

"We must be on our guard,"he said,"or she will again outwit us.

She would befool the very elect!"

"How are we to be on our guard?"I asked.

"Every way,"he answered."She fears,therefore hates her child,and is in this house on her way to destroy her.The birth of children is in her eyes the death of their parents,and every new generation the enemy of the last.Her daughter appears to her an open channel through which her immortality--which yet she counts self-inherent--is flowing fast away:to fill it up,almost from her birth she has pursued her with an utter enmity.But the result of her machinations hitherto is,that in the region she claims as her own,has appeared a colony of children,to which that daughter is heart and head and sheltering wings.My Eve longed after the child,and would have been to her as a mother to her first-born,but we were then unfit to train her:she was carried into the wilderness,and for ages we knew nothing of her fate.But she was divinely fostered,and had young angels for her playmates;nor did she ever know care until she found a baby in the wood,and the mother-heart in her awoke.

One by one she has found many children since,and that heart is not yet full.Her family is her absorbing charge,and never children were better mothered.Her authority over them is without appeal,but it is unknown to herself,and never comes to the surface except in watchfulness and service.She has forgotten the time when she lived without them,and thinks she came herself from the wood,the first of the family.

"You have saved the life of her and their enemy;therefore your life belongs to her and them.The princess was on her way to destroy them,but as she crossed that stream,vengeance overtook her,and she would have died had you not come to her aid.You did;and ere now she would have been raging among the Little Ones,had she dared again cross the stream.But there was yet a way to the blessed little colony through the world of the three dimensions;only,from that,by the slaying of her former body,she had excluded herself,and except in personal contact with one belonging to it,could not re-enter it.You provided the opportunity:never,in all her long years,had she had one before.Her hand,with lightest touch,was on one or other of your muffled feet,every step as you climbed.In that little chamber,she is now watching to leave it as soon as ever she may.""She cannot know anything about the door!--she cannot at least know how to open it!"I said;but my heart was not so confident as my words.

"Hush,hush!"whispered the librarian,with uplifted hand;"she can hear through anything!--You must go at once,and make your way to my wife's cottage.I will remain to keep guard over her.""Let me go to the Little Ones!"I cried.

"Beware of that,Mr.Vane.Go to my wife,and do as she tells you."His advice did not recommend itself:why haste to encounter measureless delay?If not to protect the children,why go at all?

Alas,even now I believed him only enough to ask him questions,not to obey him!

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    他,是闻名世界、威名远播的“洛氏”集团总裁。是欧洲贵族后裔,更是欧洲第一黑道世家——斯特戈菲尔特家族的第16代继承人。他几乎掌控着整个欧洲的经济命脉,是亚洲商界最强大的领军人物。他冷漠邪恶、深沉霸道、占有欲强……对什么事都毫不在乎,冷血无情。 对女人从不留心……对敌人从不留情…… 她,是世界闻名的洛氏家族背后,最无人关心的一个小拖油瓶。 五岁的时候在他的头上撒尿,然后翻过身去香睡不止,毫不理会正森冷发怒的他…… 六岁时她“不小心”把他价值七亿的合约烧了,他好好“教训”了她,让她知道他是谁…… 七岁的时候,她把他情人的衣服全都扔进泳池,把他们欢爱过后的床单全都塞进马桶…… 八岁的时候,她误闯入他的“刑场”,亲眼看到他怎么惩罚敌人,这一刻起,她开始远离他…… 八岁之后,她被送到世界上唯一有血缘关系的阿姨身边。她毫不犹豫的跟阿姨离开了,离开有他的世界…… 当三十岁的他回到有她的这个国度,无比优雅冷漠的华丽现身……当他惊讶的认出她之后,发现她竟胆大包天的忘记他了……他不能容忍被她毫不留情的忘却,他深沉冰冷的发誓要她这辈子忘不了他! 他疯狂而霸道的将她牢禁,却又无比温柔的将她百般宠溺...... 然而她一次又一次的挑战着他的极限......终于,他黯然神伤的将所有刻骨爱意都转为了不顾一切的霸占和掠夺......任她怨他、任她恨他...... 然而那一夜,圣诞老人悄悄来过了,在她的腹中种下了一颗神奇的小小种子...... 他是魔鬼,生在地狱,甘愿成为阎王之子…… 她是天使,却被迫堕入地狱,成为恶魔情人…… 把你推开,只因你是喜欢黑暗、惧怕光明的魔鬼,怕自己的光明会毁了你,怕爱上魔鬼会万劫不复…… 折断你的翅膀,只因想紧紧拥住你陪我一起坠落,紧紧锁住你,只是想永远把你捆绑在我的身边,陪我一起坠入地狱……
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