

"Then," I retorted, "you're very ungrateful.The tattle of a pack of old women has this importance, that she suspects, or she knows, it exists, and that decent girls are for the most part very sensitive to that sort of thing.To be prepared not to heed it in this case she must have a reason, and the reason must be the one I've taken the liberty to call your attention to.""In love with me in six days, just like that?"--and he still looked away through narrowed eyelids.

"There's no accounting for tastes, and six days at sea are equivalent to sixty on land.I don't want to make you too proud.Of course if you recognise your responsibility it's all right and I've nothing to say.""I don't see what you mean," he presently returned.

"Surely you ought to have thought of that by this time.She's engaged to be married, and the gentleman she's engaged to is to meet her at Liverpool.The whole ship knows it--though _I_ didn't tell them!--and the whole ship's watching her.It's impertinent if you like, just as I am myself, but we make a little world here together and we can't blink its conditions.What I ask you is whether you're prepared to allow her to give up the gentleman I've just mentioned for your sake."Jasper spoke in a moment as if he didn't understand."For my sake?""To marry her if she breaks with him."

He turned his eyes from the horizon to my own, and I found a strange expression in them."Has Miss Mavis commissioned you to go into that?""Not in the least."

"Well then, I don't quite see--!"

"It isn't as from another I make it.Let it come from yourself--TOyourself."

"Lord, you must think I lead myself a life!" he cried as in compassion for my simplicity."That's a question the young lady may put to me any moment it pleases her.""Let me then express the hope that she will.But what will you answer?""My dear sir, it seems to me that in spite of all the titles you've enumerated you've no reason to expect I'll tell you." He turned away, and I dedicated in perfect sincerity a deep sore sigh to the thought of our young woman.At this, under the impression of it, he faced me again and, looking at me from head to foot, demanded: "What is it you want me to do?""I put it to your mother that you ought to go to bed.""You had better do that yourself!" he replied.

This time he walked off, and I reflected rather dolefully that the only clear result of my undertaking would probably have been to make it vivid to him that she was in love with him.Mrs.Nettlepoint came up as she had announced, but the day was half over: it was nearly three o'clock.She was accompanied by her son, who established her on deck, arranged her chair and her shawls, saw she was protected from sun and wind, and for an hour was very properly attentive.

While this went on Grace Mavis was not visible, nor did she reappear during the whole afternoon.I hadn't observed that she had as yet been absent from the deck for so long a period.Jasper left his mother, but came back at intervals to see how she got on, and when she asked where Miss Mavis might be answered that he hadn't the least idea.I sat with my friend at her particular request: she told me she knew that if I didn't Mrs.Peck and Mrs.Gotch would make their approach, so that I must act as a watch-dog.She was flurried and fatigued with her migration, and I think that Grace Mavis's choosing this occasion for retirement suggested to her a little that she had been made a fool of.She remarked that the girl's not being there showed her for the barbarian she only could be, and that she herself was really very good so to have put herself out; her charge was a mere bore: that was the end of it.I could see that my companion's advent quickened the speculative activity of the other ladies they watched her from the opposite side of the deck, keeping their eyes fixed on her very much as the man at the wheel kept his on the course of the ship.Mrs.Peck plainly had designs, and it was from this danger that Mrs.Nettlepoint averted her face.

"It's just as we said," she remarked to me as we sat there."It's like the buckets in the well.When I come up everything else goes down.""No, not at all everything else--since Jasper remains here.""Remains? I don't see him."

"He comes and goes--it's the same thing.""He goes more than he comes.But n'en parlons plus; I haven't gained anything.I don't admire the sea at all--what is it but a magnified water-tank? I shan't come up again.""I've an idea she'll stay in her cabin now," I said."She tells me she has one to herself." Mrs.Nettlepoint replied that she might do as she liked, and I repeated to her the little conversation I had had with Jasper.

She listened with interest, but "Marry her? Mercy!" she exclaimed.

"I like the fine freedom with which you give my son away.""You wouldn't accept that?"

"Why in the world should I?"

"Then I don't understand your position."

"Good heavens, I HAVE none! It isn't a position to be tired of the whole thing.""You wouldn't accept it even in the case I put to him--that of her believing she had been encouraged to throw over poor Porterfield?""Not even--not even.Who can know what she believes?"It brought me back to where we had started from."Then you do exactly what I said you would--you show me a fine example of maternal immorality.""Maternal fiddlesticks! It was she who began it.""Then why did you come up today?" I asked.

"To keep you quiet."

Mrs.Nettlepoint's dinner was served on deck, but I went into the saloon.Jasper was there, but not Grace Mavis, as I had half-expected.I sought to learn from him what had become of her, if she were ill--he must have thought I had an odious pertinacity--and he replied that he knew nothing whatever about her.Mrs.Peck talked to me--or tried to--of Mrs.Nettlepoint, expatiating on the great interest it had been to see her; only it was a pity she didn't seem more sociable.To this I made answer that she was to be excused on the score of health.

"You don't mean to say she's sick on this pond?""No, she's unwell in another way."

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