
第21章 LETTER--To Sir John Maundeville,Kt.(1)


Sir John,--Wit you well that men holden you but light,and some clepen you a Liar.And they say that you never were born in Englond,in the town of Seynt Albones,nor have seen and gone through manye diverse Londes.And there goeth an old knight at arms,and one that connes Latyn,and hath been beyond the sea,and hath seen Prester John's country.And he hath been in an Yle that men clepen Burmah,and there bin women bearded.Now men call him Colonel Henry Yule,and he hath writ of thee in his great booke,Sir John,and he holds thee but lightly.For he saith that ye did pill your tales out of Odoric his book,and that ye never saw snails with shells as big as houses,nor never met no Devyls,but part of that ye say,ye took it out of William of Boldensele his book,yet ye took not his wisdom,withal,but put in thine own foolishness.

Nevertheless,Sir John,for the frailty of Mankynde,ye are held a good fellow,and a merry;so now,come,let me tell you of the new ways into Ynde.

In that Lond they have a Queen that governeth all the Lond,and all they ben obeyssant to her.And she is the Queen of Englond;for Englishmen have taken all the Lond of Ynde.For they were right good werryoures of old,and wyse,noble,and worthy.But of late hath risen a new sort of Englishman very puny and fearful,and these men clepen Radicals.And they go ever in fear,and they scream on high for dread in the streets and the houses,and they fain would flee away from all that their fathers gat them with the sword.And this sort men call Scuttleres,but the mean folk and certain of the baser sort hear them gladly,and they say ever that Englishmen should flee out of Ynde.

Fro Englond men gon to Ynde by many dyverse Contreyes.For Englishmen ben very stirring and nymble.For they ben in the seventh climate,that is of the Moon.And the Moon (ye have said it yourself,Sir John,natheless,is it true)is of lightly moving,for to go diverse ways,and see strange things,and other diversities of the Worlde.Wherefore Englishmen be lightly moving,and far wandering.And they gon to Ynde by the great Sea Ocean.First come they to Gibraltar,that was the point of Spain,and builded upon a rock;and there ben apes,and it is so strong that no man may take it.Natheless did Englishmen take it fro the Spanyard,and all to hold the way to Ynde.For ye may sail all about Africa,and past the Cape men clepen of Good Hope,but that way unto Ynde is long and the sea is weary.Wherefore men rather go by the Midland sea,and Englishmen have taken many Yles in that sea.

For first they have taken an Yle that is clept Malta;and therein built they great castles,to hold it against them of Fraunce,and Italy,and of Spain.And from this Ile of Malta Men gon to Cipre.

And Cipre is right a good Yle,and a fair,and a great,and it hath 4principal Cytees within him.And at Famagost is one of the principal Havens of the sea that is in the world,and Englishmen have but a lytel while gone won that Yle from the Sarazynes.Yet say that sort of Englishmen where of I told you,that is puny and sore adread,that the Lond is poisonous and barren and of no avail,for that Lond is much more hotter than it is here.Yet the Englishmen that ben werryoures dwell there in tents,and the skill is that they may ben the more fresh.

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