

"Everybody who is at all acquainted with theatrical matters knows what a host of shabby, poverty-stricken men hang about the stage of a large establishment--not regularly engaged actors, but ballet people, procession men, tumblers, and so forth, who are taken on during the run of a pantomime, or an Easter piece, and are then discharged, until the production of some heavy spectacle occasions a new demand for their services.To this mode of life the man was compelled to resort; and taking the chair every night, at some low theatrical house, at once put him in possession of a few more shillings weekly, and enabled him to gratify his old propensity.Even this resource shortly failed him; his irregularities were too great to admit of his earning the wretched pittance he might thus have procured, and he was actually reduced to a state bordering on starvation, only procuring a trifle occasionally by borrowing it of some old companion, or by obtaining an appearance at one or other of the commonest of the minor theatres; and when he did earn anything, it was spent in the old way.

"About this time, and when he had been existing for upwards of a year no one knew how, I had a short engagement at one of the theatres on the Surrey side of the water, and here I saw this man whom I had lost sight of for some time; for I had been travelling in the provinces, and he had been skulking in the lanes and alleys of London.I was dressed to leave the house, and was crossing the stage on my way out, when he tapped me on the shoulder.Never shall I forget the repulsive sight that met my eye when I turned round.He was dressed for the pantomime, in all the absurdity of a clown's costume.The spectral figures in the Dance of Death, the most frightful shapes that the ablest painter ever portrayed on canvas, never presented an appearance half so ghastly.His bloated body and shrunken legs--their deformity enhanced a hundred fold by the fantastic dress--the glassy eyes, contrasting fearfully with the thick white paint with which the face was besmeared; the grotesquely ornamented head, trembling with paralysis, and the long, skinny hands, rubbed with white chalk--all gave him a hideous and unnatural appearance, of which no description could convey an adequate idea, and which, to this day, I shudder to think of.His voice was hollow and tremulous, as he took me aside, and in broken words recounted a long catalogue of sickness and privations, terminating as usual with an urgent request for the loan of a trifling sum of money.I put a few shillings in his hand, and as I turned away I heard the roar of laughter which followed his first tumble on to the stage.

"A few nights afterwards, a boy put a dirty scrap of paper in my hand, on which were scrawled a few words in pencil, intimating that the man was dangerously ill, and begging me, after the performance, to see him at his lodging in some street--I forget the name of it now--at no great distance from the theatre.I promised to comply, as soon as I could get away; and, after the curtain fell, sallied forth on my melancholy errand.

"It was late, for I had been playing in the last piece; and as it was a benefit night, the performances had been protracted to an unusual length.

It was a dark cold night, with a chill damp wind, which blew the rain heavily against the windows and house fronts.Pools of water had collected in the narrow and little-frequented streets, and as many of the thinly-scattered oil-lamps had been blown out by the violence of the wind, the walk was not only a comfortless, but most uncertain one.I had fortunately taken the right course, however, and succeeded, after a little difficulty, in finding the house to which I had been directed--a coal-shed, with one story above it, in the back room of which lay the object of my search.

"A wretched-looking woman, the man's wife, met me on the stairs, and, telling me that he had just fallen into a kind of doze, led me softly in, and placed a chair for me at the bedside.The sick man was lying with his face turned towards the wall; and as he took no heed of my presence, Ihad leisure to observe the place in which I found myself.

"He was lying on an old bedstead, which turned up during the day.The tattered remains of a checked curtain were drawn round the bed's head, to exclude the wind, which however made its way into the comfortless room through the numerous chinks in the door, and blew it to and fro every instant.

There was a low cinder fire in a rusty unfixed grate; and an old three-cornered stained table, with some medicine bottles, a broken glass, and a few other domestic articles, was drawn out before it.A little child was sleeping on a temporary bed which had been made for it on the floor, and the woman sat on a chair by its side.There were a couple of shelves, with a few plates and cups and saucers: and a pair of stage shoes and a couple of foils hung beneath them.With the exception of little heaps of rags and bundles which had been carelessly thrown into the corners of the room, these were the only things in the apartment.

"I had had time to note these little particulars, and to mark the heavy breathing and feverish startings of the sick man, before he was aware of my presence.In his restless attempts to procure some easy resting-place for his head, he tossed his hand out of the bed, and it fell on mine.He started up, and stared eagerly in my face.

"`Mr.Hutley, John,' said his wife; `Mr.Hutley, that you sent for to-night, you know.'

"`Ah!' said the invalid, passing his hand across his forehead; `Hutley--Hutley--let me see.' He seemed endeavouring to collect his thoughts for a few seconds, and then grasping me tightly by the wrist said, `Don't leave me--don't leave me, old fellow.She'll murder me; I know she will.'

"`Has he been long so?' said I, addressing his weeping wife.

"`Since yesterday night,' she replied.`John, John, don't you know me?'

  • 蠲戏斋诗话


  • 媚娘艳史


  • 玉室经


  • 靖夷纪事


  • 辽东行部志


  • 龙子现世:妹子,你节操掉了


  • 亲亲我的冒牌王妃


  • 萌妻甜甜圈:男神,我不约


  • 六星社的少年们:前往宝石秘境


  • 别看见我


  • 鬼王的废材逆天妃


  • 宠妃无良,娘子,床上谈


  • 福妻驾到


  • 腕轮传说


  • 杀手穿越之死神宫主

