

Farlow that they mustn't think of coming to the station; but they'll have told the concierge to look out for me.""You'll let me drive you there?"

She nodded again, and her eyes closed.It was very pleasant to Darrow that she made no effort to talk or to dissemble her sleepiness.He sat watching her till the upper lashes met and mingled with the lower, and their blent shadow lay on her cheek; then he stood up and drew the curtain over the lamp, drowning the compartment in a bluish twilight.

As he sank back into his seat he thought how differently Anna Summers--or even Anna Leath--would have behaved.She would not have talked too much; she would not have been either restless or embarrassed; but her adaptability, her appropriateness, would not have been nature but "tact." The oddness of the situation would have made sleep impossible, or, if weariness had overcome her for a moment, she would have waked with a start, wondering where she was, and how she had come there, and if her hair were tidy; and nothing short of hairpins and a glass would have restored her self-possession...

The reflection set him wondering whether the "sheltered"girl's bringing-up might not unfit her for all subsequent contact with life.How much nearer to it had Mrs.Leath been brought by marriage and motherhood, and the passage of fourteen years? What were all her reticences and evasions but the result of the deadening process of forming a "lady"?

The freshness he had marvelled at was like the unnatural whiteness of flowers forced in the dark.

As he looked back at their few days together he saw that their intercourse had been marked, on her part, by the same hesitations and reserves which had chilled their earlier intimacy.Once more they had had their hour together and she had wasted it.As in her girlhood, her eyes had made promises which her lips were afraid to keep.She was still afraid of life, of its ruthlessness, its danger and mystery.

She was still the petted little girl who cannot be left alone in the dark...His memory flew back to their youthful story, and long-forgotten details took shape before him.

How frail and faint the picture was! They seemed, he and she, like the ghostly lovers of the Grecian Urn, forever pursuing without ever clasping each other.To this day he did not quite know what had parted them: the break had been as fortuitous as the fluttering apart of two seed-vessels on a wave of summer air...

The very slightness, vagueness, of the memory gave it an added poignancy.He felt the mystic pang of the parent for a child which has just breathed and died.Why had it happened thus, when the least shifting of influences might have made it all so different? If she had been given to him then he would have put warmth in her veins and light in her eyes: would have made her a woman through and through.

Musing thus, he had the sense of waste that is the bitterest harvest of experience.A love like his might have given her the divine gift of self-renewal; and now he saw her fated to wane into old age repeating the same gestures, echoing the words she had always heard, and perhaps never guessing that, just outside her glazed and curtained consciousness, life rolled away, a vast blackness starred with lights, like the night landscape beyond the windows of the train.

The engine lowered its speed for the passage through a sleeping station.In the light of the platform lamp Darrow looked across at his companion.Her head had dropped toward one shoulder, and her lips were just far enough apart for the reflection of the upper one to deepen the colour of the other.The jolting of the train had again shaken loose the lock above her ear.It danced on her cheek like the flit of a brown wing over flowers, and Darrow felt an intense desire to lean forward and put it back behind her ear.


As their motor-cab, on the way from the Gare du Nord, turned into the central glitter of the Boulevard, Darrow had bent over to point out an incandescent threshold.


Above the doorway, an arch of flame flashed out the name of a great actress, whose closing performances in a play of unusual originality had been the theme of long articles in the Paris papers which Darrow had tossed into their compartment at Calais.

"That's what you must see before you're twenty-four hours older!"The girl followed his gesture eagerly.She was all awake and alive now, as if the heady rumours of the streets, with their long effervescences of light, had passed into her veins like wine.

"Cerdine? Is that where she acts?" She put her head out of the window, straining back for a glimpse of the sacred threshold.As they flew past it she sank into her seat with a satisfied sigh.

  • 败家特种兵


  • 《无赖公主》


  • 一起写我们的结局


    宋轻晚在五岁时被父母带去G市老家过暑假的时候认识了范如笙——一个因为是捡垃圾妇人儿子从小便被人排斥的小孩。轻晚不知道自己是为何盯上范如笙的,是因为他被别的小孩欺负时倔强的眼神,还是在她好心想要扶起他时,他盯着她的小手时冷漠的眼神,或者是他对自己妹妹撒娇时露出温柔的眼神?反正那个时候她就喜欢追着他跑,即便是他一句话都没跟她说过。暑假过后,轻晚便被父母带回城,离开的时候范如笙连她的名字都没有问过。回到G市,轻晚依旧是父母手心宠爱的宝,却在五岁那年的暑假,心上刻了一个那个小小的不在意她的他。 再相见心心相依,为他,她甘之如饴。原来,每个人都在变,只有她还在抱着回忆入眠,忘记了收回别人不要的心。
  • 透视高手


  • 神力选中的人


  • 御神学院


  • 逆天废材九小姐


  • 娱乐圈女神


  • 查理九世之鬼影森林


  • 倾世雨乱

