

"She instantly rose," Julian proceeded."'I won't keep her ladyship waiting a moment,' she said; 'show me the way.' She signed to the maid to go out of the room first, and then turned round and spoke to me from the door.I despair of describing the insolent exultation of her manner.I can only repeat her words: 'This is exactly what I wanted! I had intended to insist on seeing Lady Janet: she saves me the trouble.I am infinitely obliged to her.' With that she nodded to me, and closed the door.I have not seen her, I have not heard of her, since.For all I know, she may be still with my aunt, and Horace may have found her there when he entered the room.""What can Lady Janet have to say to her?" Mercy asked, eagerly.

"It is impossible even to guess.When you found me in the dining-room I was considering that very question.I cannot imagine that any neutral ground can exist on which it is possible for Lady Janet and this woman to meet.In her present frame of mind she will in all probability insult Lady Janet before she has been five minutes in the room.I own I am completely puzzled.The one conclusion I can arrive at is that the note which my aunt sent to you, the private interview with Miss Roseberry which has followed, and the summons to Horace which has succeeded in its turn, are all links in the same chain of events, and are all tending to that renewed temptation against which I have already warned you."Mercy held up her hand for silence.She looked toward the door that opened on the hall; had she heard a footstep outside? No.All was still.Not a sign yet of Horace's return.

"Oh!" she exclaimed, "what would I not give to know what is going on upstairs!""You will soon know it now," said Julian."It is impossible that our present uncertainty can last much longer."He turned away, intending to go back to the room in which she had found him.Looking at her situation from a man's point of view, he naturally assumed that the best service he could now render to Mercy would be to leave her to prepare herself for the interview with Horace.Before he had taken three steps away from her she showed him the difference between the woman's point of view and the man's.The idea of considering beforehand what she should say never entered her mind.In her horror of being left by herself at that critical moment, she forgot every other consideration.Even the warning remembrance of Horace's jealous distrust of Julian passed away from her, for the moment, as completely as if it never had a place in her memory."Don't leave me!" she cried."I can't wait here alone.Come back--come back!"She rose impulsively while she spoke, as if to follow him into the dining-room, if he persisted in leaving her.

A momentary expression of doubt crossed Julian's face as he retraced his steps and signed to her to be seated again.Could she be depended on (he asked himself) to sustain the coming test of her resolution, when she had not courage enough to wait for events in a room by herself? Julian had yet to learn that a woman's courage rises with the greatness of the emergency.Ask her to accompany you through a field in which some harmless cattle happen to be grazing, and it is doubtful, in nine cases out of ten, if she will do it.Ask her, as one of the passengers in a ship on fire, to help in setting an example of composure to the rest, and it is certain, in nine cases out of ten, that she will do it.As soon as Julian had taken a chair near her, Mercy was calm again.

"Are you sure of your resolution?" he asked.

"I am certain of it," she answered, "as long as you don't leave me by myself."The talk between them dropped there.They sat together in silence, with their eyes fixed on the door, waiting for Horace to come in.

After the lapse of a few minutes their attention was attracted by a sound outside in the grounds.A carriage of some sort was plainly audible approaching the house.

The carriage stopped; the bell rang; the front door was opened.Had a visitor arrived? No voice could be heard making inquiries.No footsteps but the servant's footsteps crossed the hall.Along pause followed, the carriage remaining at the door.Instead of bringing some one to the house, it had apparently arrived to take some one away.

The next event was the return of the servant to the front door.They listened again.Again no second footstep was audible.The door was closed; the servant recrossed the hall; the carriage was driven away.Judging by sounds alone, no one had arrived at the house, and no one had left the house.

Julian looked at Mercy."Do you understand this?" he asked.

She silently shook her head.

"If any person has gone away in the carriage," Julian went on, "that person can hardly have been a man, or we must have heard him in the hall."The conclusion which her companion had just drawn from the noiseless departure of the supposed visitor raised a sudden doubt in Mercy's mind.

"Go and inquire!" she said, eagerly.

Julian left the room, and returned again, after a brief absence, with signs of grave anxiety in his face and manner.

"I told you I dreaded the most trifling events that were passing about us," he said."An event, which is far from being trifling, has just happened.The carriage which we heard approaching along the drive turns out to have been a cab sent for from the house.The person who has gone away in it--""Is a woman, as you supposed?"


Mercy rose excitedly from her chair.

"It can't be Grace Roseberry?" she exclaimed.

"It is Grace Roseberry."

"Has she gone away alone?"

"Alone--after an interview with Lady Janet.""Did she go willingly?"

"She herself sent the servant for the cab.""What does it mean?"

"It is useless to inquire.We shall soon know."They resumed their seats, waiting, as they had waited already, with their eyes on the library door.

[Next Chapter]

[Table of Contents]

  • 一世倾城:璃茉九心


  • 众神的遗忘计划


  • 罪孽至尊


  • 名门暖婚:大叔的心尖宠儿


  • 开禧德安守城录


  • 阿修罗王传1


  • 君之所爱


  • 帝曜九重天


  • 魔门公子混花都


  • 错金

