

The crack packets were never able to reel off more than twelve or fourteen knots under the most favorable conditions, but they were kept going night and day, and some of them maintained their schedules almost with the regularity of the early steamers.The Montezuma, the Patrick Henry, and the Southampton crossed from New York to Liverpool in fifteen days, and for years the Independence held the record of fourteen days and six hours.It remained for the Dreadnought, Captain Samuel Samuels, in 1859, to set the mark for packet ships to Liverpool at thirteen days and eight hours.

Meanwhile the era of the matchless clipper had arrived and it was one of these ships which achieved the fastest Atlantic passage ever made by a vessel under sail.The James Baines was built for English owners to be used in the Australian trade.She was a full clipper of 2515 tons, twice the size of the ablest packets, and was praised as "the most perfect sailing ship that ever entered the river Mersey." Bound out from Boston to Liverpool, she anchored after twelve days and six hours at sea.

There was no lucky chance in this extraordinary voyage, for this clipper was the work of the greatest American builder, Donald McKay, who at the same time designed the Lightning for the same owners.This clipper, sent across the Atlantic on her maiden trip, left in her foaming wake a twenty-four hour run which no steamer had even approached and which was not equaled by the fastest express steamers until twenty-five years later when the greyhound Arizona ran eighteen knots in one hour on her trial trip.This is a rather startling statement when one reflects that the Arizona of the Guion line seems to a generation still living a modern steamer and record-holder.It is even more impressive when coupled with the fact that, of the innumerable passenger steamers traversing the seas today, only a few are capable of a speed of more than eighteen knots.

This clipper Lightning did her 436 sea miles in one day, or eighteen and a half knots, better than twenty land miles an hour, and this is how the surpassing feat was entered in her log, or official journal: "March 1.Wind south.Strong gales; bore away for the North Channel, carrying away the foretopsail and lost jib; hove the log several times and found the ship going through the water at the rate of 18 to 18 1/2 knots; lee rail under water and rigging slack.Distance run in twenty-four hours, 436 miles."The passage was remarkably fast, thirteen days and nineteen and a half hours from Boston Light, but the spectacular feature was this day's work.It is a fitting memorial of the Yankee clipper, and, save only a cathedral, the loveliest, noblest fabric ever wrought by man's handiwork.

The clipper, however, was a stranger in the Atlantic and her chosen courses were elsewhere.The records made by the James Baines and the Lightning were no discredit to the stanch, unconquerable packet ships which, year in and year out, held their own with the steamer lines until just before the Civil War.

It was the boast of Captain Samuels that on her first voyage in 1853 the Dreadnought reached Sandy Hook as the Cunarder Canada, which had left Liverpool a day ahead of her, was passing in by Boston Light.Twice she carried the latest news to Europe, and many seasoned travelers preferred her to the mail steamers.

The masters and officers who handled these ships with such magnificent success were true-blue American seamen, inspired by the finest traditions, successors of the privateersmen of 1812.

The forecastles, however, were filled with English, Irish, and Scandinavians.American lads shunned these ships and, in fact, the ambitious youngster of the coastwise towns began to cease following the sea almost a century ago.It is sometimes forgotten that the period during which the best American manhood sought a maritime career lay between the Revolution and the War of 1812.

Thereafter the story became more and more one of American ships and less of American sailors, excepting on the quarter-deck.

In later years the Yankee crews were to be found in the ports where the old customs survived, the long trading voyage, the community of interest in cabin and forecastle, all friends and neighbors together, with opportunities for profit and advancement.Such an instance was that of the Salem ship George, built at Salem in 1814 and owned by the great merchant, Joseph Peabody.For twenty-two years she sailed in the East India trade, making twenty-one round voyages, with an astonishing regularity which would be creditable for a modern cargo tramp.Her sailors were native-born, seldom more than twenty-one years old, and most of them were studying navigation.Forty-five of them became shipmasters, twenty of them chief mates, and six second mates.

This reliable George was, in short, a nautical training-school of the best kind and any young seaman with the right stuff in him was sure of advancement.

Seven thousand sailors signed articles in the counting-room of Joseph Peabody and went to sea in his eighty ships which flew the house-flag in Calcutta, Canton, Sumatra, and the ports of Europe until 1844.These were mostly New England boys who followed in the footsteps of their fathers because deep-water voyages were still "adventures" and a career was possible under a system which was both congenial and paternal.Brutal treatment was the rare exception.Flogging still survived in the merchant service and was defended by captains otherwise humane, but a skipper, no matter how short-tempered, would be unlikely to abuse a youth whose parents might live on the same street with him and attend the same church.

The Atlantic packets brought a different order of things, which was to be continued through the clipper era.Yankee sailors showed no love for the cold and storms of the Western Ocean in these foaming packets which were remorselessly driven for speed.

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    “江湖”一词似乎永远是人们兴奋和无奈的话题,身处江湖的端木琎却心系着另外一片土地。因为她身份的特殊,她能够从小拥有这种感应:感应自己并非如今这个端木琎,感应自己属于另外一片土地。不过,在现实这片土地上,有让她难以割舍的友情。端木府的大小姐端木琎,这个地方所有人包括她自己,都知道她并非端木员外亲生,因此她的身份是一个谜,也没有人想去揭开这个谜,因为这一家人视她为己出。她从小到大的四个好朋友:钟离索逸,钟离府员外的独女,生性好斗,不喜诗书,本性善良;吕柔,外地逃难至此,家中无父无母,更无兄弟姐妹,性格沉稳,靠行医为生;韩风,文武双全,气宇轩昂,同样是韩府员外的独子;曾羽,曾府大少爷,不善诗书善武艺,足智多谋,性格放荡不羁。五人同年生,乃家中独子,从小认识到大,对彼此甚是了解。 五个人在江湖上也颇有名号,江湖人称:“冰简”,“冰”,乃冷酷之意,从不对外人有过分的亲近热情;“简”,形容其行事干净利落,不拖泥带水。“冰简”二字同样给人以冷傲之感。五人关系甚为密切,五家人来往也很亲善,比亲兄弟姐妹有过之而不及。由于五人行事作风不拘一格,好打抱不平,因此招来邪门歪派的排挤,誓要除之而后快!在一场居心策划的阴谋追杀中,四个好朋友竟死于非命!痛断肝肠的端木琎誓要报仇雪耻!在报仇后便独自一人去寻找自己的真实身份,终于在另外一个世界找回了自己的能力和使命,孤独地在那个地方冷酷地生存了一段日子:杀妖!失去朋友和亲人的她在和自己的守护神相遇后,发现了自己原来是平妖国的灵月公主,但国家已毁,亲人已逝,这个毁灭的罪魁祸首就是她要斩除的最后恶魔,原来这才是她也是她的族人的最终使命:除魔。于是和守护神及一帮妖精开始了除魔之道。恶魔消失的同时,她为此付出的代价就是失去了所有至亲至爱的人,天下太平,她已无所求了,朋友和亲人的身影,应该是会永远伴随她左右的,在所有美好记忆的那片土地上,最后只留下她孤独却已不悲伤的身影独自守候着自己称为“异界”的那块净土。
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