

"She's riz two inches in th' las' two hours," he announced, "and she's runnin' like a mill race." Solly was a typical north-country tug captain, short and broad, with a brown, clear face, and the steadiest and calmest of steel-blue eyes."When she begins to feel th' pressure behind," he went on, "there's goin' to be trouble."Towards dusk she began to feel that pressure.Through the rainy twilight the logs could be seen raising their ghostly arms of protest.Slowly, without tumult, the jam formed.In the van the logs crossed silently; in the rear they pressed in, were sucked under in the swift water, and came to rest at the bottom of the river.The current of the river began to protest, pressing its hydraulics through the narrowing crevices.The situation demanded attention.

A breeze began to pull off shore in the body of rain.Little by little it increased, sending the water by in gusts, ruffling the already hurrying river into greater haste, raising far from the shore dimly perceived white-caps.Between the roaring of the wind, the dash of rain, and the rush of the stream, men had to shout to make themselves heard.

"Guess you'd better rout out the boss," screamed Solly to Wallace Carpenter; "this damn water's comin' up an inch an hour right along.When she backs up once, she'll push this jam out sure."Wallace ran to the boarding house and roused his partner from a heavy sleep.The latter understood the situation at a word.While dressing, he explained to the younger man wherein lay the danger.

"If the jam breaks once," said he, "nothing top of earth can prevent it from going out into the Lake, and there it'll scatter, Heaven knows where.Once scattered, it is practically a total loss.The salvage wouldn't pay the price of the lumber."They felt blindly through the rain in the direction of the lights on the tug and pile-driver.Shearer, the water dripping from his flaxen mustache, joined them like a shadow.

"I heard you come in," he explained to Carpenter.At the river he announced his opinion."We can hold her all right," he assured them."It'll take a few more piles, but by morning the storm'll be over, and she'll begin to go down again."The three picked their way over the creaking, swaying timber.But when they reached the pile-driver, they found trouble afoot.The crew had mutinied, and refused longer to drive piles under the face of the jam.

"If she breaks loose, she's going to bury us," said they.

"She won't break," snapped Shearer, "get to work.""It's dangerous," they objected sullenly.

"By God, you get off this driver," shouted Solly."Go over and lie down in a ten-acre lot, and see if you feel safe there!"He drove them ashore with a storm of profanity and a multitude of kicks, his steel-blue eyes blazing.

"There's nothing for it but to get the boys out again," said Tim;"I kinder hate to do it."

But when the Fighting Forty, half asleep but dauntless, took charge of the driver, a catastrophe made itself known.One of the ejected men had tripped the lifting chain of the hammer after another had knocked away the heavy preventing block, and so the hammer had fallen into the river and was lost.None other was to be had.The pile driver was useless.

A dozen men were at once despatched for cables, chains, and wire ropes from the supply at the warehouse.

"I'd like to have those whelps here," cried Shearer, "I'd throw them under the jam.""It's part of the same trick," said Thorpe grimly; "those fellows have their men everywhere among us.I don't know whom to trust.""You think it's Morrison & Daly?" queried Carpenter astonished.

"Think? I know it.They know as well as you or I that if we save these logs, we'll win out in the stock exchange; and they're not such fools as to let us save them if it can be helped.I have a score to settle with those fellows; and when I get through with this thing I'll settle it all right.""What are you going to do now?"

"The only thing there is to be done.We'll string heavy booms, chained together, between the cribs, and then trust to heaven they'll hold.I think we can hold the jam.The water will begin to flow over the bank before long, so there won't be much increase of pressure over what we have now; and as there won't be any shock to withstand, I think our heavy booms will do the business."He turned to direct the boring of some long boom logs in preparation for the chains.Suddenly he whirled again to Wallace with so strange an expression in his face that the young man almost cried out.The uncertain light of the lanterns showed dimly the streaks of rain across his countenance, and, his eye flared with a look almost of panic.

"I never thought of it!" he said in a low voice."Fool that Iam! I don't see how I missed it.Wallace, don't you see what those devils will do next?""No, what do you mean?" gasped the younger man.

"There are twelve million feet of logs up river in Sadler & Smith's drive.Don't you see what they'll do?""No, I don't believe---"

"Just as soon as they find out that the river is booming, and that we are going to have a hard time to hold our jam, they'll let loose those twelve million on us.They'll break the jam, or dynamite it, or something.And let me tell you, that a very few logs hitting the tail of our jam will start the whole shooting match so that no power on earth can stop it.""I don't imagine they'd think of doing that---" began Wallace by way of assurance.

"Think of it! You don't know them.They've thought of everything.

You don't know that man Daly.Ask Tim, he'll tell you.""Well, the---"

"I've got to send a man up there right away.Perhaps we can get there in time to head them off.They have to send their man over--By the way," he queried, struck with a new idea, "how long have you been driving piles?""Since about three o'clock."

"Six hours," computed Thorpe."I wish you'd come for me sooner."He cast his eye rapidly over the men.

"I don't know just who to send.There isn't a good enough woodsman in the lot to make Siscoe Falls through the woods a night like this.

The river trail is too long; and a cut through the woods is blind.

  • 迪化县乡土志


  • 维摩经义记卷第四


  • 明伦汇编人事典游部


  • 乐府古题要解


  • 七缪


  • 世界最强的慎二酱


  • 昀王的绝色王妃


  • 天神攻略


  • TFBOYS之黑道爱恋


  • 与SPW的综漫之旅


  • 大感染


  • 无咒之书


  • 都市最强动漫系统


  • 菊花物语


  • 就是爱你之繁星的爱

