

"My dear little friend," said Sir Norman, staring at him in displeased wonder, "don't laugh, if you can help it.You are unprepossessing enough at best, but when you laugh, you look like the very (a downward gesture) himself!"Unheeding this advice, the dwarf broke again into an unearthly cachinnation, that frightened the landlord nearly into fits, and seriously discomposed the nervous system even of Sir Norman himself.Then, grinning like a baboon, and still transfixing our puissant young knight with the same tiger-like and unpleasant glare, he nodded a farewell; and in this fashion, grinning, and nodding, and backing, he got to the door, and concluding the interesting performance with a third hoarse and hideous laugh, disappeared in the darkness.

For fully ten minutes after he was gone, the young man kept his eyes blankly fixed on the door, with a vague impression that he was suffering from an attack of nightmare; for it seemed impossible that anything so preposterously ugly as that dwarf could exist out of one.A deep groan from the landlord, however, convinced him that it was no disagreeable midnight vision, but a brawny reality; and turning to that individual, he found him gasping, in the last degree of terror, behind the counter.

"Now, who in the name of all the demons oat of Hades may that ugly abortion be?" inquired Sir Norman.

"O Lord I be merciful! sir, it's Caliban; and the only wonder is, he did not leave you a bleeding corpse at his feet!""I should like to see him try it.Perhaps he would have found that is a game two can play at! Where does he come from and who is he!"The landlord leaned over the counter, and placed a very pale and startled face close to Sir Norman's.

"That's just what I wanted to tell you, sir, but I was afraid to speak before him.I think he lives up in that same old ruin you were inquiring about - at least, he is often seen hanging around there; but people are too much afraid of him to ask him any questions.Ah, sir, it's a strange place, that ruin, and there be strange stories afloat about it," said the man, with a portentious shake of the head.

"What are they?" inquired Sir Norman."I should particularly like to know.""Well, sir, for one thing, some folks say it is haunted, on account of the queer lights and noises abort it, sometimes; but, again, there be other folks, sir, that say the ghosts are alive, and that he" - nodding toward the door - "is a sort of ringleader among them.""And who are they that out up such cantrips in the old place, pray?""Lord only knows, sir.I'm sure I don't.I never go near it myself; but there are others who have, and some of them tell of the most beautiful lady, all in white, with long, black hair, who walks on the battlements moonlight nights.""A beautiful lady, all in white, with long, black hair! Why, that description applies to Leoline exactly."And Sir Norman gave a violent start, and arose to proceed to the place directly.

"Don't you go near it, sir!" said the host, warningly."Others have gone, as he told you, and never come back; for these be dreadful times, and men do as they please.Between the plague and their wickedness, the Lord only known what will become of us!""If I should return here for my horse in an hour or two, Isuppose I can get him?" sad Sir Norman, as he turned toward the door.

"It's likely you can, sir, if I'm not dead by that time," said the landlord, as he sank down again, groaning dismally, with his chin between his hands.

The night was now profoundly dark; but Sir Norman knew the road and ruin well, and, drawing his sword, walked resolutely on.The distance between it and the ruin was trifling, and in less than ten minutes it loomed up before him, a mass of deeper black in the blackness.No white vision floated on the broken battlements this night, as Sir Norman looked wistfully up at them; but neither was there any ungainly dwarf, with two-edged sword, guarding the ruined entrance; and Sir Norman passed unmolested in.He sought the spiral staircase which La Masque had spoken of, and, passing carefully from one ancient chamber to another, stumbling over piles of rubbish and stones as he went, he reached it at last.Descending gingerly its tortuous steepness, he found himself in the mouldering vaults, and, as he trod them, his ear was greeted by the sound of faint and far-off music.Proceeding farther, he heard distinctly, mingled with it, a murmur of voices and laughter, and, through the chinks in the broken flags, he perceived a few faint rays of light.Remembering the directions of La Masque, and feeling intensely curious, he cautiously knelt down, and examined the loose flagstones until he found one he could raise; he pushed it partly aside, and, lying flat on the stones, with his face to the aperture, Sir Norman beheld a most wonderful sight.

  • 佛说出家功德经


  • 至分水戍


  • 书院学规


  • 兰盆献供仪


  • 明宫史


  • 民风民俗知识(青少年文化修养提升手册)


  • 荣耀女王


  • 首席豪宠:娇妻会捉鬼


  • 重生之换我爱你


  • Tfboys之我不要的未来


  • 我的世界史蒂夫大冒险


  • 穿越成娃娃公主:粉嫩王妃


  • 那些年我们十七八岁


  • 王爷心绞痛


  • 巧克力记事

