

Making a circuit of the castle,I came again to the open gates,crossed the ravine-like moat,and found myself in a paved court,planted at regular intervals with towering trees like poplars.In the centre was one taller than the rest,whose branches,near the top,spread a little and gave it some resemblance to a palm.Between their great stems I got glimpses of the palace,which was of a style strange to me,but suggested Indian origin.It was long and low,with lofty towers at the corners,and one huge dome in the middle,rising from the roof to half the height of the towers.The main entrance was in the centre of the front--a low arch that seemed half an ellipse.No one was visible,the doors stood wide open,and I went unchallenged into a large hall,in the form of a longish ellipse.Toward one side stood a cage,in which couched,its head on its paws,a huge leopardess,chained by a steel collar,with its mouth muzzled and its paws muffled.It was white with dark oval spots,and lay staring out of wide-open eyes,with canoe-shaped pupils,and great green irids.It appeared to watch me,but not an eyeball,not a foot,not a whisker moved,and its tail stretched out behind it rigid as an iron bar.I could not tell whether it was a live thing or not.

>From this vestibule two low passages led;I took one of them,and found it branch into many,all narrow and irregular.At a spot where was scarce room for two to pass,a page ran against me.He started back in terror,but having scanned me,gathered impudence,puffed himself out,and asked my business.

"To see the princess,"I answered.

"A likely thing!"he returned."I have not seen her highness this morning myself!"I caught him by the back of the neck,shook him,and said,"Take me to her at once,or I will drag you with me till I find her.She shall know how her servants receive her visitors."He gave a look at me,and began to pull like a blind man's dog,leading me thus to a large kitchen,where were many servants,feebly busy,and hardly awake.I expected them to fall upon me and drive me out,but they stared instead,with wide eyes--not at me,but at something behind me,and grew more ghastly as they stared.Iturned my head,and saw the white leopardess,regarding them in a way that might have feared stouter hearts.

Presently,however,one of them,seeing,I suppose,that attack was not imminent,began to recover himself;I turned to him,and let the boy go.

"Take me to the princess,"I said.

"She has not yet left her room,your lordship,"he replied.

"Let her know that I am here,waiting audience of her.""Will your lordship please to give me your name?""Tell her that one who knows the white leech desires to see her.""She will kill me if I take such a message:I must not.I dare not.""You refuse?"

He cast a glance at my attendant,and went.

The others continued staring--too much afraid of her to take their eyes off her.I turned to the graceful creature,where she stood,her muzzle dropped to my heel,white as milk,a warm splendour in the gloomy place,and stooped and patted her.She looked up at me;the mere movement of her head was enough to scatter them in all directions.She rose on her hind legs,and put her paws on my shoulders;I threw my arms round her.She pricked her ears,broke from me,and was out of sight in a moment.

The man I had sent to the princess entered.

"Please to come this way,my lord,"he said.

My heart gave a throb,as if bracing itself to the encounter.Ifollowed him through many passages,and was at last shown into a room so large and so dark that its walls were invisible.A single spot on the floor reflected a little light,but around that spot all was black.I looked up,and saw at a great height an oval aperture in the roof,on the periphery of which appeared the joints between blocks of black marble.The light on the floor showed close fitting slabs of the same material.I found afterward that the elliptical wall as well was of black marble,absorbing the little light that reached it.The roof was the long half of an ellipsoid,and the opening in it was over one of the foci of the ellipse of the floor.I fancied I caught sight of reddish lines,but when I would have examined them,they were gone.

All at once,a radiant form stood in the centre of the darkness,flashing a splendour on every side.Over a robe of soft white,her hair streamed in a cataract,black as the marble on which it fell.

Her eyes were a luminous blackness;her arms and feet like warm ivory.She greeted me with the innocent smile of a girl--and in face,figure,and motion seemed but now to have stepped over the threshold of womanhood."Alas,"thought I,"ill did I reckon my danger!Can this be the woman I rescued--she who struck me,scorned me,left me?"I stood gazing at her out of the darkness;she stood gazing into it,as if searching for me.

She disappeared."She will not acknowledge me!"I thought.But the next instant her eyes flashed out of the dark straight into mine.She had descried me and come to me!

"You have found me at last!"she said,laying her hand on my shoulder."I knew you would!"My frame quivered with conflicting consciousnesses,to analyse which I had no power.I was simultaneously attracted and repelled:

each sensation seemed either.

"You shiver!"she said."This place is cold for you!Come."I stood silent:she had struck me dumb with beauty;she held me dumb with sweetness.

Taking me by the hand,she drew me to the spot of light,and again flashed upon me.An instant she stood there.

"You have grown brown since last I saw you,"she said.

"This is almost the first roof I have been under since you left me,"I replied.

"Whose was the other?"she rejoined.

"I do not know the woman's name."

"I would gladly learn it!The instinct of hospitality is not strong in my people!"She took me again by the hand,and led me through the darkness many steps to a curtain of black.Beyond it was a white stair,up which she conducted me to a beautiful chamber.

  • 长生指要篇


  • Rupert of Hentzau

    Rupert of Hentzau

  • 止学


  • 无量寿经连义述文赞




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  • EXO之冷公主


  • 若离开:请不要伤害我


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  • 高冷总裁:走着瞧

