

Alarms within.AMYRAS and CELEBINUS issue from the tent where CALYPHAS sits asleep.<182>

AMYRAS.Now in their glories shine the golden crowns Of these proud Turks, much like so many suns That half dismay the majesty of heaven.

Now, brother, follow we our father's sword, That flies with fury swifter than our thoughts, And cuts down armies with his conquering wings.

CELEBINUS.Call forth our lazy brother from the tent, For, if my father miss him in the field, Wrath, kindled in the furnace of his breast, Will send a deadly lightning to his heart.

AMYRAS.Brother, ho! what, given so much to sleep, You cannot<183> leave it, when our enemies' drums And rattling cannons thunder in our ears Our proper ruin and our father's foil?

CALYPHAS.Away, ye fools! my father needs not me, Nor you, in faith, but that you will be thought More childish-valourous than manly-wise.

If half our camp should sit and sleep with me, My father were enough to scare<184> the foe:

You do dishonour to his majesty, To think our helps will do him any good.

AMYRAS.What, dar'st thou, then, be absent from the fight, Knowing my father hates thy cowardice, And oft hath warn'd thee to be still in field, When he himself amidst the thickest troops Beats down our foes, to flesh our taintless swords?

CALYPHAS.I know, sir, what it is to kill a man;

It works remorse of conscience in me.

I take no pleasure to be murderous, Nor care for blood when wine will quench my thirst.

CELEBINUS.O cowardly boy! fie, for shame, come forth!

Thou dost dishonour manhood and thy house.

CALYPHAS.Go, go, tall<185> stripling, fight you for us both, And take my other toward brother here, For person like to prove a second Mars.

'Twill please my mind as well to hear, both you<186>

Have won a heap of honour in the field, And left your slender carcasses behind, As if I lay with you for company.

AMYRAS.You will not go, then?

CALYPHAS.You say true.

AMYRAS.Were all the lofty mounts of Zona Mundi That fill the midst of farthest Tartary Turn'd into pearl and proffer'd for my stay, I would not bide the fury of my father, When, made a victor in these haughty arms, He comes and finds his sons have had no shares In all the honours he propos'd for us.

CALYPHAS.Take you the honour, I will take my ease;

My wisdom shall excuse my cowardice:

I go into the field before I need!

[Alarms within.AMYRAS and CELEBINUS run out.]

The bullets fly at random where they list;

And, should I<187> go, and kill a thousand men, I were as soon rewarded with a shot, And sooner far than he that never fights;

And, should I go, and do no harm nor good, I might have harm, which all the good I have, Join'd with my father's crown, would never cure.

I'll to cards.--Perdicas!


PERDICAS.Here, my lord.


Come, thou and I will go to cards to drive away the time.

PERDICAS.Content, my lord: but what shall we play for?

CALYPHAS.Who shall kiss the fairest of the Turks' concubines first, when my father hath conquered them.

PERDICAS.Agreed, i'faith.

[They play.]

CALYPHAS.They say I am a coward, Perdicas, and I fear as little their taratantaras, their swords, or their cannons as I do a naked lady in a net of gold, and, for fear I should be afraid, would put it off and come to bed with me.

PERDICAS.Such a fear, my lord, would never make ye retire.

CALYPHAS.I would my father would let me be put in the front of such a battle once, to try my valour! [Alarms within.]

What a coil they keep! I believe there will be some hurt done anon amongst them.


AMYRAS and CELEBINUS leading in ORCANES, and the KINGS



See now, ye<188> slaves, my children stoop your pride,<189>

And lead your bodies<190> sheep-like to the sword!--

Bring them, my boys, and tell me if the wars Be not a life that may illustrate gods, And tickle not your spirits with desire Still to be train'd in arms and chivalry?

AMYRAS.Shall we let go these kings again, my lord, To gather greater numbers 'gainst our power, That they may say, it is not chance doth this, But matchless strength and magnanimity?

TAMBURLAINE.No, no, Amyras; tempt not Fortune so:

Cherish thy valour still with fresh supplies, And glut it not with stale and daunted foes.

But where's this coward villain, not my son, But traitor to my name and majesty?

[He goes in and brings CALYPHAS out.]

Image of sloth, and picture of a slave, The obloquy and scorn of my renown!

How may my heart, thus fired with mine<191> eyes, Wounded with shame and kill'd with discontent, Shroud any thought may<192> hold my striving hands >From martial justice on thy wretched soul?

THERIDAMAS.Yet pardon him, I pray your majesty.


Let all of us entreat your highness' pardon.

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