

Slavery not only racked the parties and caused new alignments; it racked and split the Union.It is one of the remarkable phenomena of our political history that the Civil War did not destroy the Democratic party, though the Southern chieftains of that party utterly lost their cause.The reason is that the party never was as purely a Southern as the Republican was a Northern party.

Moreover, the arrogance and blunders of the Republican leaders during the days of Reconstruction helped to keep it alive.Abaneful political heritage has been handed down to us from the Civil War--the solid South.It overturns the national balance of parties, perpetuates a pernicious sectionalism, and deprives the South of that bipartizan rivalry which keeps open the currents of political life.

Since the Civil War the struggle between the two dominant parties has been largely a struggle between the Ins and the Outs.The issues that have divided them have been more apparent than real.

The tariff, the civil service, the trusts, and the long list of other "issues" do not denote fundamental differences, but only variations of degree.Never in any election during this long interval has there been definitely at stake a great national principle, save for the currency issue of 1896 and the colonial question following the War with Spain.The revolt of the Progressives in 1912 had a character of its own; but neither of the old parties squarely joined issue with the Progressives in the contest which followed.The presidential campaign of 1916afforded an opportunity to place on trial before the people a great cause, for there undoubtedly existed then in the country two great and opposing sides of public opinion--one for and the other against war with Germany.Here again, however, the issue was not joined but was adroitly evaded by both the candidates.

None the less there has been a difference between the two great parties.The Republican party has been avowedly nationalistic, imperialistic, and in favor of a vigorous constructive foreign policy.The Democratic party has generally accepted the lukewarm international policy of Jefferson and the exaltation of the locality and the plain individual as championed by Jackson.Thus, though in a somewhat intangible and variable form, the doctrinal distinctions between Hamilton and Jefferson have survived.

In the emergence of new issues, new parties are born.But it is one of the singular characteristics of the American party system that third parties are abortive.Their adherents serve mainly as evangelists, crying their social and economic gospel in the political wilderness.If the issues are vital, they are gradually absorbed by the older parties.

Before the Civil War several sporadic parties were formed.The most unique was the Anti-Masonic party.It flourished on the hysteria caused by the abduction of William Morgan of Batavia, in western New York, in 1826.Morgan had written a book purporting to lay bare the secrets of Freemasonry.His mysterious disappearance was laid at the doors of leading Freemasons; and it was alleged that members of this order placed their secret obligations above their duties as citizens and were hence unfit for public office.The movement became impressive in Pennsylvania, Vermont, Massachusetts, Ohio, and New York.It served to introduce Seward and Fillmore into politics.Even a national party was organized, and William Wirt, of Maryland, a distinguished lawyer, was nominated for President.He received, however, only the electoral votes of Vermont.The excitement soon cooled, and the party disappeared.

The American or Know-Nothing party had for its slogan "America for Americans," and was a considerable factor in certain localities, especially in New York and the Middle States, from 1853 to 1856.The Free Soil party, espousing the cause of slavery restriction, named Martin Van Buren as its presidential candidate and polled enough votes in the election of 1848 to defeat Cass, the Democratic candidate.It did not survive the election of 1852, but its essential principle was adopted by the Republican party.

Since the Civil War, the currency question has twice given life to third-party movements.The Greenbacks of 1876-1884 and the Populists of the 90's were both of the West.Both carried on for a few years a vigorous crusade, and both were absorbed by the older parties as the currency question assumed concrete form and became g commanding political issue.Since 1872, the Prohibitionists have named national tickets.Their question, which was always dodged by the dominant parties, is now rapidly nearing a solution.

The one apparently unreconcilable element in our political life is the socialistic or labor party.Never of great importance in any national election, the various labor parties have been of considerable influence in local politics.Because of its magnitude, the labor vote has always been courted by Democrats and Republicans with equal ardor but with varying success.

  • 天外飞来一只狐


  • 神武大荒


  • 当命运已到尽头


  • 真是喜欢你


  • 大融合流


  • 魂之大帝


  • 无限之蛊


  • 星尘旋


  • 一曲战歌奏九州


  • 最强之行

