Each of the Little Ones had by this time,except three of the boys,found at least an unobjecting bedfellow,and lay still and white beside a still,white woman.The little orphans had adopted mothers!One tiny girl had chosen a father to sleep with,and that was mine.A boy lay by the side of the beautiful matron with the slow-healing hand.On the middle one of the three couches hitherto unoccupied,lay Lona.
Eve set Lilith down beside it.Adam pointed to the vacant couch on Lona's right hand,and said,"There,Lilith,is the bed I have prepared for you!"She glanced at her daughter lying before her like a statue carved in semi-transparent alabaster,and shuddered from head to foot."How cold it is!"she murmured.
"You will soon begin to find comfort in the cold,"answered Adam.
"Promises to the dying are easy!"she said.
"But I know it:I too have slept.I am dead!""I believed you dead long ago;but I see you alive!""More alive than you know,or are able to understand.I was scarce alive when first you knew me.Now I have slept,and am awake;I am dead,and live indeed!""I fear that child,"she said,pointing to Lona:"she will rise and terrify me!""She is dreaming love to you."
"But the Shadow!"she moaned;"I fear the Shadow!he will be wroth with me!""He at sight of whom the horses of heaven start and rear,dares not disturb one dream in this quiet chamber!""I shall dream then?"
"You will dream."
"What dreams?"
"That I cannot tell,but none HE can enter into.When the Shadow comes here,it will be to lie down and sleep also.--His hour will come,and he knows it will.""How long shall I sleep?"
"You and he will be the last to wake in the morning of the universe."The princess lay down,drew the sheet over her,stretched herself out straight,and lay still with open eyes.
Adam turned to his daughter.She drew near.
"Lilith,"said Mara,"you will not sleep,if you lie there a thousand years,until you have opened your hand,and yielded that which is not yours to give or to withhold.""I cannot,"she answered."I would if I could,and gladly,for Iam weary,and the shadows of death are gathering about me.""They will gather and gather,but they cannot infold you while yet your hand remains unopened.You may think you are dead,but it will be only a dream;you may think you have come awake,but it will still be only a dream.Open your hand,and you will sleep indeed--then wake indeed.""I am trying hard,but the fingers have grown together and into the palm.""I pray you put forth the strength of your will.For the love of life,draw together your forces and break its bonds!""I have struggled in vain;I can do no more.I am very weary,and sleep lies heavy upon my lids.""The moment you open your hand,you will sleep.Open it,and make an end."A tinge of colour arose in the parchment-like face;the contorted hand trembled with agonised effort.Mara took it,and sought to aid her.
"Hold,Mara!"cried her father."There is danger!"The princess turned her eyes upon Eve,beseechingly.
"There was a sword I once saw in your husband's hands,"she murmured.
"I fled when I saw it.I heard him who bore it say it would divide whatever was not one and indivisible!""I have the sword,"said Adam."The angel gave it me when he left the gate.""Bring it,Adam,"pleaded Lilith,"and cut me off this hand that Imay sleep."
"I will,"he answered.
He gave the candle to Eve,and went.The princess closed her eyes.
In a few minutes Adam returned with an ancient weapon in his hand.
The scabbard looked like vellum grown dark with years,but the hilt shone like gold that nothing could tarnish.He drew out the blade.
It flashed like a pale blue northern streamer,and the light of it made the princess open her eyes.She saw the sword,shuddered,and held out her hand.Adam took it.The sword gleamed once,there was one little gush of blood,and he laid the severed hand in Mara's lap.Lilith had given one moan,and was already fast asleep.Mara covered the arm with the sheet,and the three turned away.
"Will you not dress the wound?"I said.
"A wound from that sword,"answered Adam,"needs no dressing.It is healing and not hurt.""Poor lady!"I said,"she will wake with but one hand!""Where the dead deformity clung,"replied Mara,"the true,lovely hand is already growing."We heard a childish voice behind us,and turned again.The candle in Eve's hand shone on the sleeping face of Lilith,and the waking faces of the three Little Ones,grouped on the other side of her couch.
"How beautiful she is grown!"said one of them.
"Poor princess!"said another;"I will sleep with her.She will not bite any more!"As he spoke he climbed into her bed,and was immediately fast asleep.
Eve covered him with the sheet.
"I will go on her other side,"said the third."She shall have two to kiss her when she wakes!""And I am left alone!"said the first mournfully.
"I will put you to bed,"said Eve.
She gave the candle to her husband,and led the child away.
We turned once more to go back to the cottage.I was very sad,for no one had offered me a place in the house of the dead.Eve joined us as we went,and walked on before with her husband.Mara by my side carried the hand of Lilith in the lap of her robe.
"Ah,you have found her!"we heard Eve say as we stepped into the cottage.
The door stood open;two elephant-trunks came through it out of the night beyond.
"I sent them with the lantern,"she went on to her husband,"to look for Mara's leopardess:they have brought her."I followed Adam to the door,and between us we took the white creature from the elephants,and carried her to the chamber we had just left,the women preceding us,Eve with the light,and Mara still carrying the hand.There we laid the beauty across the feet of the princess,her fore-paws outstretched,and her head couching between them.