


The principal houses correspond with that in Paris; they are also in direct communication with the General, who resides at Rome.The correspondence of the Jesuits so active, various, and organized in so wonderful a manner, has for its object to supply the heads with all the information they can require.Every day, the General receives a host of reports, which serve to check one another.In the central house, at Rome, are immense registers, in which are inscribed the names of all the Jesuits, of their adherents, and of all the considerable persons, whether friends or enemies, with whom they have any connection.In these registers are reported, without alteration, hatred or passion the facts relating to the life of each individual.It is the most gigantic biographical collection that has ever been formed.The frailties of a woman, the secret errors of a statesman, are chronicled in this book with the same cold impartiality.Drawn up for the purpose of being useful, these biographies are necessarily exact.When the Jesuits wish to influence an individual, they have but to turn to this book, and they know immediately his life, his character, his parts, his faults, his projects, his family, his friends, his most sacred ties.Conceive, what a superior facility of action this immense police-register, which includes the whole world, must give to any one society! It is not lightly that I speak of these registers; I have my facts from a person who has seen this collection, and who is perfectly well acquainted with the Jesuits.Here then, is matter to reflect on for all those families, who admit freely into their houses the members of a community that carries its biographical researches to such a point.

(Libri, Member of the Institute.Letters on the Clergy.)

When he had conquered the involuntary emotion which the name or remembrance of General Simon had occasioned, Rodin's master said to the secretary: "Do not yet open the letters from Leipsic, Charlestown, and Batavia; the information they contain will doubtless find its place presently.It will save our going over the same ground twice."

The secretary looked inquiringly at his master.

The latter continued--"Have you finished the note relating to the medals?"

"Here it is," replied the secretary; "I was just finishing my interpretation of the cipher."

"Read it to me, in the order of the facts.You can append to it the news contained in those three letters."

"True," said Rodin; "in that way the letters will find their right place."

"I wish to see," rejoined the other, "whether this note is clear and fully explanatory; you did not forget that the person it is intended for ought not to know all?"

"I bore it in mind, and drew up the paper accordingly."

"Read," said the master.

M.Rodin read as follows, slowly and deliberately:

"`A hundred and fifty years ago, a French Protestant family, foreseeing the speedy--revocation of the edict of Nantes, went into voluntary exile, in order to avoid the just and rigorous decrees already issued against the members of the reformed church--those indomitable foes of our holy religion.

"`Some members of this family sought refuge in Holland, and afterwards in the Dutch colonies; others in Poland, others in Germany; some in England, and some in America.

"`It is supposed that only seven descendants remain of this family, which underwent strange vicissitudes since; its present representatives are found in all ranks of society, from the sovereign to the mechanic.

"`These descendants, direct or indirect, are:

"`On the mother's side, "`Rose and Blanche Simon--minors.

"`General Simon married, at Warsaw, a descendant of the said family.

"`Francois Hardy, manufacturer at Plessis, near Paris.

"`Prince Djalma, son of Kadja-sing, King of Mondi.

"`Kadja-sing, married, in 1802, a descendant of the said family, then settled at Batavia, in the Island of Java, a, Dutch colony.

"`On the father's side--

"`Jacques Rennepont, surnamed Sleepinbuff, mechanic.

"`Adrienne de Cardoville, daughter of the Count of Rennepont, Duke of Cardoville.

"`Gabriel Rennepont, priest of the foreign missions.

"`All the members of this family possess, or should possess, a bronze medal bearing the following inscriptions:

Victim of L.C.D.J.

Pray for me!

Paris February the 13th, 1682.

At Paris, Rue Saint Francois, No.3, In a century and a half you will be.

February the 13th, 1832.

Pray For Me!

"`These words and dates show that all of them have a great interest to be at Paris on the 13th of February, 1832; and that, not by proxy, but in person, whether they are minors, married or single.

"`But other persons have an immense interest that none of the descendants of this family be at Paris on the 13th February, except Gabriel Rennepont, priest of the foreign missions.

"`At all hazards, therefore, Gabriel must be the only person present at the appointment made with the descendants of this family, a century and a half ago.

"`To prevent the other six persons from reaching Paris on the said day, or to render their presence of no effect, much has been already done; but much remains to be done to ensure the success of this affair, which is considered as the most vital and most important of the age, on account of its probable results.'"

"'Tis but too true," observed Rodin's master, interrupting him, and shaking his head pensively."And, moreover, that the consequences of success are incalculable, and there is no forseeing what may follow failure.In a word, it almost involves a question of existence or non-

existence during several years.To succeed, therefore, `all possible means must be employed.Nothing must be shunned,' except, however, that appearances must be skillfully maintained."

"I have written it," said Rodin, having added the words his master had just dictated, who then said, "Continue."

Rodin read on:

  • 净慈要语


  • 平蛮录


  • 杂纂三续


  • 尊婆须蜜菩萨所集论


  • 极乐愿文


  • 追爱千万次:男神变衰神


  • 那年花儿依然开


  • 系统联盟


  • 不是你


  • 幸福遇见你


  • 色彩写生基础与实践


  • 你是我兄弟2


  • 大卿宋府


  • 繁华一瞬终成伤


  • 刀塔之幻世纪元

