

"Before the night comes I must leave the house from which I am now writing.I have nowhere to go to.The little money, the few valuable possessions I have, must be left behind me: they have been obtained under false pretenses; they are not mine.No more forlorn creature than I am lives at this moment.You are a Christian woman.Not for my sake--for Christ's sake--pity me and take me back.

"I am a good nurse, as you know, and I am a quick worker with my needle.In one way or the other can you not find occupation for me?

"I could also teach, in a very unpretending way.But that is useless.Who would trust their children to a woman without a character? There is no hope for me in this direction.And yet I am so fond of children! I think I could be, not happy again, perhaps, but content with my lot, if I could be associated with them in some way.Are there not charitable societies which are trying to help and protect destitute children wandering about the streets? I think of my own wretched childhood--and oh! I should so like to be employed in saving other children from ending as I have ended.I could work, for such an object as that, from morning to night, and never feel weary.All my heart would be in it; and I should have this advantage over happy and prosperous women--I should have nothing else to think of.Surely they might trust me with the poor little starving wanderers of the streets--if you said a word for me? If I am asking too much, please forgive me.I am so wretched, madam--so lonely and so weary of my life.

"There is only one thing more.My time here is very short.Will you please reply to this letter (to say yes or no) by telegram?

"The name by which you know me is not the name by which I have been known here.I must beg you to address the telegram to 'The Reverend Julian Gray, Mablethorpe House, Kensington.' He is here, and he will show it to me.No words of mine can describe what I owe to him.He has never despaired of me --he has saved me from myself.God bless and reward the kindest, truest, best man I have ever known!

"I have no more to say, except to ask you to excuse this long letter, and to believe me your grateful servant, ----."She signed and inclosed the letter, and wrote the address.Then, for the first time, an obstacle which she ought to have seen before showed itself, standing straight in her way.

There was no time to forward her letter in the ordinary manner by post.It must be taken to its destination by a private messenger.Lady Janet's servants had hitherto been, one and all, at her disposal.Could she presume to employ them on her own affairs, when she might be dismissed from the house, a disgraced woman, in half an hour's time? Of the two alternatives it seemed better to take her chance, and present herself at the Refuge without asking leave first.

While she was still considering the question she was startled by a knock at her door.On opening it she admitted Lady Janet's maid, with a morsel of folded note-paper in her hand.

"From my lady, miss," said the woman, giving her the note."There is no answer."Mercy stopped her as she was about to leave the room.The appearance of the maid suggested an inquiry to her.She asked if any of the servants were likely to be going into town that afternoon.

"Yes, miss.One of the grooms is going on horseback, with a message to her ladyship's coach-maker."The Refuge was close by the coach-maker's place of business.Under the circumstances, Mercy was emboldened to make use of the man.It was a pardonable liberty to employ his services now.

"Will you kindly give the groom that letter for me?" she said."It will not take him out of his way.He has only to deliver it--nothing more."The woman willingly complied with the request.Left once more by herself, Mercy looked at the little note which had been placed in her hands.

It was the first time that her benefactress had employed this formal method of communicating with her when they were both in the house.What did such a departure from established habits mean? Had she received her notice of dismissal? Had Lady Janet's quick intelligence found its way already to a suspicion of the truth? Mercy's nerves were unstrung.She trembled pitiably as she opened the folded note.

It began without a form of address, and it ended without a signature.Thus it ran:

"I must request you to delay for a little while the explanation which you have promised me.At my age, painful surprises are very trying things.I must have time to compose myself, before I can hear what you have to say.You shall not be kept waiting longer than I can help.In the meanwhile everything will go on as usual.My nephew Julian, and Horace Holmcroft, and the lady whom I found in the dining-room, will, by my desire, remain in the house until I am able to meet them, and to meet you, again."There the note ended.To what conclusion did it point?

Had Lady Janet really guessed the truth? or had she only surmised that her adopted daughter was connected in some discreditable manner with the mystery of "Mercy Merrick"? The line in which she referred to the intruder in the dining-room as "the lady" showed very remarkably that her opinions had undergone a change in that quarter.But was the phrase enough of itself to justify the inference that she had actually anticipated the nature of Mercy's confession? It was not easy to decide that doubt at the moment--and it proved to be equally difficult to throw any light on it at an aftertime.To the end of her life Lady Janet resolutely refused to communicate to any one the conclusions which she might have privately formed, the griefs which she might have secretly stifled, on that memorable day.

Amid much, however, which was beset with uncertainty, one thing at least was clear.The time at Mercy's disposal in her own room had been indefinitely prolonged by Mercy's benefactress.Hours might pass before the disclosure to which she stood committed would be expected from her.In those hours she might surely compose her mind sufficiently to be able to write her letter of confession to Julian Gray.

  • 丹经极论


  • 中寒论辩证广注


  • 密咒圆因往生


  • 杂纂之纂得确


  • Bureaucracy


  • 火澜


  • 论勇者的正确使用方式


  • 异界大陆之魂罗传说


  • 惟圣


  • 重生之救世魔法之女


  • 心机男孩爱上你


  • 吉娃娃犬


  • 都市至尊仙医


  • 神陆


  • 情欲抗体


    “ 情感心灵天后级作家”、“悲情风格的都市言情作家”双人鱼最有冲击力的小说。乔诺十岁遭遇父母婚变;母亲遭受羞辱,欲与乔诺服毒自尽;乔诺侥幸保命,去了瑞典;十年后,父亲病危,乔诺回国,邂逅陆宇,她用蔷薇般的芬芳诱惑他;一切如她所愿,她却身陷其中,原来她对他不仅是诱惑。她能否全身而退?当那首沧桑的情歌又唱起时,她绝望地听到自己的心对他说:我在这里!