Thanks to the rest of the chorus, which proved abundantly available, I was no immediate witness to Cecily's introduction to the glorious fragments which sustain in Agra the memory of the moguls.I may as well say that I arranged with care that if anybody must be standing by when Dacres disclosed them, it should not be I.If Cecily had squinted, I should have been sorry, but I would have found in it no personal humiliation.There were other imperfections of vision, however, for which I felt responsible and ashamed; and with Dacres, though the situation, Heaven knows, was none of my seeking, I had a little the feeling of a dealer who offers a defective bibelot to a connoisseur.My charming daughter--I was fifty times congratulated upon her appearance and her manners--had many excellent qualities and capacities which she never inherited from me; but she could see no more than the bulk, no further than the perspective; she could register exactly as much as a camera.
This was a curious thing, perhaps, to displease my maternal vanity, but it did; I had really rather she squinted; and when there was anything to look at I kept out of the way.I can not tell precisely, therefore, what the incidents were that contributed tomake Mr.Tottenham, on our return from these expeditions, so thoughtful, with a thoughtfulness which increased, towards the end of them, to a positive gravity.This would disappear during dinner under the influence of food and drink.He would talk nightly with new enthusiasm and fresh hope--or did I imagine it?--of the loveliness he had arranged to reveal on the following day.If again my imagination did not lead me astray, I fancied this occurred later and later in the course of the meal as the week went on; as if his state required more stimulus as time progressed.One evening, when I expected it to flag altogether, I had a whim to order champagne and observe the effect; but I am glad to say that I reproved myself, and refrained.
Cecily, meanwhile, was conducting herself in a manner which left nothing to be desired.If, as I sometimes thought, she took Dacres very much for granted, she took him calmly for granted; she seemed a prey to none of those fluttering uncertainties, those suspended judgments and elaborate indifferences which translate themselves so plainly in a young lady receiving addresses.She turned herself out very freshly and very well; she was always ready for everything, and I am sure that no glance of Dacres Tottenham's found aught but direct and decorous response.His society on these occasions gave her solid pleasure; so did the drive and the lunch; the satisfactions were apparently upon the same plane.She was aware of the plum, if I may be permitted a brusque but irresistible simile;and with her mouth open, her eyes modestly closed, and her head in a convenient position, she waited, placidly, until it should fall in.
The Farnham ladies would have been delighted with the result of their labours in the sweet reason and eminent propriety of this attitude.Thinking of my idiotic sufferings when John began to fix himself upon my horizon, I pondered profoundly the power of nature in differentiation.
One evening, the last, I think, but one, I had occasion to go to my daughter's room, and found her writing in her commonplace-book.She had a commonplace-book, as well as a Where Is It? an engagement-book, an account-book, a diary, a Daily Sunshine, and others with purposes too various to remember.'Dearest mamma,' she said, as Iwas departing, 'there is only one "p" in "opulence", isn't there?'
'Yes,' I replied, with my hand on the door-handle, and added curiously, for it was an odd word in Cecily's mouth, 'Why?'
She hardly hesitated.'Oh,' she said, 'I am just writing down one or two things Mr.Tottenham said about Agra before I forget them.
They seemed so true.'
'He has a descriptive touch,' I remarked.
'I think he describes beautifully.Would you like to hear what he said today?'
'I would,' I replied, sincerely.
'"Agra,"' read this astonishing young lady, '"is India's one pure idyll.Elsewhere she offers other things, foolish opulence, tawdry pageant, treachery of eunuchs and jealousies of harems, thefts of kings' jewels and barbaric retributions; but they are all actual, visualized, or part of a past that shows to the backward glance hardly more relief and vitality than a Persian painting"--I should like to see a Persian painting--"but here the immortal tombs and pleasure-houses rise out of colour delicate and subtle; the vision holds across three hundred years; the print of the court is still in the dust of the city."'
'Did you really let him go on like that?' I exclaimed.'It has the license of a lecture!'
'I encouraged him to.Of course he didn't say it straight off.He said it naturally; he stopped now and then to cough.I didn't understand it all; but I think I have remembered every word.'
'You have a remarkable memory.I'm glad he stopped to cough.Is there any more?'
'One little bit."Here the moguls wrought their passions into marble, and held them up with great refrains from their religion, and set them about with gardens; and here they stand in the twilight of the glory of those kings and the noonday splendour of their own."'
'How clever of you!' I exclaimed.'How wonderfully clever of you to remember!'
'I had to ask him to repeat one or two sentences.He didn't like that.But this is nothing.I used to learn pages letter-perfect for Aunt Emma.She was very particular.I think it is worth preserving, don't you?'
'Dear Cecily,' I responded, 'you have a frugal mind.'
There was nothing else to respond.I could not tell her just how practical I thought her, or how pathetic her little book.