

He saw again the sharp puffs of snow, exactly like the smoke from bursting shells, where a fierce swoop of the storm struck the laden tops of pines; the dense swirl, again exactly like smoke but now of a great fire, that marked the lakes.The picture super-imposed itself silently over this stuffy bourgeois respectability, like the shadow of a dream.He heard plainly enough the commonplace drawl of the woman before him offering him the platitudes of her kind.

"You are lookin' real well, Mr.Thorpe," she was saying, "an' Ijust know Helen will be glad to see you.She had a hull afternoon out to-day and won't be back to tea.Dew set and tell me about what you've been a-doin' and how you're a-gettin' along.""No, thank you, Mrs.Renwick," he replied, "I'll come back later.

How is Helen?"

"She's purty well; and sech a nice girL I think she's getting right handsome.""Can you tell me where she went?"

But Mrs.Renwick did not know.So Thorpe wandered about the maple-shaded streets of the little town.

For the purposes he had in view five hundred dollars would be none too much.The remaining five hundred he had resolved to invest in his sister's comfort and happiness.He had thought the matter over and come to his decision in that secretive, careful fashion so typical of him, working over every logical step of his induction so thoroughly that it ended by becoming part of his mental fiber.So when he reached the conclusion it had already become to him an axiom.

In presenting it as such to his sister, he never realized that she had not followed with him the logical steps, and so could hardly be expected to accept the conclusion out-of-hand.

Thorpe wished to give his sister the best education possible in the circumstances.She was now nearly eighteen years old.He knew likewise that he would probably experience a great deal of difficulty in finding another family which would afford the young girl quite the same equality coupled with so few disadvantages.

Admitted that its level of intellect and taste was not high, Mrs.

Renwick was on the whole a good influence.Helen had not in the least the position of servant, but of a daughter.She helped around the house; and in return she was fed, lodged and clothed for nothing.

So though the money might have enabled Helen to live independently in a modest way for a year or so, Thorpe preferred that she remain where she was.His game was too much a game of chance.He might find himself at the end of the year without further means.Above all things he wished to assure Helen's material safety until such time as he should be quite certain of himself.

In pursuance of this idea he had gradually evolved what seemed to him an excellent plan.He had already perfected it by correspondence with Mrs.Renwick.It was, briefly, this: he, Thorpe, would at once hire a servant girl, who would make anything but supervision unnecessary in so small a household.The remainder of the money he had already paid for a year's tuition in the Seminary of the town.

Thus Helen gained her leisure and an opportunity for study; and still retained her home in case of reverse.

Thorpe found his sister already a young lady.After the first delight of meeting had passed, they sat side by side on the haircloth sofa and took stock of each other.

Helen had developed from the school child to the woman.She was a handsome girl, possessed of a slender, well-rounded form, deep hazel eyes with the level gaze of her brother, a clean-cut patrician face, and a thorough-bred neatness of carriage that advertised her good blood.Altogether a figure rather aloof, a face rather impassive; but with the possibility of passion and emotion, and a will to back them.

"Oh, but you're tanned and--and BIG!" she cried, kissing her brother.

"You've had such a strange winter, haven't you?""Yes," he replied absently.

Another man would have struck her young imagination with the wild, free thrill of the wilderness.Thus he would have gained her sympathy and understanding.Thorpe was too much in earnest.

"Things came a little better than I thought they were going to, toward the last," said he, "and I made a little money.""Oh, I'm so glad!" she cried."Was it much?""No, not much," he answered.The actual figures would have been so much better! "I've made arrangements with Mrs.Renwick to hire a servant girl, so you will have all your time free; and I have paid a year's tuition for you in the Seminary.""Oh!" said the girl, and fell silent.

After a time, "Thank you very much, Harry dear." Then after another interval, "I think I'll go get ready for supper."Instead of getting ready for supper, she paced excitedly up and down her room.

"Oh, why DIDN'T he say what he was about?" she cried to herself.

"Why didn't he! Why didn't he!"

Next morning she opened the subject again.

"Harry, dear," said she, "I have a little scheme, and I want to see if it is not feasible.How much will the girl and the Seminary cost?""About four hundred dollars."

"Well now, see, dear.With four hundred dollars I can live for a year very nicely by boarding with some girls I know who live in a sort of a club; and I could learn much more by going to the High School and continuing with some other classes I am interested in now.Why see, Harry!" she cried, all interest."We have Professor Carghill come twice a week to teach us English, and Professor Johns, who teaches us history, and we hope to get one or two more this winter.If I go to the Seminary, I'll have to miss all that.

  • 我的替身鬼男友


  • 阴丹内篇


  • 幻想之最终未来


  • 世界级大历险


  • 白衣少年娶我可好


  • 英雄无敌之暗黑纪元


  • 女人三十像朵花


  • 璀璨歌神路


  • 鹿晗你是我所爱


  • 开天辟地:天启

