

"Traitor!" thought the spinster aunt."Dear Mr.Jingle was not deceiving me.Ugh! how I hate the wretch!"The following conversation may serve to explain to our readers this apparently unaccountable alteration of deportment on the part of Mr.Tracy Tupman.

The time was evening; the scene the garden.There were two figures walking in a side path; one was rather short and stout; the other rather tall and slim.They were Mr.Tupman and Mr.Jingle.The stout figure commenced the dialogue.

"How did I do it?" he inquired.

"Splendid--capital--couldn't act better myself--you must repeat the part to-morrow--every evening, till further notice.""Does Rachael still wish it?"

"Of course--she don't like it--but must be done--avert suspicion--afraid of her brother--says there's no help for it--only a few days more--when old folks blinded--crown your happiness.""Any message?"

"Love--best love--kindest regards--unalterable affection.Can I say anything for you?""My dear fellow," replied the unsuspicious Mr.Tupman, fervently grasping his "friend's" hand--"carry my best love--say how hard I find it to dissemble--say anything that's kind; but add how sensible I am of the necessity of the suggestion she made to me, through you, this morning.Say I applaud her wisdom and admire her discretion.""I will.Anything more?"

"Nothing; only add how ardently I long for the time when I may call her mine, and all dissimulation may be unnecessary.""Certainly, certainly.Anything more?"

"Oh, my friend!" said poor Mr.Tupman, again grasping the hand of his companion, "receive my warmest thanks for your disinterested kindness;and forgive me if I have ever, even in thought, done you the injustice of supposing that you could stand in my way.My dear friend, can I ever repay you?""Don't talk of it," replied Mr.Jingle.He stopped short, as if suddenly recollecting something, and said--"By-the-bye --can't spare ten pounds, can you?--very particular purpose--pay you in three days.""I dare say I can," replied Mr.Tupman, in the fulness of his heart.

"Three days, you say?"

"Only three days--all over then--no more difficulties."Mr.Tupman counted the money into his companion's hand, and he dropped it piece by piece into his pocket, as they walked towards the house.

"Be careful," said Mr.Jingle--"not a look.""Not a wink," said Mr.Tupman.

"Not a syllable."

"Not a whisper."

"All your attentions to the niece--rather rude, than otherwise, to the aunt--only way of deceiving the old ones.""I'll take care," said Mr.Tupman aloud.

"And I 'll take care," said Mr.Jingle internally; and they entered the house.

The scene of that afternoon was repeated that evening, and on the three afternoons and evenings next ensuing.On the fourth, the host was in high spirits, for he had satisfied himself that there was no ground for the charge against Mr.Tupman.So was Mr.Tupman, for Mr.Jingle had told him that his affair would soon be brought to a crisis.So was Mr.Pickwick, for he was seldom otherwise.So was not Mr.Snodgrass, for he had grown jealous of Mr.Tupman.So was the old lady, for she had been winning at whist.So were Mr.Jingle and Miss Wardle, for reasons of sufficient importance in this eventful history to be narrated in another chapter.

[Next Chapter] [Table of Contents]The Pickwick Papers: Chapter 9[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents]

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    准确地把握了中国人的价值观由传统到当代的发展演变线索和历程,立足于揭示当代 中国人的价值观概貌,对中国人在生命、政治、经济、文化和社会维度上的价值观内容进行发掘,重点突出当代中国人的“生”、“和”、“礼” 、“义”、“惠”、“进”、“美”的核心价值观,展示中国人的精神风貌和价值追求。
  • The Divine Comedy

    The Divine Comedy

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  • 那年秋天有你


  • EXO之公主至上


  • 王爷在上:废柴小姐求指教


  • 第十宇宙


  • 用笔写下我的视界

