larry the Bat slipped like a shadow into the blackness of the room, closing the door behind him again.With a tread as noiseless as a cat's, he was across the room to satisfy himself that the shutters were tightly closed; and then the single gas jet flared up, murky, yellow, illuminating the miserable, squalid room--the Sanctuary--the home of Larry the Bat.There was need for silence, need for caution.In five minutes, ten at the outside, he must emerge again--as Jimmie Dale.

With a smile on his lips that mingled curiously chagrin and self-commiseration, he took the letter from his pocket and tore it open.

It was she, then, who had been following him all evening, and, like a blundering idiot, he had wasted precious, perhaps irreparable, hours! What had she meant by "It's for my sake to-night"? The words had been ringing in his ears since the moment she had whispered them in that panic-stricken crowd.Was it not always for her sake that he answered these calls to arms? Was it not always for her sake that he, as the Gray Seal, was-- The mental soliloquy came to an abrupt end.He had subconsciously read the first sentence of the letter, and now, with sudden feverish eagerness and excitement, he was reading it to the last word.

"DEAR PHILANTHROPIC CROOK: In an hour after you receive this, if all goes well, you shall know everything--everything.Who I am--yes, and my name.It has been more than three years now, hasn't it?

It has been incomprehensible to you, but there has been no other way.I dared not take the chance of discovery by any one; I dared not expose you to the risk of being known by me.Your life would not have been worth a moment's purchase.Oh, Jimmie, am I only making the mystery more mystifying? But to-night, I think, I hope, I pray that it is all at an end: though against me, and against you to-night when you go to help me, is the most powerful and pitiless organisation of criminals that the world has ever known; and the stake we are playing for is a fortune of millions--and my life.And yet somehow I am afraid now, just because the end is so near, and the victory seems so surely won.And so, Jimmie, be careful; use all that wonderful cleverness of yours as you have never used it before, and-- But there should be no need for that, it is so simple a thing that I am going to ask you to do.Why am I writing so illogically! Nothing, surely, can possibly happen.This is not like one of my usual letters, is it? I am beside myself to-night with hope, anxiety, fear, and excitement.

"Listen, then, Jimmie: Be at the northeast corner of Sixth Avenue and Waverly Place at exactly half-past ten.A taxicab will drive up, as though you had signalled it in passing, and the chauffeur will say: "I've another fare, in half an hour, sir, but I can get you most anywhere in that time." You will be smoking a cigarette.

Toss it out into the street, make any reply you like, and get into the cab.Give the chauffeur that little ring of mine with the crest of the bell and belfry and the motto, "Sonnez le Tocsin," that you found the night old Isaac Pelina was murdered, and the chauffeur will give you in exchange a sealed packet of papers.He will drive you to your home, and I will telephone to you there.

"I need not tell you to destroy this.Keep the appointment in your proper person--as Jimmie Dale.Carry nothing that might identify you as the Gray Seal if any accident should happen.And, lastly, trust the pseudo chauffeur absolutely."There was no signature.Her letters were never signed.He stood for a moment staring at the closely written sheets in his hand, a heightened colour in his cheeks, his lips pressed tightly together--and then his fingers automatically began to tear the letter into pieces, and the pieces again into little shreds.To-night! It was to be to-night, the end of all this mystery.To-night was to see the end of this dual life of his, with its constant peril! To-night the Gray Seal was to exit from the stage forever! To-night, a wonderful climax of the years, he was to see HER!

His blood was quickened now, his heart pounding in a faster beat; a mad elation, a fierce uplift was upon him.He thrust the torn bits of paper into his pocket hurriedly, stepped across the room to the corner, rolled back the oilcloth, and lifted up the loose plank in the flooring, so innocently dustladen, as, more than once, to have eluded the eyes of inquisitive visitors in the shape of police and plain clothes men from headquarters.

From the space beneath he removed a neatly folded pile of clothes, laid these on the bed, and began to undress.He was working rapidly now.Tiny pieces of wax were removed from his nostrils, from under his lips, from behind his ears; water from a cracked pitcher poured into a battered tin basin, and mixed with a few drops of some liquid from a bottle which he procured from its hiding place under the flooring, banished the make-up stain from his face, his neck, his wrists, and hands as if by magic.It was a strange metamorphosis that had taken place--the coarse, brutal-featured, blear-eyed, leering countenance of Larry the Bat was gone, and in its place, clean-cut, square-jawed, clear-eyed, was the face of Jimmie Dale.

And where before had slouched a slope-shouldered, misshapen, flabby creature, a broad-shouldered form well over six feet in height now stood erect, and under the clean white skin the muscles of an athlete, like knobs of steel played back and forth with every movement of his body.

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  • 古尊宿语要目录


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  • 蜜恋娇妻:老婆别跑


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