

H.But I am afraid I tire you with this prosing deion of the French character and abuse of the English?You know there is but one subject on which I should ever wish to talk,if you would let me.

S.I must say,you don't seem to have a very high opinion of this country.

H.Yes,it is the place that gave you birth.

S.Do you like the French women better than the English?

H.No:though they have finer eyes,talk better,and are better made.

But they none of them look like you.I like the Italian women I have seen,much better than the French:they have darker eyes,darker hair,and the accents of their native tongue are much richer and more melodious.But I will give you a better account of them when I come back from Italy,if you would like to hear it.

S.I should much.It is for that I have sometimes had a wish for travelling abroad,to understand something of the manners and characters of different people.

H.My sweet girl!I will give you the best account I can--unless you would rather go and judge for yourself.

S.I cannot.

H.Yes,you shall go with me,and you shall go WITH HONOUR--you know what I mean S.You know it is not in your power to take me so.

H.But it soon may:and if you would consent to bear me company,I would swear never to think of an Italian woman while I am abroad,nor of an English one after I return home.Thou art to me more than thy whole sex.

S.I require no such sacrifices.

H.Is that what you thought I meant by SACRIFICES last night?But sacrifices are no sacrifices when they are repaid a thousand fold.

S.I have no way of doing it.

H.You have not the will.--

S.I must go now.

H.Stay,and hear me a little.I shall soon be where I can no more hear thy voice,far distant from her I love,to see what change of climate and bright skies will do for a sad heart.I shall perhaps see thee no more,but I shall still think of thee the same as ever--I shall say to myself,"Where is she now?--what is she doing?"But I shall hardly wish you to think of me,unless you could do so more favourably than I am afraid you will.Ah!dearest creature,I shall be "far distant from you,"as you once said of another,but you will not think of me as of him,"with the sincerest affection."The smallest share of thy tenderness would make me blest;but couldst thou ever love me as thou didst him,I should feel like a God!My face would change to a different expression:my whole form would undergo alteration.I was getting well,I was growing young in the sweet proofs of your friendship:you see how I droop and wither under your displeasure!Thou art divine,my love,and canst make me either more or less than mortal.

Indeed I am thy creature,thy slave--I only wish to live for your sake--I would gladly die for you--S.That would give me no pleasure.But indeed you greatly overrate my power.

H.Your power over me is that of sovereign grace and beauty.When I am near thee,nothing can harm me.Thou art an angel of light,shadowing me with thy softness.But when I let go thy hand,I stagger on a precipice:out of thy sight the world is dark to me and comfortless.

There is no breathing out of this house:the air of Italy will stifle me.Go with me and lighten it.I can know no pleasure away from thee--"But I will come again,my love,An'it were ten thousand mile!"THE MESSAGE

S.Mrs.E----has called for the book,Sir.

H.Oh!it is there.Let her wait a minute or two.I see this is a busy-day with you.How beautiful your arms look in those short sleeves!

S.I do not like to wear them.

H.Then that is because you are merciful,and would spare frail mortals who might die with gazing.

S.I have no power to kill.

H.You have,you have--Your charms are irresistible as your will is inexorable.I wish I could see you always thus.But I would have no one else see you so.I am jealous of all eyes but my own.I should almost like you to wear a veil,and to be muffled up from head to foot;but even if you were,and not a glimpse of you could be seen,it would be to no purpose--you would only have to move,and you would be admired as the most graceful creature in the world.You smile--Well,if you were to be won by fine speeches--S.You could supply them!

H.It is however no laughing matter with me;thy beauty kills me daily,and I shall think of nothing but thy charms,till the last word trembles on my tongue,and that will be thy name,my love--the name of my Infelice!You will live by that name,you rogue,fifty years after you are dead.Don't you thank me for that?

S.I have no such ambition,Sir.But Mrs.E----is waiting.

H.She is not in love,like me.You look so handsome to-day,I cannot let you go.You have got a colour.

S.But you say I look best when I am pale.

H.When you are pale,I think so;but when you have a colour,I then think you still more beautiful.It is you that I admire;and whatever you are,I like best.I like you as Miss L----,I should like you still more as Mrs.----.I once thought you were half inclined to be a prude,and I admired you as a "pensive nun,devout and pure."I now think you are more than half a coquet,and I like you for your roguery.The truth is,I am in love with you,my angel;and whatever you are,is to me the perfection of thy sex.I care not what thou art,while thou art still thyself.Smile but so,and turn my heart to what shape you please!

S.I am afraid,Sir,Mrs.E----will think you have forgotten her.

H.I had,my charmer.But go,and make her a sweet apology,all graceful as thou art.One kiss!Ah!ought I not to think myself the happiest of men?

  • 病毒与世界


  • 打猎吗,算我一个


  • 佛说须赖经


  • 永恒梦魔


  • 盲妃驾到:鬼王请接招


  • 炎黄之炼钢


  • 月夜深宫一曲归


  • 国家订单


    这个集子的题材分两部分,一是描写乡村生活的《烟村故事》,一是描写打工生活的《国家订单》、 《白斑马》等中篇小说。王十月的乡土小说,继承了沈从文、汪曾祺一脉的抒情小说传统,在烟村故事系列中,作者倾心描绘了优美的田园风光和生活在那一片水土上的生灵,抒写着人性中的温爱与美好。作者笔下的乡村,自然不是当下的农村,也不是过去的农村,而是一种理想化的乡村生活。作者在这里要努力告诉读者的是:我们还可以这样活。而反映打工生活的小说,有被《人民文学》以头条刊载的《国家订单》,有描写在金融风暴席卷下的普通中国工人命运的《九连环》,也有深入打工一族心理暗河的《白斑马》,更有文字中透着内心疼痛的《不断说话》……
  • 福妻驾到


  • 死神归来:伯爵老公请接招

