

He wondered if this creature was representative of some strange race or if, what seemed more likely, but an atavism.Either supposition would have seemed preposterous enough did he not have before him the evidence of the creature's existence.There he was, however, a tailed man with distinctly arboreal hands and feet.His trappings, gold encrusted and jewel studded, could have been wrought only by skilled artisans; but whether they were the work of this individual or of others like him, or of an entirely different race, Tarzan could not, of course, determine.

His meal finished, the guest wiped his fingers and lips with leaves broken from a nearby branch, looked up at Tarzan with a pleasant smile that revealed a row of strong white teeth, the canines of which were no longer than Tarzan's own, spoke a few words which Tarzan judged were a polite expression of thanks and then sought a comfortable place in the tree for the night.

The earth was shadowed in the darkness which precedes the dawn when Tarzan was awakened by a violent shaking of the tree in which he had found shelter.As he opened his eyes he saw that his companion was also astir, and glancing around quickly to apprehend the cause of the disturbance, the ape-man was astounded at the sight which met his eyes.

The dim shadow of a colossal form reared close beside the tree and he saw that it was the scraping of the giant body against the branches that had awakened him.That such a tremendous creature could have approached so closely without disturbing him filled Tarzan with both wonderment and chagrin.In the gloom the ape-man at first conceived the intruder to be an elephant; yet, if so, one of greater proportions than any he had ever before seen, but as the dim outlines became less indistinct he saw on a line with his eyes and twenty feet above the ground the dim silhouette of a grotesquely serrated back that gave the impression of a creature whose each and every spinal vertebra grew a thick, heavy horn.

Only a portion of the back was visible to the ape-man, the rest of the body being lost in the dense shadows beneath the tree, from whence there now arose the sound of giant jaws powerfully crunching flesh and bones.From the odors that rose to the ape-man's sensitive nostrils he presently realized that beneath him was some huge reptile feeding upon the carcass of the lion that had been slain there earlier in the night.

As Tarzan's eyes, straining with curiosity, bored futilely into the dark shadows he felt a light touch upon his shoulder, and, turning, saw that his companion was attempting to attract his attention.The creature, pressing a forefinger to his own lips as to enjoin silence, attempted by pulling on Tarzan's arm to indicate that they should leave at once.

Realizing that he was in a strange country, evidently infested by creatures of titanic size, with the habits and powers of which he was entirely unfamiliar, the ape-man permitted himself to be drawn away.With the utmost caution the pithecanthropus descended the tree upon the opposite side from the great nocturnal prowler, and, closely followed by Tarzan, moved silently away through the night across the plain.

The ape-man was rather loath thus to relinquish an opportunity to inspect a creature which he realized was probably entirely different from anything in his past experience; yet he was wise enough to know when discretion was the better part of valor and now, as in the past, he yielded to that law which dominates the kindred of the wild, preventing them from courting danger uselessly, whose lives are sufficiently filled with danger in their ordinary routine of feeding and mating.

  • 绝色总裁的极品仙帝


  • 我的妹妹一直很奇怪


    对于被称为妹控这种事,我是拒绝的父母双忙,有妹有房,你以为这就是人生赢家的展开吗?实在是太幼稚了,因为我的妹妹,有着天使般的外表,但是在面对哥哥的时候却填满了恶魔的心思满以为转学后能够展开一段正常的生活,却被妹妹强硬的拉入了「少女同好会」,取着这么奇怪名字的社团一定有哪里不对为了平凡的人生,与「恶魔们」的「战斗」看来是不可避免了PS:这绝对是一本充满了青春热血,正能量满满的家庭校园剧(笑)。喜欢本书的不要忘记收藏和推荐哦,这很重要╰( ̄▽ ̄)╭
  • 最有价值的忠告


    本书竭力收集“最有价值”的忠告,尽力使每一条忠告都能让人充满力量,有所收获。在书中,你会找到关于善良和真诚、雄心和谦逊、坚持和顽强的例子,也可以找到对抗消极的法宝。 这并不是一本迂腐说教的书,而是一本关于我们如何感受生活,如何在人生道路上走得更好的书。
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