

Then The Don stood up, and putting out his hand to Mrs.Fairbanks, said: "Mrs.Fairbanks, I want to thank you for allowing me to come."But she drew herself away from him, refusing to touch his hand, and motioning him off.

Poor chap! He turned back to the bed, kneeled down, touched the soft brown hair with his hands, kissed the fingers again, and then without a word went out.If anyone can tell me what that woman's heart is made of, I would like to know.

The day of the funeral The Don brought me a little bunch of lilies of the valley, saying, "It is for her" I gave them to Helen, and Isaw them afterwards in the hands that lay folded across her breast.

I have not seen him since, but Hooper tells me he said he was going out to you.I hope to Heaven he will not go bad.I don't think he will.Of course, he feels very bitterly about Lloyd and Mrs.


Now, that is all my story.It makes a great difference to all our set here, but I will tell you what I have told no living soul, and that is, that the world will never be the same to me again.I am not much given to sentiment, as you know, and nobody ever suspected it.

I do not think she did herself.But I loved that little girl better than my life, and I would have given my soul for her any day.

I know you will feel this terribly.How often I have wished that you could have been with us.The best I could do was to send you this wretched, incoherent scrawl.Your friend as ever, BROWN.

P.S.--Do you know anything about the British-American Gold and Silver Mining Company, or something like that? There is a chap here, manager or director, or something.Ambherg, I think his name is.He speaks as if he knew you, or knew something about you.He is a great friend of the Fairbanks.Lots of money, and that sort of thing.Idid not like the way he spoke about you.I felt like giving him a smack.Do you know him, or anything about the company?

Your mother has not been very well since Betty's death.I think she found the strain pretty heavy.She has caught a little cold, I am afraid.B.

Brown's letter did for Shock what nothing else could have done: it turned his mind away from himself and his sorrow.Not that he was in any danger of morbid brooding over his loss, or of falling into that last and most deplorable of all human weaknesses, self-pity, but grief turns the heart in upon itself, and tends to mar the fine bloom of an unselfish spirit.

As he finished reading Brown's letter Shock's heart was filled with love and pity for his friend."Poor fellow!" he said."I wonder where he is now.His is a hard lot indeed." And as he read the letter over and over his pity for his friend deepened, for he realised that in his cup of sorrow there had mingled the gall of remorse and the bitterness of hate.

In another week two other letters came, each profoundly affecting Shock and his life.One was from Helen, giving a full account of his mother's illness and death, telling how beautifully the Superintendent had taken part in the funeral service, and preserving for her son those last precious messages of love and gratitude, of faith and hope, which become the immortal treasures of the bereaved heart.As he read Helen's letter Shock caught a glimpse of the glory of that departing.Heaven came about him, and the eternal things, that by reason of the nearness of the material world too often become shadowy, took on a reality that never quite left him.Where his mother was henceforth real things must be.

The letter closed with a few precious sentences of love and sympathy from Helen, but in these Shock, reading with his heart in his eyes, and longing for more than he could rightly find in them, thought he could detect a kind of reserve, a reserve which he could not interpret, and he laid down the letter with painful uncertainty.Was her love more than she cared to tell, or was it less than she knew he would desire?

From Helen's letter Shock turned to Mrs.Fairbanks' and read:

My Dear Mr.Macgregor:

We all deeply sympathise with you in your great loss, as I know you will with us in our grief.We can hardly speak of it yet.It is so new and so terribly sudden that we have not been able fully to realise it.My great comfort in this terrible sorrow is my daughter Helen.Mr.Lloyd, too, has proved himself a true friend.Indeed, Ido not know what we should have done without him.We are more and more coming to lean upon him.You will not have heard yet that we have been so greatly attracted by Mr.Lloyd's preaching, and influenced by our regard for him personally, that we have taken sittings in the Park Church.

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    她,言颜,美丽不失聪明,从小虽失去父母却在父母世交好友柯家的照顾下幸福的成长着,出国两年结束初恋带着一身伤回到香港,生活有了一个新的开端。她阴差阳错不得已成了没有任何血源关系的柯家大哥的未婚妻,他的温柔让她无限迷恋渐渐模糊的心里原本的脸孔。柯剑凯,柯家长子现任公司总裁,他对所有人都是冰冷,唯独对她温柔体贴,他爱她,很早就开始爱着他,他发誓他今生今世的妻只会是她。还有那个张老师到底是什么身份?无赖这个词简直为他而造的,年纪轻轻知道的却不少?一想就知道不是好人,而他却告诉言颜,他爱上她了。天啊世界要乱了套了!!雷诺,言颜的前男友似乎嫌不够乱又不远万里从英国回来插上一脚。一个爱如水明,温暖着她的心,她的心却因此激起万丈涟漪。他说“颜颜,今生今世我柯剑凯的妻非你莫属,无论你的心徘徊在哪里,我柯剑凯今生只为你拥有温柔。我爱你,不是因为爸爸和妈妈,只因为我的心,很早就已经遗落在你的身上收不回,爱上你我今生不悔!”一个爱如烈酒,来的轰轰烈烈,他的爱带着目的,带着仇恨,让她慌恐。他说“颜颜我不小心爱上你了怎么办?我一定要得到你,就算背负世界的悖论我也要爱! 他,柯剑凯不配拥有你!”而他,在失去她一次后还能在挽回她吗?雷诺拖着疲倦的身躯问:“颜颜,失去你我还能再拥你入怀吗啊?为什么你要这么狠心的把我从你的生活里除去?我爱你,我还爱你,我会一直爱着你。”谁才是她的归属? 要怎么选择?亲们请相信莫莫本文一定精彩,包括校园生活,社会,还有黑道的刺激,后面还有些是带点虐的,但是虐的是精神而已嘿嘿,请大家多多支持我!