

Enter THERIDAMAS, and his train, with drums and trumpets.

Welcome, Theridamas, king of Argier.

THERIDAMAS.My lord, the great and mighty Tamburlaine, Arch-monarch of the world, I offer here My crown, myself, and all the power I have, In all affection at thy kingly feet.

TAMBURLAINE.Thanks, good Theridamas.

THERIDAMAS.Under my colours march ten thousand Greeks, And of Argier and Afric's frontier towns Twice twenty thousand valiant men-at-arms;

All which have sworn to sack Natolia.

Five hundred brigandines are under sail, Meet for your service on the sea, my lord, That, launching from Argier to Tripoly, Will quickly ride before Natolia, And batter down the castles on the shore.

TAMBURLAINE.Well said, Argier! receive thy crown again.


Kings of Morocco<47> and of Fez, welcome.

USUMCASANE.Magnificent and peerless Tamburlaine, I and my neighbour king of Fez have brought, To aid thee in this Turkish expedition, A hundred thousand expert soldiers;

>From Azamor to Tunis near the sea Is Barbary unpeopled for thy sake, And all the men in armour under me, Which with my crown I gladly offer thee.

TAMBURLAINE.Thanks, king of Morocco: take your crown again.

TECHELLES.And, mighty Tamburlaine, our earthly god, Whose looks make this inferior world to quake, I here present thee with the crown of Fez, And with an host of Moors train'd to the war,<48>

Whose coal-black faces make their foes retire, And quake for fear, as if infernal<49> Jove, Meaning to aid thee<50> in these<51> Turkish arms, Should pierce the black circumference of hell, With ugly Furies bearing fiery flags, And millions of his strong<52> tormenting spirits:

>From strong Tesella unto Biledull All Barbary is unpeopled for thy sake.

TAMBURLAINE.Thanks, king of Fez: take here thy crown again.

Your presence, loving friends and fellow-kings, Makes me to surfeit in conceiving joy:

If all the crystal gates of Jove's high court Were open'd wide, and I might enter in To see the state and majesty of heaven, It could not more delight me than your sight.

Now will we banquet on these plains a while, And after march to Turkey with our camp, In number more than are the drops that fall When Boreas rents a thousand swelling clouds;

And proud Orcanes of Natolia With all his viceroys shall be so afraid, That, though the stones, as at Deucalion's flood, Were turn'd to men, he should be overcome.

Such lavish will I make of Turkish blood, That Jove shall send his winged messenger To bid me sheathe my sword and leave the field;

The sun, unable to sustain the sight, Shall hide his head in Thetis' watery lap, And leave his steeds to fair Bootes'<53> charge;

For half the world shall perish in this fight.

But now, my friends, let me examine ye;

How have ye spent your absent time from me?

USUMCASANE.My lord, our men of Barbary have march'd Four hundred miles with armour on their backs, And lain in leaguer<54> fifteen months and more;

For, since we left you at the Soldan's court, We have subdu'd the southern Guallatia, And all the land unto the coast of Spain;

We kept the narrow Strait of Jubalter,<55>

And made Canaria call us kings and lords:

Yet never did they recreate themselves, Or cease one day from war and hot alarms;

And therefore let them rest a while, my lord.

TAMBURLAINE.They shall, Casane, and 'tis time, i'faith.

TECHELLES.And I have march'd along the river Nile To Machda, where the mighty Christian priest, Call'd John the Great,<56> sits in a milk-white robe, Whose triple mitre I did take by force, And made him swear obedience to my crown.

>From thence unto Cazates did I march, Where Amazonians met me in the field, With whom, being women, I vouchsaf'd a league, And with my power did march to Zanzibar, The western part of Afric, where I view'd The Ethiopian sea, rivers and lakes, But neither man nor child in all the land:

Therefore I took my course to Manico, Where,<57> unresisted, I remov'd my camp;

And, by the coast of Byather,<58> at last I came to Cubar, where the negroes dwell, And, conquering that, made haste to Nubia.

There, having sack'd Borno, the kingly seat, I took the king and led him bound in chains Unto Damascus,<59> where I stay'd before.

TAMBURLAINE.Well done, Techelles!--What saith Theridamas?

THERIDAMAS.I left the confines and the bounds of Afric, And made<60> a voyage into Europe, Where, by the river Tyras, I subdu'd Stoka, Podolia, and Codemia;

Then cross'd the sea and came to Oblia, And Nigra Silva, where the devils dance, Which, in despite of them, I set on fire.

>From thence I cross'd the gulf call'd by the name Mare Majore of the inhabitants.

Yet shall my soldiers make no period Until Natolia kneel before your feet.

TAMBURLAINE.Then will we triumph, banquet and carouse;

Cooks shall have pensions to provide us cates, And glut us with the dainties of the world;

Lachryma Christi and Calabrian wines Shall common soldiers drink in quaffing bowls, Ay, liquid gold, when we have conquer'd him,<61>

Mingled with coral and with orient<62> pearl.

Come, let us banquet and carouse the whiles.


  • 四物国物语


    她是个心狠手辣的23岁冷艳强势女boss!却穿越成了15岁的小女孩!不仅如此成为拥有四个倾城男宠:冷面美男特司迪、高傲帅哥雷克司、成熟稳重的夜、残酷无情的磷火。这个高高在上的冰封女王,组建自己的后宫更是不在话下,但她接受这一切匪夷所思的原因,还是为 了拯救她的罗密欧!但当她与那个和他长相一模一样的人,痴情不改的她,是否会重燃爱火?而治理国家,远比她想象得更错综复杂……爱情、命运、阴谋……亘古不变的主题,繁衍出一个奇妙穿越之旅。我到底是回到你已经不在的那个世界中呢,还是留下来与和你一模一样的他共谱恋曲呢?
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