

H.I have then lost your friendship?

S.Nothing tends more to alienate friendship than insult.

H.The words I uttered hurt me more than they did you.

S.It was not words merely,but actions as well.

H.Nothing I can say or do can ever alter my fondness for you--Ah,Sarah!I am unworthy of your love:I hardly dare ask for your pity;but oh!save me--save me from your scorn:I cannot bear it--it withers me like lightning.

S.I bear no malice,Sir;but my brother,who would scorn to tell a lie for his sister,can bear witness for me that there was no truth in what you were told.

H.I believe it;or there is no truth in woman.It is enough for me to know that you do not return my regard;it would be too much for me to think that you did not deserve it.But cannot you forgive the agony of the moment?

S.I can forgive;but it is not easy to forget some things!

H.Nay,my sweet Sarah (frown if you will,I can bear your resentment for my ill behaviour,it is only your scorn and indifference that harrow up my soul)--but I was going to ask,if you had been engaged to be married to any one,and the day was fixed,and he had heard what I did,whether he could have felt any true regard for the character of his bride,his wife,if he had not been hurt and alarmed as I was?

S.I believe,actual contracts of marriage have sometimes been broken off by unjust suspicions.

H.Or had it been your old friend,what do you think he would have said in my case?

S.He would never have listened to anything of the sort.

H.He had greater reasons for confidence than I have.But it is your repeated cruel rejection of me that drives me almost to madness.Tell me,love,is there not,besides your attachment to him,a repugnance to me?

S.No,none whatever.

H.I fear there is an original dislike,which no efforts of mine can overcome.

S.It is not you--it is my feelings with respect to another,which are unalterable.

H.And yet you have no hope of ever being his?And yet you accuse me of being romantic in my sentiments.

S.I have indeed long ceased to hope;but yet I sometimes hope against hope.

H.My love!were it in my power,thy hopes should be fulfilled to-morrow.Next to my own,there is nothing that could give me so much satisfaction as to see thine realized!Do I not love thee,when I can feel such an interest in thy love for another?It was that which first wedded my very soul to you.I would give worlds for a share in a heart so rich in pure affection!

S.And yet I did not tell you of the circumstance to raise myself in your opinion.

H.You are a sublime little thing!And yet,as you have no prospects there,I cannot help thinking,the best thing would be to do as I have said.

S.I would never marry a man I did not love beyond all the world.

H.I should be satisfied with less than that--with the love,or regard,or whatever you call it,you have shown me before marriage,if that has only been sincere.You would hardly like me less afterwards.

S.Endearments would,I should think,increase regard,where there was love beforehand;but that is not exactly my case.

H.But I think you would be happier than you are at present.You take pleasure in my conversation,and you say you have an esteem for me;and it is upon this,after the honeymoon,that marriage chiefly turns.

S.Do you think there is no pleasure in a single life?

H.Do you mean on account of its liberty?

S.No,but I feel that forced duty is no duty.I have high ideas of the married state!

H.Higher than of the maiden state?

S.I understand you,Sir.

H.I meant nothing;but you have sometimes spoken of any serious attachment as a tie upon you.It is not that you prefer flirting with "gay young men"to becoming a mere dull domestic wife?

S.You have no right to throw out such insinuations:for though I am but a tradesman's daughter,I have as nice a sense of honour as anyone can have.

H.Talk of a tradesman's daughter!you would ennoble any family,thou glorious girl,by true nobility of mind.

S.Oh!Sir,you flatter me.I know my own inferiority to most.

H.To none;there is no one above thee,man nor woman either.You are above your situation,which is not fit for you.

S.I am contented with my lot,and do my duty as cheerfully as I can.

H.Have you not told me your spirits grow worse every year?

S.Not on that account:but some disappointments are hard to bear up against.

H.If you talk about that,you'll unman me.But tell me,my love,--I have thought of it as something that might account for some circumstances;that is,as a mere possibility.But tell me,there was not a likeness between me and your old lover that struck you at first sight?Was there?


H.Well,I didn't think it likely there should.

S.But there was a likeness.

H.To whom?

S.To that little image!(looking intently on a small bronze figure of Buonaparte on the mantelpiece).

H.What,do you mean to Buonaparte?

S.Yes,all but the nose was just like.

H.And was his figure the same?

S.He was taller!

[I got up and gave her the image,and told her it was hers by every right that was sacred.She refused at first to take so valuable a curiosity,and said she would keep it for me.But I pressed it eagerly,and she look it.She immediately came and sat down,and put her arm round my neck,and kissed me,and I said,"Is it not plain we are the best friends in the world,since we are always so glad to make it up?"And then I added "How odd it was that the God of my idolatry should turn out to be like her Idol,and said it was no wonder that the same face which awed the world should conquer the sweetest creature in it!"How I loved her at that moment!Is it possible that the wretch who writes this could ever have been so blest!Heavenly delicious creature!Can I live without her?Oh!no--never--never.

"What is this world?What asken men to have,Now with his love,now in the cold grave,Alone,withou ten any compagnie!"Let me but see her again!She cannot hate the man who loves her as Ido.]

  • 七夕




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    The Path of the Law

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