

It was yet far from morning when I became aware of a slight fluttering and scrambling.I rose on my elbow,and looking about me,saw many Little Ones descend from their nests.They disappeared,and in a few moments all was again still.

"What are they doing?"I asked.

"They think,"answered Lona,"that,stupid as they are,the giants will search the wood,and they are gone to gather stones with which to receive them.Stones are not plentiful in the forest,and they have to scatter far to find enow.They will carry them to their nests,and from the trees attack the giants as they come within reach.Knowing their habits,they do not expect them before the morning.If they do come,it will be the opening of a war of expulsion:one or the other people must go.The result,however,is hardly doubtful.We do not mean to kill them;indeed,their skulls are so thick that I do not think we could!--not that killing would do them much harm;they are so little alive!If one were killed,his giantess would not remember him beyond three days!""Do the children then throw so well that the thing MIGHT happen?"I asked.

"Wait till you see them!"she answered,with a touch of pride.

"--But I have not yet told you,"she went on,"of a strange thing that happened the night before last!--We had come home from gathering our fruit,and were asleep in our nests,when we were roused by the horrid noises of beasts fighting.The moon was bright,and in a moment our trees glittered with staring little eyes,watching two huge leopardesses,one perfectly white,the other covered with black spots,which worried and tore each other with I do not know how many teeth and claws.To judge by her back,the spotted creature must have been climbing a tree when the other sprang upon her.When first I saw them,they were just under my own tree,rolling over and over each other.I got down on the lowest branch,and saw them perfectly.The children enjoyed the spectacle,siding some with this one,some with that,for we had never seen such beasts before,and thought they were only at play.But by degrees their roaring and growling almost ceased,and I saw that they were in deadly earnest,and heartily wished neither might be left able to climb a tree.But when the children saw the blood pouring from their flanks and throats,what do you think they did?They scurried down to comfort them,and gathering in a great crowd about the terrible creatures,began to pat and stroke them.Then I got down as well,for they were much too absorbed to heed my calling to them;but before I could reach them,the white one stopped fighting,and sprang among them with such a hideous yell that they flew up into the trees like birds.Before I got back into mine,the wicked beasts were at it again tooth and claw.Then Whitey had the best of it;Spotty ran away as fast as she could run,and Whitey came and lay down at the foot of my tree.But in a minute or two she was up again,and walking about as if she thought Spotty might be lurking somewhere.

I waked often,and every time I looked out,I saw her.In the morning she went away.""I know both the beasts,"I said."Spotty is a bad beast.She hates the children,and would kill every one of them.But Whitey loves them.She ran at them only to frighten them away,lest Spotty should get hold of any of them.No one needs be afraid of Whitey!"By this time the Little Ones were coming back,and with much noise,for they had no care to keep quiet now that they were at open war with the giants,and laden with good stones.They mounted to their nests again,though with difficulty because of their burdens,and in a minute were fast asleep.Lona retired to her tree.I lay where I was,and slept the better that I thought most likely the white leopardess was still somewhere in the wood.

I woke soon after the sun,and lay pondering.Two hours passed,and then in truth the giants began to appear,in straggling companies of three and four,until I counted over a hundred of them.The children were still asleep,and to call them would draw the attention of the giants:I would keep quiet so long as they did not discover me.

But by and by one came blundering upon me,stumbled,fell,and rose again.I thought he would pass heedless,but he began to search about.I sprang to my feet,and struck him in the middle of his huge body.The roar he gave roused the children,and a storm as of hail instantly came on,of which not a stone struck me,and not one missed the giant.He fell and lay.Others drew near,and the storm extended,each purblind creature becoming,as he entered the range of a garrisoned tree,a target for converging stones.In a short time almost every giant was prostrate,and a jubilant p鎍n of bird-song rose from the tops of fifty trees.

Many elephants came hurrying up,and the children descending the trees like monkeys,in a moment every elephant had three or four of them on his back,and thus loaded,began to walk over the giants,who lay and roared.Losing patience at length with their noise,the elephants gave them a few blows of their trunks,and left them.

Until night the bad giants remained where they had fallen,silent and motionless.The next morning they had disappeared every one,and the children saw no more of them.They removed to the other end of the orchard valley,and never after ventured into the forest.

  • 印法参同


  • 太上正一咒鬼经


  • 绪言


  • 太上日月混元经


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  • 世界儿童故事经典:影响你一生的100个励志故事


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  • 重生之极品农女


  • 嗜瞳


  • 华语广播电视媒体语言研究


  • 镇远


  • 旅行者的位面生涯


  • 神凰出世三小姐崛起


  • 真实之章

