

"Well, then, it is this: however minutely we explore the island, we shall find nothing."The next day Pencroft set to work.He did not mean to build a boat with boards and planking, but simply a flat-bottomed canoe, which would be well suited for navigating the Mercy--above all, for approaching its source, where the water would naturally be shallow.Pieces of bark, fastened one to the other, would form a light boat; and in case of natural obstacles, which would render a portage necessary, it would be easily carried.Pencroft intended to secure the pieces of bark by means of nails, to insure the canoe being water-tight.

It was first necessary to select the trees which would afford a strong and supple bark for the work.Now the last storm had brought down a number of large birch-trees, the bark of which would be perfectly suited for their purpose.Some of these trees lay on the ground, and they had only to be barked, which was the most difficult thing of all, owing to the imperfect tools which the settlers possessed.However, they overcame all difficulties.

While the sailor, seconded by the engineer, thus occupied himself without losing an hour, Gideon Spilett and Herbert were not idle.

They were made purveyors to the colony.The reporter could not but admire the boy, who had acquired great skill in handling the bow and spear.

Herbert also showed great courage and much of that presence of mind which may justly be called "the reasoning of bravery." These two companions of the chase, remembering Cyrus Harding's recommendations, did not go beyond a radius of two miles round Granite House; but the borders of the forest furnished a sufficient tribute of agoutis, capybaras, kangaroos, peccaries, etc.; and if the result from the traps was less than during the cold, still the warren yielded its accustomed quota, which might have fed all the colony in Lincoln Island.

Often during these excursions, Herbert talked with Gideon Spilett on the incident of the bullet, and the deductions which the engineer drew from it, and one day--it was the 26th of October--he said--"But, Mr.Spilett, do you not think it very extraordinary that, if any castaways have landed on the island, they have not yet shown themselves near Granite House?""Very astonishing if they are still here," replied the reporter, "but not astonishing at all if they are here no longer!""So you think that these people have already quitted the island?"returned Herbert.

"It is more than probable, my boy; for if their stay was prolonged, and above all, if they were still here, some accident would have at last betrayed their presence.""But if they were able to go away," observed the lad, "they could not have been castaways.""No, Herbert; or, at least, they were what might be called provisional castaways.It is very possible that a storm may have driven them to the island without destroying their vessel, and that, the storm over, they went away again.""I must acknowledge one thing," said Herbert, "it is that Captain Harding appears rather to fear than desire the presence of human beings on our island.""In short," responded the reporter, "there are only Malays who frequent these seas, and those fellows are ruffians which it is best to avoid.""It is not impossible, Mr.Spilett," said Herbert, "that some day or other we may find traces of their landing.""I do not say no, my boy.A deserted camp, the ashes of a fire, would put us on the track, and this is what we will look for in our next expedition."The day on which the hunters spoke thus, they were in a part of the forest near the Mercy, remarkable for its beautiful trees.There, among others, rose, to a height of nearly 200 feet above the ground, some of those superb coniferae, to which, in New Zealand, the natives give the name of Kauris.

"I have an idea, Mr.Spilett," said Herbert."If I were to climb to the top of one of these kauris, I could survey the country for an immense distance round.""The idea is good," replied the reporter; "but could you climb to the top of those giants?""I can at least try," replied Herbert.

The light and active boy then sprang on the first branches, the arrangement of which made the ascent of the kauri easy, and in a few minutes he arrived at the summit, which emerged from the immense plain of verdure.

From this elevated situation his gaze extended over all the southern portion of the island, from Claw Cape on the southeast, to Reptile End on the southwest.To the northwest rose Mount Franklin, which concealed a great part of the horizon.

But Herbert, from the height of his observatory, could examine all the yet unknown portion of the island, which might have given shelter to the strangers whose presence they suspected.

The lad looked attentively.There was nothing in sight on the sea, not a sail, neither on the horizon nor near the island.However, as the bank of trees hid the shore, it was possible that a vessel, especially if deprived of her masts, might lie close to the land and thus be invisible to Herbert.

Neither in the forests of the Far West was anything to be seen.The wood formed an impenetrable screen, measuring several square miles, without a break or an opening.It was impossible even to follow the course of the Mercy, or to ascertain in what part of the mountain it took its source.

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  • 权书


  • 周礼


  • 古今事通


  • 未来世界纪实——来自星星的我


  • 超时代变异


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  • 予温年,徐徐念之


  • 还你一窗明月


  • 逆天狂妃:七小姐,别拽!


  • 瞳中翼


  • 流年无名


  • 让学生勤劳俭朴的故事(让学生受益一生的故事)


  • 造物主宰

