
第103章 SYNOPSIS(4)

Before issuing these cards,each boy and girl was instructed as to the right use of a library and the consideration due from one reader to another,and then asked to sign a register in which they promised to use the library properly whenever they came.

These cards were to be shown each time they wished to go into the stacks,but in no way did they interfere with drawing books at the desk,if they had neglected to bring them.Any mis-behavior took away this stack card until they were again ready to fulfill their promise.

This plan was entirely foreign to our theories,our wishes,or our beliefs,but in an emergency proved helpful in making the boys and girls realize we were in EARNEST when we said we wished to have it more quiet.Best of all,it gave an opportunity for a little personal talk with each one,and though of necessity this took much time,we considered it well worth while.Decided improvement made it unnecessary to continue the use of the card.

To the older boys and girls we take pains to explain why we ask them to respect the place and the rights of others.Occasionally we have written a letter to those who offend continually,signed by the librarian and a member of the library committee.In the majority of cases this brought about the needed reform--if not,the privileges of the library were taken away.

Miss Mary A.Smith,Eau Claire,Wis.

I am quite interested in your questions about discipline,as we feel we have reached a very comfortable stage in the problem after considerable agitation and I have wondered some times what plan others followed.

Our whole argument with young people--(that means high school here as they seemed the only disturbing element)was consideration for other people.When talking to grade pupils that were soon to come into high school,we explained that we could have only two grades in a public library,children and grown people.When they entered high school and used the main library almost entirely,we classed them as grown people and must expect from them the same carefulness,as older people were much more easily disturbed.

The discipline we found,as usually is the case,one of individuals.We first spoke to the transgressor.If he did not pay sufficient regard as shown in action,we suspended him usually for a week,with a very definite explanation,that before he returned,he must give a pledge in place of the one on the registration card which he had broken.He knew these pledges were filed away as part of the library record.If that pledge was broken it meant that the case would be referred to the Library Board.This had to be done but once and that had an excellent effect.The Board suspended for several months with the understanding that return then depended on pledges made to the librarian.

There must be one person who is making the standard for conduct and that person must be on hand during hours when trouble is likely to arise;that means the librarian.Assistants must be in sympathy,watch,help and report cases,but not take active part in discipline.

The penalty must be a very certain thing,as sure a law in the public library as violation of law on the streets.There must not be nagging of young people nor wasting of words.When a transgressor is told to do anything,it must be done in such a manner,and without anger or annoyance in voice,if possible,so that a librarian can turn away and know the order will be obeyed.

I believe it is possible to establish a standard of conduct in a public library,which a young person will feel and know if he is not within that standard.It can not be done in a week nor a month.I hope we have one here now.I mean by that also that a librarian can leave the library and not feel that any advantage is going to be taken of an assistant because she is not there.Ido not believe in a librarian popping in any time during her off hours making the young people feel she is ready to spring upon them at unexpected moments.

The above states what we have been doing,and we seldom now have to think of discipline.If we see signs of carelessness,we nip them in the bud.One must discriminate between a moment's thoughtlessness in a young person and the beginning of a wrong library habit.That may not seem clearly put.A firm,steady glance in his direction and the way he takes it will usually diagnose the case.

I think the object of discipline in a Public Library is much more than to keep young people quiet.It seems now-a-days one of the few public places where they may mingle with older people and show them consideration.A quiet library ought to be an antidote for unseasonable boisterousness suffered by young people.No librarian need fear she is driving people away,if she tightens up all along this line.That at least has not been our experience,as we grew rapidly while we were the most strenuous.

People have more respect for an institution,where each person will be held to his privileges,and not be allowed to interfere with another's.

I was amused the other night when a high school boy,who had needed suggestion himself two years ago,came to me and said he thought two younger boys were disturbing an older gentleman in the reference room.These younger boys who were only talking more than was necessary,had not used the reference room and did not clearly understand that the same amount of conversation was not allowed there as in the other room.I spoke to them and when Ireturned suggested to the older boy that he might keep an eye on them,as I much preferred they stay there and think of the older man than come into the other room.He reported that they gave no more trouble.

Our reference room discipline has been very much assisted by a signing of the simple agreement:"I promise to refrain from all unnecessary conversation in the reference room."All high school students sign before using the room.The paper lies on the loan desk so at a glance we expect to be able to tell who is there.

The room is away from the desk and can not be watched from it.

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