

As to the smaller details of this life beyond, it is better perhaps not to treat them, for the very good reason that they are small details.We will learn them all soon for ourselves, and it is only vain curiosity which leads us to ask for them now.One thing is clear: there are higher intelligences over yonder to whom synthetic chemistry, which not only makes the substance but moulds the Page 78form, is a matter of absolute ease.We see them at work in the coarser media, perceptible to our material senses, in the seance room.If they can build up simulacra in the seance room, how much may we expect them to do when they are working upon ethereal objects in that ether which is their own medium.It may be said generally that they can make something which is analogous to anything which exists upon earth.How they do it may well be a matter of guess and speculation among the less advanced spirits, as the phenomena of modern science are a matter of guess and speculation to us.If one of us were suddenly called up by the denizen of some sub-human world, and were asked to explain exactly what gravity is, or what magnetism is, how helpless we should be! We may put ourselves in the position, then, of a young engineer soldier like Raymond Lodge, who tries to give some theory of matter in the beyond -- a theory which is very likely contradicted by some other spirit who is also guessing at things above him.He may be right, or he may be wrong, but be is doing his best to say what he thinks, as Page 79we should do in similar case.He believes that his transcendental chemists can make anything, and that even such unspiritual matter as alcohol or tobacco could come within their powers and could still be craved for by unregenerate spirits.This has tickled the critics to such an extent that one would really think to read the comments that it was the only statement in a book which contains 400 closely-printed pages.Raymond may be right or wrong, but the only thing which the incident proves to me is the unflinching courage and honesty of the man who chronicled it, knowing well the handle that he was giving to his enemies.

There are many who protest that this world which is described to us is too material for their liking.It is not as they would desire it.Well, there are many things in this world which seem different from what we desire, but they exist none the less.But when we come to examine this charge of materialism and try to construct some sort of system which would satisfy the idealists, it becomes a very difficult task.Are we to be mere wisps of gaseous happiness floating Page 80about in the air? That seems to be the idea.But if there is no body like our own, and if there is no character like our own, then say what you will, we have become extinct.What is it to a mother if some impersonal glorified entity is shown to her? She will say, "that is not the son I lost -- I want his yellow hair, his quick smile, his little moods that I know so well." That is what she wants; that, I believe, is what she will have; but she will not have them by any system which cuts us away from all that reminds us of matter and takes us to a vague region of floating emotions.

There is an opposite school of critics which rather finds the difficulty in picturing a life which has keen perceptions, robust emotions, and a solid surrounding all constructed in so diaphanous a material.Let us remember that everything depends upon its comparison with the things around it.

If we could conceive of a world a thousand times denser, heavier and duller than this world, we can clearly see that to its inmates it would seem much the same as this, since their strength and texture would be in pro Page 81portion.If, however, these inmates came in contact with us, they would look upon us as extraordinarily airy beings living in a strange, light, spiritual atmosphere.They would not remember that we also, since our beings and our surroundings are in harmony and in proportion to each other, feel and act exactly as they do.

We have now to consider the case of yet another stratum of life, which is as much above us as the leaden community would be below us.To us also it seems as if these people, these spirits, as we call them, live the lives of vapour and of shadows.We do not recollect that there also everything is in proportion and in harmony so that the spirit scene or the spirit dwelling, which might seem a mere dream thing to us, is as actual to the spirit as are our own scenes or our own dwellings, and that the spirit body is as real and tangible to another spirit as ours to our friends.

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