

And instantly the chief of the scullions fell fast asleep, and the goose was burnt to a cinder.

When he awoke he was horrified, and gave orders to pluck another goose, to stuff it with chestnuts, and put it on the spit.

While it was browning at the fire, Tubby inquired for his goose a second time.The Master Cook himself mounted to the hall to make his excuses, and to beg his lord to have a little patience.

Tubby showed his patience by abusing his son.

`As if it wasn't enough,' he grumbled between his teeth, `that the boy should pick up a hag without a penny, but the goose must go and burn now.It isn't a wife he has brought me, it is Famine herself.'


While the Master Cook was upstairs, the golden bird came again to perch on the window-sill, and called in his clear voice to the head scullion, who was watching the spit:

`Good-morning, my fine Scullion!'

`Good-morning, lovely Golden Bird,' replied the Scullion, whom the Master Cook had forgotten in his excitement to warn.

`I pray Heaven,' went on the Canary, `that it will send you to sleep, and that the goose may burn, so that there may be none left for Titty.'

And the Scullion fell fast asleep, and when the Master Cook came back he found the goose as black as the chimney.

In a fury he woke the Scullion, who in order to save himself from blame told the whole story.

`That accursed bird,' said the Cook; `it will end by getting me sent away.Come, some of you, and hide yourselves, and if it comes again, catch it and wring its neck.'

He spitted a third goose, lit a huge fire, and seated himself by it.

The bird appeared a third time, and said: `Good-morning, my fine Cook.'

`Good-morning, lovely Golden Bird,' replied the Cook, as if nothing had happened, and at the moment that the Canary was beginning, `I pray Heaven that it may send,' a scullion who was hidden outside rushed out and shut the shutters.The bird flew into the kitchen.Then all the cooks and scullions sprang after it, knocking at it with their aprons.At length one of them caught it just at the very moment that Tubby entered the kitchen, waving his sceptre.

He had come to see for himself why the goose had never made its appearance.

The Scullion stopped at once, just as he was about to wring the Canary's neck.


`Will some one be kind enough to tell me the meaning of all this?'

cried the Lord of Avesnes.

`Your Excellency, it is the bird,' replied the Scullion, and he placed it in his hand.

`Nonsense! What a lovely bird!' said Tubby, and in stroking its head he touched a pin that was sticking between its feathers.He pulled it out, and lo! the Canary at once became a beautiful girl with a golden skin who jumped lightly to the ground.

`Gracious! what a pretty girl!' said Tubby.

`Father! it is she! it is Zizi!' exclaimed Desire, who entered at this moment.

And he took her in his arms, crying: `My darling Zizi, how happy I am to see you once more!'

`Well, and the other one?' asked Tubby.

The other one was stealing quietly to the door.

`Stop her! called Tubby.`We will judge her cause at once.'

And he seated himself solemnly on the oven, and condemned Titty to be burned alive.After which the lords and cooks formed themselves in lines, and Tubby betrothed Desire to Zizi.


The marriage took place a few days later.All the boys in the country side were there, armed with wooden swords, and decorated with epaulets made of gilt paper.

Zizi obtained Titty's pardon, and she was sent back to the brick-fields, followed and hooted at by all the boys.And this is why to-day the country boys always throw stones at a titmouse.

On the evening of the wedding-day all the larders, cellars, cupboards and tables of the people, whether rich or poor, were loaded as if by enchantment with bread, wine, beer, cakes and tarts, roast larks, and even geese, so that Tubby could not complain any more that his son had married Famine.

Since that time there has always been plenty to eat in that country, and since that time, too, you see in the midst of the fair-haired blue-eyed women of Flanders a few beautiful girls, whose eyes are black and whose skins are the colour of gold.They are the descendants of Zizi.[21]

[21] Charles Deulin, Contes du Roi Gambrinus.

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