

Tell them about Harper's Book of facts,Hayden's Dictionary of dates,the Century and Lippincott reference books and so on;also Chambers'Book of days,and the mythological dictionaries,in addition to the best encyclopedias,leaving at each school a deive list of these books for their further use.Call especial attention to the biographical dictionaries--few persons know how to use a set whose index is in the last volume;also note difference between table of contents and index in general books,and accustom them to use the latter.If there is a very large reference room it might be well to have some of the best books for school use collected on one shelf,and of course every children's room should be thus supplied.

Poole's index may be explained for the principle,but practically people are so sure to select the very volume you have not that it is well to use a little discretion with regard to it,unless you have made an index of all your own periodicals which are included in Poole,and can induce children to be patient enough to use it as a key to the other.The Cumulative index is rather better to teach them the use of periodicals,since it does not contain so many,and also as it gives such a very good idea of the dictionary catalog.The back numbers can be used in your explanations in the schoolroom for both purposes.Find out whether there is a debating society,and if so bring out Briefs for debate,Pros and cons,and tell them specially about the periodical indexes for late subjects.

Care must be taken not to crowd too much into one lesson,or to make it too technical;this latter point we must specially guard against,and experience in teaching comes into good use here.

Their individual work with these books will have to be overlooked for some time,even though they are not conscious of it;and one must be ready to fly to the rescue and lend a helping hand without a special request,which I have found some children too timid to make.

In the first year of this kind of work the grammar grades and high school would need some of the instruction given in the lower grades,and after the system is really in working order there would be no actual need to go beyond the grammar grade,as the aim should be to have all really necessary instruction given then as so large a majority of pupils never go farther;but in the high school,if advisable,a course in bibliography could be introduced,based on their school work.

The use of the reference room,or reference desk,is a thing to be taught as much as the books themselves,and in this matter those libraries in which there is not an entirely separate children's room may have an advantage.

I am told that there is a certain feeling of timidity in entering a reference room which is sometimes hard to overcome in children accustomed to a special room and attendant.

Whatever the arrangement,they must be made to feel that the reference room,its appliances and its attendants,are part of their school outfit,an annex to the school as it were,however much we,carrying out the idea of Dr.Harris,may think the school an annex to the library.Accustom them as far as possible to use reference books at the library,and perhaps the coming generation will not invariably demand a book to take home,no matter how small the subject or how large the number of applicants for the same.

In this,as in all other school work,we must look to the teacher for aid after the technical use of our tools is taught.

The average child does not so much need the encouragement to read which may come from the library as constant guidance,which,to a large degree,must and does rest with the teacher,and in this matter of instruction much must depend on her even though the teaching itself is not imposed upon her as part of her duties.

Explain to her your ideas,get her individual interest,and I can testify that she will assist in many ways.Children take their tone from their teacher,and the battle is half won if we have her hearty cooperation.A catalog should be placed in every school,and this she will help her pupils to use in nature work,history,and geography,and at the different holidays;also for their selections in speaking.

Particularly can she help in regard to their use of the reference room.She will remind them from time to time to go there instead of to the general delivery counter for special school topics.She will furnish a weekly memorandum of her essay work,this especially in the high school.She will send a warning note when her whole class is to descend upon us in a body at the busiest part of the afternoon,thereby probably saving our reputation in the minds of these young people whom we are laboring to convince that the library is an inexhaustible storehouse of information,equal to any demand which may be made upon it.

Now is the time for them to put their theoretical knowledge into practice,and we must often turn them loose with the reference books to find their own way,if we would be able in the future to deny the accusation that we are fostering laziness by having the very page and line pointed out.

I really believe that when the present library and school movement,has had time to exert its influence over even one generation,unlimited possibilities will unfold.Think what it will be to have our legislatures and city councils,our school and library boards and corps of teachers,drawn from the ranks of those who have grown up in the atmosphere of the public library to a true appreciation of its value.

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