

Everybody that wants to join has got to take an oath, and write his name in blood."Everybody was willing.So Tom got out a sheet of paper that he had wrote the oath on, and read it.It swore every boy to stick to the band, and never tell any of the secrets; and if anybody done anything to any boy in the band, whichever boy was ordered to kill that person and his family must do it, and he mustn't eat and he mustn't sleep till he had killed them and hacked a cross in their breasts, which was the sign of the band.

And nobody that didn't belong to the band could use that mark, and if he did he must be sued; and if he done it again he must be killed.And if anybody that belonged to the band told the secrets, he must have his throat cut, and then have his carcass burnt up and the ashes scattered all around, and his name blotted off of the list with blood and never mentioned again by the gang, but have a curse put on it and be forgot forever.

Everybody said it was a real beautiful oath, and asked Tom if he got it out of his own head.He said, some of it, but the rest was out of pirate-books and robber-books, and every gang that was high-toned had it.

Some thought it would be good to kill the FAMILIES of boys that told the secrets.Tom said it was a good idea, so he took a pencil and wrote it in.Then Ben Rogers says:

"Here's Huck Finn, he hain't got no family; what you going to do 'bout him?""Well, hain't he got a father?" says Tom Sawyer.

"Yes, he's got a father, but you can't never find him these days.He used to lay drunk with the hogs in the tanyard, but he hain't been seen in these parts for a year or more."They talked it over, and they was going to rule me out, because they said every boy must have a family or somebody to kill, or else it wouldn't be fair and square for the others.Well, nobody could think of anything to do -- everybody was stumped, and set still.I was most ready to cry;but all at once I thought of a way, and so I offered them Miss Watson --they could kill her.Everybody said:

"Oh, she'll do.That's all right.Huck can come in."Then they all stuck a pin in their fingers to get blood to sign with, and I made my mark on the paper.

"Now," says Ben Rogers, "what's the line of business of this Gang?""Nothing only robbery and murder," Tom said.

"But who are we going to rob? -- houses, or cattle, or --""Stuff! stealing cattle and such things ain't robbery; it's burglary,"says Tom Sawyer."We ain't burglars.That ain't no sort of style.We are highwaymen.We stop stages and carriages on the road, with masks on, and kill the people and take their watches and money.""Must we always kill the people?"

"Oh, certainly.It's best.Some authorities think different, but mostly it's considered best to kill them -- except some that you bring to the cave here, and keep them till they're ransomed.""Ransomed? What's that?"

"I don't know.But that's what they do.I've seen it in books; and so of course that's what we've got to do.""But how can we do it if we don't know what it is?""Why, blame it all, we've GOT to do it.Don't I tell you it's in the books? Do you want to go to doing different from what's in the books, and get things all muddled up?""Oh, that's all very fine to SAY, Tom Sawyer, but how in the nation are these fellows going to be ransomed if we don't know how to do it to them? -- that's the thing I want to get at.Now, what do you reckon it is?""Well, I don't know.But per'aps if we keep them till they're ransomed, it means that we keep them till they're dead.""Now, that's something LIKE.That'll answer.Why couldn't you said that before? We'll keep them till they're ransomed to death; and a bothersome lot they'll be, too -- eating up everything, and always trying to get loose.""How you talk, Ben Rogers.How can they get loose when there's a guard over them, ready to shoot them down if they move a peg?""A guard! Well, that IS good.So somebody's got to set up all night and never get any sleep, just so as to watch them.I think that's foolishness.

Why can't a body take a club and ransom them as soon as they get here?""Because it ain't in the books so -- that's why.Now, Ben Rogers, do you want to do things regular, or don't you? -- that's the idea.Don't you reckon that the people that made the books knows what's the correct thing to do? Do you reckon YOU can learn 'em anything? Not by a good deal.

No, sir, we'll just go on and ransom them in the regular way.""All right.I don't mind; but I say it's a fool way, anyhow.Say, do we kill the women, too?""Well, Ben Rogers, if I was as ignorant as you I wouldn't let on.Kill the women? No; nobody ever saw anything in the books like that.You fetch them to the cave, and you're always as polite as pie to them; and by and by they fall in love with you, and never want to go home any more.""Well, if that's the way I'm agreed, but I don't take no stock in it.

Mighty soon we'll have the cave so cluttered up with women, and fellows waiting to be ransomed, that there won't be no place for the robbers.But go ahead, I ain't got nothing to say."Little Tommy Barnes was asleep now, and when they waked him up he was scared, and cried, and said he wanted to go home to his ma, and didn't want to be a robber any more.

So they all made fun of him, and called him crybaby, and that made him mad, and he said he would go straight and tell all the secrets.But Tom give him five cents to keep quiet, and said we would all go home and meet next week, and rob somebody and kill some people.

Ben Rogers said he couldn't get out much, only Sundays, and so he wanted to begin next Sunday; but all the boys said it would be wicked to do it on Sunday, and that settled the thing.They agreed to get together and fix a day as soon as they could, and then we elected Tom Sawyer first captain and Jo Harper second captain of the Gang, and so started home.

I clumb up the shed and crept into my window just before day was breaking.

My new clothes was all greased up and clayey, and I was dog-tired.

  • 天史


  • A Ward of the Golden Gate

    A Ward of the Golden Gate

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  • 今夕行


  • 净土晨钟


  • 万事融笔端·叙事卷(名家经典散文选)


    “名家经典散文选”,包括 《万事融笔端·叙事卷》 《挥笔如传神·写人卷》 《情动于心中·抒情卷》 《情景两依依·情景卷》 《滴水见阳光·哲理卷》 《闲情说理趣·随笔卷》 《提笔如出鞘·杂文卷》 《宏论博天下·议论卷》共8册。本套散文所选文章除了当代我国的名家精品之外,还选择了一些当代外国名家经典散文,诸如法国作家雨果、大仲马,英国哲学家罗素,印度文豪泰戈尔等。这些中外文学大家的作品,知识丰富,思想深刻,对于我们开阔眼界、提升素养都有极大的帮助。这些散文大多以一种轻松随意的文笔,朴实自然地展现出了名家散文的基本状况,并以这些名家生卒时间为顺序进行编排,充分体现了这些名家散文的个性魅力和风格特色。
  • 简明医彀


  • 总裁追失忆未婚妻


  • 龙笑九天


  • 医生故事


  • 魔法少女恋爱史:谁是我的菜


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  • EXO之梦醒花未殇


  • 可惜我们都散了


  • 冷血公主倾城复仇爱恋

